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This is a book about how a person can successfully change beliefs. In our world, in order to know where we belong, we must know what our beliefs are. Some of the beliefs came from the environment while others are created by people. A child's beliefs came from its surrounding such as parents, school and Medias. People who change beliefs are people who want to expand their horizon. But most of us are afraid to go beyond what we are capable of. How can we go out in our own comfort zone? Why we need to change our beliefs? Why a person failed to change his believe? How can we successfully change our beliefs? All the questions are answered here in this guide.
Change your life by reprogramming your brain for success. The purpose of this book is for you to get the tools necessary to rewire your brain for success. Super highly successful people are no smarter than you are, they are just "programmed" for success. Most successful people have lived in poverty and endure hardships during their childhood years. Yet, they succeeded by re-wiring their brains for success. Successful people are neurologically "wired" differently than you are. They have learned to use the neuroplasticity of their brains to replace their self-defeating thoughts and beliefs by empowering ones. Join me and learn how to "re-wire" your brain to access success in all aspects of your life easier and faster than ever before. You will acquire the knowledge necessary to speak your brain's language and reprogram it. You will set yourself free from lack, limitation and accepting less than you are truly capable of achieving and deserve. I want you to reach your full potential. And the best, fastest, most powerful undisputed way to do that is to change the way you think and to transform your limiting beliefs into positive assertive ones. This book proves scientifically that the law of attraction works. It explains why you attract what you focus on. It is a brain function that is in place for your well being that will help you produce the results you seek. . I will show you how you can easily change your negative self-defeating beliefs in order to drastically improve your level of success in every aspect of your life. Your beliefs impact directly what you think. Your thoughts create your habits. Your habits are the foundation of your success in life or your failures. Do you want to reprogram your brain and get rid of self-limiting beliefs once and for all? Do you want to use effective proven methods to stop procrastinating, self-sabotaging and get on to living your life to your full potential? Reprogramming your brain for success and riches only awaits your reading "Boost Your Brain power". Slavica Bogdanov is a published author of over fifteen books on self-development. She is a living proof that Anything is Possible. http: //
The Mind Is An Incredible Thing Your brain is capable of storing more information than a roomful of computers. It remembers the way things look, smell, sound, feel, and taste. Unfortunately, the brain is also guilty of faulty programming. By the age of five, you've already received 50% of your emotional programming from the adults and events in your life. By your early teens, you've been programmed 75% or more. Even if you had the most stress-free and loving upbringing, is it wise to allow a small child or teenager to lead the way? Of course not. Those lessons have gone deep into your subconscious though and, try as you might, it's hard to make changes. You want to change, you need to change, you know you can…but how? Once you follow the steps in this book and create some new habits you're going to see how incredibly easy it is to finally succeed in life. Whether you want to attract love, be more confident, find your ideal career, lose weight, or anything else you've yearned for and dreamed about for so very long, you can finally achieve it!
Would you like to be happier? Would you like to be making more money? Would you like to have better relationships? Would you like a better job? Do you want to start your own business? Do you want to feel more fulfilled? Most of us want all of the above and there's only ONE thing stopping us from having all these things and more... OUR BELIEFS Our personal beliefs either move us forward in life or hold us back. The older we get the more our beliefs hold us back. In this amazing book author, speaker and online trainer Steven Aitchison will guide you through the maze of your mind to show you just how much influence your beliefs have in your life. With the help of this book, you are going to go on a journey. On this journey, you are going to discover a lot about yourself. You're going to find out beliefs held by you that are not even your own; some of them are literally hundreds of years old. You are going to uncover seven beliefs that will quite literally change the course of your life forever, should you wish to install them. Another big discovery you are going to make is something called The Belief Ceiling and the Fiat Principle, which is your beliefs surrounding money. Changing this one belief could literally change how much income you bring into your life. You'll also discover two words that you and every human being on the planet uses that are responsible for EVERYTHING you have ever achieved and failed at in your life. Another huge discovery you'll make is the Deep Soul Feeling Method, which is a unique way to install new beliefs using a powerful mantra and an easy to follow process. If you take action, here is what you can expect to gain from this book: Bring more money into your life. More happiness in all areas of your life. Renewed energy and hope that you really can create a life carved out by you. A high feeling of self worth. The freedom that comes from finding your purpose. Take back control of your life. Know, for certain, that you are capable of anything. You will find your inner courage. More joy A drastic increase in confidence. A new understanding of relationships and how to create stronger, empowering relationships in your life. Never, ever, ever settle for second best again. A sense of fulfilment Increase your focus and concentration to get more things done. KNOW that you are enough.
Training your brain is the science of changing your negative belief system by reprogramming the subconscious mind in order to change your life’s circumstances for the better. Practicing affirmations of gratitude on a continuous basis, teaches us to count our blessing instead of complaining and constantly begging the Universe or God for material things and healing, that He has given us the power to manifest on our own with the power of or own minds, by reprogramming the subconscious to bring about our true birthright as children of the Most High Creator. What make this book stand out and different from other self-help books, is I have discovered the magic of Brainwave Entrainment and what real hypnosis is really all about, and the power of how to reprogram your subconscious mind to undo negative conscious beliefs that have influenced us for all the years we have lived. _TO UPDATE_
The Believing Brain is bestselling author Michael Shermer's comprehensive and provocative theory on how beliefs are born, formed, reinforced, challenged, changed, and extinguished. In this work synthesizing thirty years of research, psychologist, historian of science, and the world's best-known skeptic Michael Shermer upends the traditional thinking about how humans form beliefs about the world. Simply put, beliefs come first and explanations for beliefs follow. The brain, Shermer argues, is a belief engine. From sensory data flowing in through the senses, the brain naturally begins to look for and find patterns, and then infuses those patterns with meaning. Our brains connect the dots of our world into meaningful patterns that explain why things happen, and these patterns become beliefs. Once beliefs are formed the brain begins to look for and find confirmatory evidence in support of those beliefs, which accelerates the process of reinforcing them, and round and round the process goes in a positive-feedback loop of belief confirmation. Shermer outlines the numerous cognitive tools our brains engage to reinforce our beliefs as truths. Interlaced with his theory of belief, Shermer provides countless real-world examples of how this process operates, from politics, economics, and religion to conspiracy theories, the supernatural, and the paranormal. Ultimately, he demonstrates why science is the best tool ever devised to determine whether or not a belief matches reality.
Belief Mastery: Reprogram Your Mind for Success and Happiness Unlock the extraordinary power of your mind and transform your life with "Belief Mastery: Reprogram Your Mind for Success and Happiness." In this transformative guide, you'll discover the secrets to harnessing your inner potential, cultivating a growth mindset, and achieving the success and happiness you've always desired. Are you ready to break free from limiting beliefs and unlock your true potential? In "Belief Mastery," you'll learn how to: Identify and Overcome Limiting Beliefs: Uncover the hidden beliefs that are holding you back and replace them with empowering thoughts that propel you toward your goals. Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind: Utilize powerful techniques such as visualization, affirmations, and hypnosis to rewire your mind for success and happiness. Set and Achieve Goals Aligned with Your New Beliefs: Learn a step-by-step process for setting and achieving goals that resonate with your values and aspirations. Build Mental and Emotional Resilience: Develop the strength and resilience needed to navigate life's challenges and maintain positive beliefs. Cultivate Gratitude and Positive Self-Talk: Discover the transformative effects of gratitude and positive self-talk on your belief system and overall well-being. Create a Personalized Belief Mastery Plan: Craft a comprehensive plan tailored to your unique needs, complete with practical exercises, worksheets, and templates to track your progress. Why Choose "Belief Mastery"? Authored by Joseph Olufisayo, a renowned expert in personal development, this book combines scientific research, real-life stories of belief transformation, and actionable strategies to guide you on your journey to mastering your beliefs. Whether you're seeking personal growth, professional success, or a deeper sense of happiness, "Belief Mastery" provides the tools and insights you need to make lasting changes. Embark on your journey to success and happiness today. Don't let limiting beliefs dictate your future. Take control of your mind, embrace a new way of thinking, and unlock the limitless possibilities that await you. "Belief Mastery" is your essential guide to reprogramming your mind for the life you've always dreamed of.
Jawara D. King is back with another classic and has written "the greatest self-help book of all-time" with TRANSFORM YOUR WORLD THROUGH THE POWERS OF YOUR MIND, which is a classic and spiritual masterpiece leading the world into manifested mind power. This transformational life-changing manual full of life-changing principles will help you make the proper mental adjustments needed to experience the full manifestation of thought power. A trained and directed mind disciplined to think the right thoughts will help you manifest the life you want through the power and possibility of faith. Learn how to not limit yourself in your thinking and allow the energy of thought to create the circumstances you desire. The only limits are our beliefs, which make the possible impossible, while everything is possible, including the impossible, using mind over matter to overcome impossibilities. Through persistence, will, and daily commitment, you will be able to change or manifest anything within the realm of the possible through applied action. The beliefs you hold within are always repelling or attracting success, and your thoughts and spoken words will manifest. Building on the success of his first book WORLD TRANSFORMATION, Dr. Jawara D. King returns with a spectacular effort full of techniques that will make dramatic positive changes for you if practiced, and help you see and imagine yourself being what you affirm to be. A decision backed by action is the root of all change, along with a change in your thinking. You have to believe it before you see it. Images of what you want in your mind begin the creative process. You attract situations that match the images of your daily thoughts and what you mostly focus upon. Through mind power, your new life will reflect your new thoughts and habits.
When a career-ending injury left elite athlete and professional football player Lewis Howes out of work and living on his sister’s couch, he decided he needed to make a change for the better. He started by reaching out to people he admired, searching for mentors, and applying his past coaches’ advice from sports to life off the field. Lewis did more than bounce back: He built a multimillion-dollar online business and is now a sought-after business coach, speaker, and podcast host. In The School of Greatness, Howes shares the essential tips and habits he gathered in interviewing “the greats” on his wildly popular podcast of the same name. In discussion with people like Olympic gold medalist Shawn Johnson and Pencils of Promise CEO Adam Braun, Howes figured out that greatness is unearthed and cultivated from within. The masters of greatness are not successful because they got lucky or are innately more talented, but because they applied specific habits and tools to embrace and overcome adversity in their lives. A framework for personal development, The School of Greatness gives you the tools, knowledge, and actionable resources you need to reach your potential. Howes anchors each chapter with a specific lesson he culled from his greatness “professors” and his own experiences to teach you how to create a vision, develop hustle, and use dedication, mindfulness, joy, and love to reach goals. His lessons and practical exercises prove that anyone is capable of achieving success and that we can all strive for greatness in our everyday lives.