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A unique and comprehensive introduction to contemporary development issues in East and Southern Africa, and represents a significant departure from the often descriptive approach adopted by existing regional and development texts on African regions. Each contribution is carefully chosen to highlight the theoretical basis to development issues, and the practical problems of implementing development plans, in this vital subregion. Overall this produces comprehensive and balanced coverage of historical, economic, political and social issues. The twin issues of globalisation and modernisation give the book a clear focus.
"A study prepared for the World Institute for Development Economics Research of the United Nations University (UNU-WIDER)"
In Africa, as in many parts of the world, adolescent reproductive health is a controversial issue for policy makers and programme planners. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to HIV and AIDS and to a host of other problems such as sexually transmitted infection, unwanted pregnancy, unsafe abortions, sexual abuse, female genital mutilation and unsafe circumcision. Yet many countries do not have adolescent health policies in place and much remains to be done to ensure that adolescents can access appropriate sexual and reproductive health services. The authors of this volume present new perspectives and strategies to promote adolescent sexual and reproductive health. In particular, they make a unique attempt to bring together social and biomedical science and to disseminate concrete empirical evidence from existing programmes, carefully analysing what works and what does not at the local level.
There are fewer grounds today than in the past to deplore a North‑South divide in research and innovation. This is one of the key findings of the UNESCO Science Report: towards 2030. A large number of countries are now incorporating science, technology and innovation in their national development agenda, in order to make their economies less reliant on raw materials and more rooted in knowledge. Most research and development (R&D) is taking place in high-income countries, but innovation of some kind is now occurring across the full spectrum of income levels according to the first survey of manufacturing companies in 65 countries conducted by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics and summarized in this report. For many lower-income countries, sustainable development has become an integral part of their national development plans for the next 10–20 years. Among higher-income countries, a firm commitment to sustainable development is often coupled with the desire to maintain competitiveness in global markets that are increasingly leaning towards ‘green’ technologies. The quest for clean energy and greater energy efficiency now figures among the research priorities of numerous countries. Written by more than 50 experts who are each covering the country or region from which they hail, the UNESCO Science Report: towards 2030 provides more country-level information than ever before. The trends and developments in science, technology and innovation policy and governance between 2009 and mid-2015 described here provide essential baseline information on the concerns and priorities of countries that could orient the implementation and drive the assessment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the years to come.
In this paper we present analysis on the recent historical trend in agriculture in the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) region, along with analysis of recent historical trends in temperature and precipitation. We also present 5 climate models and describe the possible future climates associated with these. We use these climate models with crop models -- for seven crops -- and bioeconomic models to further assess the impact on agricultural productivity throughout the region and how the agricultural sector will transform through 2050. While we evaluate seven crops in detail, we note the key role that maize plays for the region, and we assess -- considering the regional and global impact of climate change -- how the role of maize will change over time and whether the change will be rapid enough to shift regional agriculture into a more vibrant sector. We find that while the relative importance of maize to farmers in the region will decline, out to 2050 maize will remain the dominant crop. Additional policies and investments will need to be implemented if the goal is to hasten the transition to higher value or more nutritious crops.
Trends in smallholder livestock enterprises; The impact of the introduction of exotic cattle in East and southern Africa; Intensive animal feeding practices for optimum feed utilisation; Importance of strong research-extension linkages in increasing livestock production in sub-Saharan Africa; Research on smallholder dairy research programmes in subhumid areas; Dairy/beef production systems research programme in Malawi; Research on smallholder dairy production in coastal lowland Kenya; Smallholder dairy on-farm research in Burundi; Smallholder dairy in Ethiopia; Dual-purpose goat research in western Kenya; Contribution of crossbred goats to milk production and social welfare in Burundi; Dairy goat research and extension at Sokoine University of Agriculture (lowlands) and Mgeta (hithlands) areas of Tanzania; Dual-purpose cattle in central Tanzania; Peri-urban small-scale dairy research programme in Botswana; Research on small ruminant production systems in Zimbabwe; Disease control approaches; Economic implications of the control of East Coast fever in eastern, central and southern Africa; Immunisation of cattle against East Coast fever: experiences in Zanzibar; Sustainable control methods for ticks and tick-borne diseases in Africa; New vaccine strategies against heartwater; Economics of trypanosomiasis control: research implications; Development of smallholder dairying; Smallholder dairy production in Zambia; Smallholder dairy development in Malawi; Kenya National Dairy development project; Dairy development programme in Tanga, Tanzania; Smallholder dairy development programme in resettled and communal areas in Zimbabwe; Development of smallholder dairying in Zanzibar; Marketing options for livestock products: a total systems cum-managerial perspective; Other production systems; Group ranch concept and practice in Kenya with special emphasis on Kajiado District; Introduction of dairy cattle production systems in soil conservation areas; Wool and mohair production in Lesotho; Synthesis of constraints to livestock research and development and recommendations.
This volume presents case studies of news media employing and integrating social media into their news production practices. It links social media use to journalistic practices and news production processes in the digital age of the Global South. Critically, the chapters look at seminal cases of start-up news media whose content is informed by trends in social media, ethical considerations and participatory cultures spurred by the wide use of social media. There has been considerable research looking at the potential of new media technologies, traditional journalism and citizen reporting. The extent to which these new media technologies and ‘citizen journalism’ have morphed or reconfigured traditional journalism practice remains debatable. Currently, there are questions around the limits of social media in journalism practice as the ethical lines continue to become blurred. It is this conundrum of the role of social media in the reconfiguration of the media, news making, production and participatory cultures that requires more investigation. Social media has also turned the logic of the political economy of media production on its head as citizens can now produce, package and distribute news and information with shoestring budgets and in authoritarian regimes with no license of practice. This new political economy means the power that special interest groups used to enjoy is increasingly slipping from their hands as citizens take back the power to appropriate social media journalism to counter hegemonic narratives. Citizens can also perform journalistic roles of investigating and whistleblowing but with a lack off, or limited, regulation. This volume seeks to explore and untangle these issues, and provides an invaluable resource for researchers across the field of journalism, mass media, and communication studies.