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Knjiga raziskuje pojav kolišč z inovativnega vidika: upošteva in poskuša rekonstruirati procese nastajanja in razgradnje, ki potekajo in sodelujejo pri ustvarjanju arheološkega zapisa, ki ga ne odkrijemo po tisočletjih, pri čemer se osredotoča predvsem na evropske študije primerov. Drugi del knjige je usmerjen v raziskovanje pojava koliščarskih naselbin na Ljubljanskem barju, pri čemer so na novo začrtani glavni koraki raziskave, odkritja in morebitna nova osvetlitev nekaterih še vedno odprtih vprašanj.
Wetland Archaeology and Beyond offers an appreciative study of the people, and their artefacts, who occupied a large variety of worldwide wetland archaeological sites. The volume also includes a comprehensive explanation of the processes involved in archaeological practice and theory.
A survey of the history and current state of research on lake-dwelling in Europe. Timed to mark the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the study of prehistoric lake-dwellers.
"This is a history of a space - a space between the Panonian plain in the East and the most northernmost bay in the Adriatic in the West, from the eastern Alps in the North and the Dinaridic mountain area in the South. It is also a history of all the different people who lived in this area. The authors show that the Slavs did not settle an empty space and simply replace the Celto-Roman inhabitants of earlier times; they are, on the contrary, presented as the result of reciprocal acculturation. The authors show that the Slovenes made more than two important appearances throughout the entire feudal era; the same holds for later periods, especially for the twentieth century. This book offers a concise and complete history of an area that finally became an integral part of Central Europe and the Balkans."--Pub. desc.
This book considers the early copper and copper-alloy metallurgy of the entire Circum- Alpine region. It introduces a new approach to the interpretation of chemical composition data sets, which has been applied to a comprehensive regional database for the first time.
V knjigi so predstavljeni rezultati multidisciplinarnih raziskav na koliščarskih naselbinah Stare gmajne, Veliki Otavnik Ib in Blatna Brezovica. Posebna poglavja so posvečena sedimentološkim in dendrokronološkim raziskavam, arheološkim najdbam, med katerimi izstopajo leseno kolo z osjo in ostanki preje, in analizam surovin za glajena kamnita orodja in žrmlje.
In the collected papers the results of the research on hilltop settlement Spaha above Brezovica pri Predgradu are introduced. The site was excavated by Greta Hirschbäck-Merhar during the years 1979 and 1984. Spaha was settled in the period of Sava group, Lasinja culture, horizon of pottery with furrowed incisions, and probably also in the period of Urnfield culture. In the 16th century on the top of Spaha a watchtower was erected, from which the local community was being informed about the arrivals of plundering hordes of Turks. The reasons for the settling the top of the hill are searched in the appearance of first copper ore prospectors in this part of Europe and in the vicinity of deposits of raw material used for querns which were most probably used by agriculture communities of nearby Bela krajina. In the monograph are presented the relative and absolute chronologies of the Neolithic and earlier Eneolithic period of continental Slovenia.