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Fluid distribution during spaceflight and impact on brain and vision health is an emerging field of high-priority research in the NASA human space program. International Space Station astronauts have developed ocular refraction changes during prolonged spaceflight. Within this book, experts review current data related to fluid shifts during microgravity exposure and the impact of fluid shifts on astronaut health. This work also compares current astronaut health problems with Earth-based health conditions such as elevated intracranial pressure and glaucoma. Chapters include discussion of altered fluid distribution, including intracellular and extracellular fluid shifts, eye morphology and vision disturbances, and intraocular pressure. In addition, chapters will include a discussion of advanced non-invasive technologies to investigate the abovementioned fluid volume and pressure variables. As such, the book aims to bridge health professionals, researchers, and science professionals by a presentation of ophthalmology topics critical to future human space exploration, thus providing new perspectives to solve emerging brain and eye disease on Earth and in Space.
Recent missions on board the International Space Station have revealed previously unreported physiological consequences of long duration space flight, particularly in eyesight, and in this Brief Dr. Seedhouse reviews the existing theories on what causes this degeneration and how long it will last. Notably, 60% of long-duration crews have reported subjective degradation in vision, a clear indication that further study is necessary before astronauts embark on even longer-term space missions. Decreased near-visual acuity was reported in 46% of ISS/Mir crewmembers, resulting in a change of up to 2 dioptres in their refractive correction. It is possible that ophthalmic changes have been present since the first days of spaceflight, but had been attributed to other causes; this approach to the issue as well as other hypotheses are all presented in full to give a broad foundation of the existing knowledge on the topic. The changes have occurred at various times during a mission with varying degrees of visual degradation. Some cases resolved on return to Earth, but several crewmembers have not regained pre-flight visual acuity, indicating the damage may be permanent. One explanation of the syndrome has been attributed to hyperopic shift due to aging, but onboard analysis techniques, including visual acuity assessments, retinal imagery, and ultrasound examination of the eye, has led to the acceptance of a wider syndrome. In addition to vision changes, studies have reported flattening of the globe, swelling of the optic disc (papilledema), choroidal folds in the retina, swelling of the optic nerve sheath, and visual field defects. It is widely hypothesized that this spectrum of symptoms may be explained by an elevation of intracranial pressure (ICP). Establishing the provenance of this medical problem, monitoring its occurrence and resolving the symptoms for future long term space missions is a key challenge for space medicine. With this book, readers have an entry point for understanding the full scope of the problem and its possible origins.
Prolonged microgravity exposure during long-duration spaceflight (LDSF) produces unusual physiologic and pathologic neuro-ophthalmic findings in astronauts. These microgravity-associated findings collectively define the Spaceflight Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome (SANS). In this book, the editors compare and contrast prior published work on SANS by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Space Medicine Operations Division with retrospective and prospective studies from other research groups. The book describes the possible mechanisms and potential etiologies for SANS, and provides an update and review on the clinical manifestations of SANS including: unilateral and bilateral optic disc edema, globe flattening, choroidal and retinal folds, hyperopic refractive error shifts, and focal areas of ischemic retina (i.e., cotton wool spots). The ocular imaging findings (e.g., retinal nerve fiber layer, optic disc, and choroidal changes on optical coherence tomography) of SANS is also described, including the intraorbital and intracranial findings on orbital ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. The knowledge gaps for in-flight and terrestrial human research including potential countermeasures for future stud is also explored, including reports on the in-flight and terrestrial human and animal research being investigated by NASA and its partners to study SANS both prospectively and longitudinally and in preparation for future long duration manned missions to space including the moon, the asteroid belt, or Mars. We think this is a unique topic and hope that NASA and its research partners continue to study SANS in preparation for future longer duration manned space missions. Written in an easy-to-read manner, the book adopts a translational approach and explores the science and the clinical manifestations of Space flight associated neuro-ocular syndrome. It is also multi-disciplinary and suitable for both clinicians and researchers in ophthalmology, neurology, and aerospace medicine interested in SANS SANS is a unique space flight disorder that has no terrestrial equivalent. The book involves contributions from international experts across multiple disciplines to tackle the problem of SANS Summarizes and reviews the current findings of SANS, including possible mechanisms and potential etiologies, clinical manifestations, current reports on the in-flight and terrestrial human and animal research, and ocular imaging findings
Contents: Vision in space travel--Criteria for laboratory experiments useful in field situations; Visual fitness for space travel; The effect of flash distribution and illuminance-level upon the detection of low intensity light stimuli; Langley Research Center simulators and studies related to space rendezvous and docking; Some Langley Research Center plans in the area of visual displays for lunar mission simulation; Visual masking using different test-stimulus patterns; Sextant sighting performance in the Ames midcourse navigation and guidance simulator; Comments on Major Gordon Cooper's observations from orbit; Gemini in-flight visual-acuity experiment. Flash blindness--Operational significance of the flash blindness problem; The nature of radiation from nuclear weapons in relation to flash blindness; Experimental investigations of the flash blindness problem; Methods of preventing flash blindness; Air Force efforts in the field of flash blindness; A flash blindness indoctrination and training device. Vision problems in low-altitude, high-speed flight--Geographic orientation during low-altitude flight; Dynamic visual detection recognition; Operational problems associated with low-altitude flight; Some operational aspects of visual problems in low-flying, high-speed aircraft.
The great role of the visual apparatus in carryoing out human functions during space flight determines the signi ficance given by physiologists and engineers to the questions of the state of the visual analyzer during space flight under the influence of various types of adverse factors. Soviet scientists and engineers, specialists in engineering psychology and ophthalmologists have carried out experimental studies, using for this purpose the Vostok and Voskhod launches. The design of these ships permits observing the earth's surface with the unaided eye. Objectives of the experiments were: - a check of the spectral sensitivity of the eyes under conditions of weightlessness; - a check of the visual acuity of cosmonauts both as the vehicle approaches orbit and under conditions of orbital flight; -a determination of the possibility of identifying various natural formations on the earth; - a determination of optimum illuminating conditions inside the ship's cabin.
In January 2004, President Bush announced a new space policy directed at human and robotic exploration of space. The National Academies released a report at the same time that independently addressed many of the issues contained in the new policy. In June, the President's Commission on Implementation of United States Space Exploration Policy issued a report recommending that NASA ask the National Research Council (NRC) to reevaluate space science priorities to take advantage of the exploration vision. Congress also directed the NRC to conduct a thorough review of the science NASA is proposing to undertake within the initiative. This report provides an initial response to those requests. It presents guiding principles for selecting science missions that enhance and support the exploration program. The report also presents findings and recommendations to help guide NASA's space exploration strategic planning activity. Separate NRC reviews will be carried out of strategic roadmaps that NASA is developing to implement the policy.
The survey is intended to provide an overview of the status of our knowledge of man's probable capabilities and limitations in the performance of visual tasks in operations now foreseen as part of the space program. All phases of space travel are considered, from initial launch through various inflight tasks, lunar and planetary exploration, relaaunch from an extraterrestrial body, and eventual return to earth. Where alternative procedures are known to be possiible, as in sspacecraft recovery, for example, the optional procedures are considered. The particular qualities of the astronaut's subenvironment during various space operations may be of cardinal importance to his visual performance; in those instances where the environmental factors are known or may be reasonably predicted specific research has been adduced.
Safe Passage: Astronaut Care for Exploration Missions sets forth a vision for space medicine as it applies to deep space voyage. As space missions increase in duration from months to years and extend well beyond Earth's orbit, so will the attendant risks of working in these extreme and isolated environmental conditions. Hazards to astronaut health range from greater radiation exposure and loss of bone and muscle density to intensified psychological stress from living with others in a confined space. Going beyond the body of biomedical research, the report examines existing space medicine clinical and behavioral research and health care data and the policies attendant to them. It describes why not enough is known today about the dangers of prolonged travel to enable humans to venture into deep space in a safe and sane manner. The report makes a number of recommendations concerning NASA's structure for clinical and behavioral research, on the need for a comprehensive astronaut health care system and on an approach to communicating health and safety risks to astronauts, their families, and the public.