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The purpose of this paper is to review the ongoing research at SLAC toward the design of a next-generation linear collider (NLC). The energy of the collider is taken to be 0.5 TeV in the CM with a view toward upgrading to 1.0 or 1.5 TeV. The luminosity is in the range of 1033 to 1034 cm−2 sec−1. The energy is achieved by acceleration with a gradient of about a factor of five higher than SLC, which yields a linear collider approximately twice as long as SLC. The detailed trade-off between length and acceleration should be based on total cost and upgrade possibilities. A very broad cost optimum occurs when the total linear costs equal the total cost of RF power. The luminosity of the linear collider is obtained basically in two ways. First, the cross-sectional area of the beam at the interaction point is decreased primarily by decreasing the vertical size. This creates a flat beam and is useful for controlling beamstrahlung. Secondly, several bunches ((approximately)10) are accelerated on each RF fill in order to more efficiently extract energy from the RF structure. This effectively increases the repetition rate by an order of magnitude. 37 refs., 2 figs.
The purpose of this paper is to review the ongoing research at SLAC toward a next-generation linear collider (NLC). The energy of the collider is taken to be 0.5 TeV in the CM with view towards upgrading to 1.0 TeV. The luminosity is in the range of 1033 to 1034 cm−2 sec −1. The energy is achieved by acceleration with a gradient of about a factor of five higher than SLC, which yields a linear collider approximately twice as long as SLC. The detailed trade-off between length and acceleration will be based on total cost. A very broad optimum occurs when the total linear costs equal the total cost of RF power. 36 refs., 3 figs., 3 tabs.
The study of electron-positron (ee/sup -/) annihilation in storage ring colliders has been very fruitful. It is by now well understood that the optimized cost and size of ee/sup /minus// storage rings scales as E(sub cm/2 due to the need to replace energy lost to synchrotron radiation in the ring bending magnets. Linear colliders, using the beams from linear accelerators, evade this scaling law. The study of e/sup +/e/sup /minus// collisions at TeV energy will require linear colliders. The luminosity requirements for a TeV linear collider are set by the physics. Advanced accelerator research and development at SLAC is focused toward a TeV Linear Collider (TLC) of 0.5--1 TeV in the center of mass, with a luminosity of 1033−−1°sup 34/. The goal is a design for two linacs of less than 3 km each, and requiring less than 100 MW of power each. With a 1 km final focus, the TLC could be fit on Stanford University land (although not entirely within the present SLAC site). The emphasis is on technologies feasible for a proposal to be framed in 1992. Linear collider development work is progressing on three fronts: delivering electrical energy to a beam, delivering a focused high quality beam, and system optimization. Sources of high peak microwave radio frequency (RF) power to drive the high gradient linacs are being developed in collaboration with Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Beam generation, beam dynamics and final focus work has been done at SLAC and in collaboration with KEK. Both the accelerator physics and the utilization of TeV linear colliders were topics at the 1988 Snowmass Summer Study. 14 refs., 4 figs., 1 tab.
At CERN, KEK, Novosibirsk and SLAC, serious thought is being given to the design of linear colliders in the 0.5--2.0 TeV center-of-mass energy range. This paper reviews current progress at SLAC toward the design of such a collider. No attempt is made here to summarize ongoing work at the other laboratories. However, research on linear colliders is clearly an international effort, and success at SLAC will be greatly expedited by communication and cooperation with other laboratories in the US and abroad. In addition to major programs at the laboratories mentioned above, contributions relevant to linear collider design are being made at DESY, LAL (Orsay), LBL, LLNL and elsewhere. 49 refs., 6 tabs.
This paper discusses current thinking at SLAC concerning the design of a newer collider that will have a luminosity on the order of 1033 cm−2 s−1 and a beamstrahlung energy loss on the order of .3. 13 refs., 1 fig., 1 tab. (LSP).
The SLAC Linear Collider (SLC) was constructed in the years 1983--1987 for two principal reasons: to develop the accelerator physics and technology that are necessary for the construction of future linear electron-positron colliders; and to produce electron-positron collisions at the Z° pole and to study the physics of the weak neutral current. To date, the SLC program has been quite successful at achieving the first goal. The machine has produced and collided high energy electron and positron beams of three-micron transverse size. The problems of operating an open geometry detector in an environment that is more akin to those found in fixed-target experiments than in storage rings have largely been solved. As a physics producing venture, the SLC has been less successful than was originally hoped but more successful than is commonly believed. Some of the results that have been produced by the Mark II experiment with a very modest data sample are competitive with those that have been produced with much larger samples by the four LEP collaborations. At the current, time, SLAC is engaged in an ambitious program to upgrade the SLC luminosity and to exploit one of its unique features, a spin polarized electron beam. These lectures are therefore organized into three sections: a brief description of the SLC; a review of the physics results that have been achieved with the Mark II detector; a description of the SLC's future: the realization and use of a polarized electron beam.