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Existing tools for long-term electric sector planning struggle to represent hydropower's nuanced site-specific technical and operating characteristics, which depend on technical specifications as well as water management practices and regulations. As a result, long-term planning models and tools insufficiently characterize hydropower value and incentives, and they cannot fully represent the role hydropower can play in a future electricity system that could include a high penetration of variable wind and solar generation, battery storage, and other low-carbon technologies. This presentation demonstrates the culmination of a multi-year effort to enhance hydropower representations in electricity planning models at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), as part of the U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE) HydroWIRES Initiative. New modeling techniques are demonstrated using the NREL Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS), an open-access electric sector capacity expansion model used extensively in a wide range of technology deployment and integration analysis, including the 2016 USDOE Hydropower Vision. ReEDS uses a least-cost optimization approach to understand investment and operation of electricity generation, storage, and transmission technologies under future scenarios of electricity technology innovation, demand, policy, and other sectoral drivers. ReEDS was modified to better represent value and opportunities for both pumped storage hydropower (PSH) and hydropower systems without pumping. We incorporated a new national closed-loop PSH resource and cost assessment to explore new PSH deployment opportunities and added plant-level data to better represent the existing PSH fleet. New upgrade pathways enable opportunities for enhanced hydropower flexibility by adding pumps, upgrading dispatchability, increasing capacity, or increasing energy availability. The model was also modified to better represent the value of long-duration energy storage beyond diurnal time scales, allowing both hydropower and PSH to better balance energy supply and demand variations in high-renewable systems. These new features are demonstrated under reference and high-renewable futures and a range of sensitivity scenarios to understand which hydropower and PSH deployment and upgrade opportunities are the most attractive. These scenarios indicate potential for new closed-loop PSH deployment and for hydropower flexibility improvements to have important impacts on long-term electricity system emissions and economic outcomes. Increasing flexibility of the existing hydropower fleet can reduce the need to invest in new flexible grid technologies and help achieve decarbonization goals. Systems with sufficient energy storage could also be valuable for balancing seasonal differences in renewable energy availability, particularly from solar energy. The methods developed for ReEDS and subsequent scenario results reveal important considerations for future hydropower and grid system planning, and all data and code is freely available in a public code repository for use throughout the hydropower industry.
Hydropower and pumped-storage hydropower (PSH) have played a key role in providing flexible, low-carbon electricity to the U.S. electricity system for over a century. As variable generation (VG) deployment increases the demand for flexible, dispatchable generation, it is important to use all available methods for understanding how hydropower and PSH interfaces with VG in a future low-carbon grid. Capacity expansion models (CEMs) of electricity systems are often used to study future electricity scenarios, but these tools often have difficulty representing site- and technology-details of hydropower and PSH due to limited spatial, temporal, or process resolution. This report demonstrates a set of model advancements to improve hydropower and PSH representations in CEMs and other models that consider hydropower and PSH's role in electricity systems. Model advancements include new data integration to define closed-loop PSH resource availability and cost, along with site-level parameterizations of existing PSH capacity and energy storage specifications. Shifting energy across seasons for both hydropower and PSH is explored to demonstrate the potential value of long-duration storage. New representations of hydropower upgrades offer opportunities to increase dispatchability, add pumps, or independently add capacity or energy depending on what is most valuable. New model structures and data are demonstrated individually and in combination to observe their impact on model results and provide initial insights into what is most important for analysts, electricity system planners, and hydropower decision-makers to consider when assessing future roles of hydropower. Improving flexibility of existing hydropower assets has the potential to reduce CO2 emissions through complementing VG technologies and/or improve electricity system economics by reducing the need to deploy higher-cost systems. Large-scale energy storage is also shown to provide opportunities for balancing seasonal differences in VG, particularly solar photovoltaics (PV). Initial analysis with a new closed-loop PSH resource and cost dataset also demonstrate the potential for new PSH deployment to offer new grid flexibility opportunities. Future analysis and modeling of hydropower's role in the U.S. and other electricity systems could include methodological improvements based on those discussed here along with sensitivity analysis to better represent current and future potential hydropower and PSH flexibility. Improvements to geospatial and site-level data can further improve the understanding of how hydropower and PSH can be upgraded and operated in response to future electricity system needs. This work lays the groundwork to use advanced planning models to explore the range of roles hydropower and PSH can play in the grid of the future.
Pumped storage hydropower (PSH) is a flexible energy storage technology with the potential to facilitate variable renewable energy integration into the decarbonized electric grid of the future. NREL is developing new data and tools to help understand opportunities for new PSH deployment, including nationwide resource assessment data, a bottom-up component-level cost model, and a lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions calculator. These datasets lay the foundation for better-informed grid planning decisions about how PSH fits into a future portfolio of generation, transmission, and storage assets.
Long-term grid planning tools have difficulty representing detailed hydropower operating characteristics, which depend not only on technological specifications but also on water management practices and regulations. As a result, the value of hydropower is incompletely characterized, and the potential role of hydropower in the performance and resiliency of the future electric grid is not fully understood. This work will fill that gap by developing new ways to represent hydropower resource, technology, and operational characteristics in electric sector capacity expansion models and implementing them in the open-source version of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS) model. ReEDS is a well-established national scale grid planning tool used since 2003 by the U.S. Department of Energy and others to explore the evolution of the U.S. electric sector. Improvements will include a comprehensive national resource assessment for pumped storage hydropower and methods for modeling multiple hydropower technology categories characterized by technical, regulatory, and economic characteristics. The project will provide guiding principles and strategies for improving hydropower modeling in capacity expansion models and deliver a first-of-its kind versatile PSH dataset. All data, code, and methods will be publicly available, allowing the industry to better identify the value of hydropower in the future electricity system and make more informed planning decisions.
Pumped Hydro Energy Storage for Hybrid Systems takes a practical approach to present characteristic features, planning and implementation aspects, and techno-economic issues of PHES. It discusses the importance of pumped hydro energy storage and its role in load balancing, peak load shaving, grid stability and hybrid energy systems deployment. The book analyses the architecture and process description of different kinds of PHES, both established and upcoming. Different case studies of pumped hydro energy storage are discussed as well as the advantages and disadvantages of different applications. An essential read for students, researchers and engineers interested in renewable energy, hydropower, and hybrid energy systems. Provides a comprehensive overview of pumped-hydro storage systems and other uses of hydropower in hybrid energy systems Offers a practical approach that includes case studies to present in-depth information on project development and techno-economic challenges, including design, costs, performance and limitations of hybrid pumped hydro systems Explores pathways for hydropower energy storage systems optimization for better electricity generation
As the deployment of wind and solar technologies increases at an unprecedented rate across the United States and in many world markets, the variability of power output from these technologies expands the need for increased power system flexibility. Energy storage can play an important role in the transition to a more flexible power system that can accommodate high penetrations of variable renewable technologies. This project focuses on how ternary pumped storage hydropower (T-PSH) coupled with dynamic transmission can help this transition by defining the system-wide benefits of deploying this technology in specific U.S. markets. T-PSH technology is the fastest responding pumped hydro technology equipment available today for grid services. T-PSH efficiencies are competitive with lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries, and T-PSH can provide increased storage capacity with minimal degradation during a 50-year lifetime. This project evaluates T-PSH for grid services ranging from fast frequency response (FFR) for power system contingency events and enhanced power system stability to longer time periods for power system flexibility to accommodate ramping from wind and solar variability and energy arbitrage. In summary, this project: Compares power grid services and costs, including ancillary services and essential reliability services, for T-PSH and conventional pumped storage hydropower (PSH) - Evaluates the dynamic response of T-PSH and PSH technologies and their contribution to essential reliability services for grid stability by developing new power system model representations for T-PSH and performing simulations in the Western Interconnection - Evaluates production costs, operational impacts, and energy storage revenue streams for future power system scenarios with T-PSH focusing on time frames of 5 minutes and more - Assesses the electricity market-transforming capabilities of T-PSH technology coupled with transmission monitoring and dynamic control. This paper presents an overview of the methodology and initial, first-year preliminary findings of a 2-year in-depth study into how advanced PSH and dynamic transmission contribute to the transformation and modernization of the U.S. electric grid. This project is part of the HydroNEXT Initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) that is focused on the development of innovative technologies to advance nonpowered dams and PSH. The project team consists of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (project lead), Absaroka Energy, LLC (Montana-based PSH project developer), GE Renewable Energy (PSH pump/turbine equipment supplier), Grid Dynamics, and Auburn University (lead for NREL/Auburn dynamic modeling team).
The State of Alaska has a rather unique electric power system, as it has two larger transmission grids (Railbelt and Southeast Alaska) and over 150 islanded stand-alone power systems that are serving remote rural communities. In 2010, the Alaska legislature enacted a non-binding goal for 50% of renewable electricity generation by 2025. With the expected increase in wind and solar generation in the future, the role of energy storage becomes increasingly important. Considering the specific power system characteristics in Alaska, energy storage technologies that can supply electricity over an extended period of time, such as pumped storage hydropower (PSH), may play a key role in enabling the reliability and resiliency of both integrated and rural power systems. The overarching objective of the subject study of this presentation is to investigate the prospects and opportunities for PSH in Alaska.
As renewable penetration increases in the United States, maintaining stability and reliability of low-inertia power grid by providing sufficient frequency control capability becomes a challenge. Advanced pumped storage hydro technologies (APSH) will be expected to play an important role for future grid as not only an energy supplier, but also as an ancillary services provider. This paper studies the impact of using quaternary pumped storage hydropower (Q-PSH), as one of the newly proposed APSH technology, to provide primary frequency response. To quantify the impact of Q-PSH on frequency response of the U.S. Western Interconnection, a user-defined dynamic model of Q-PSH is developed on the GE Positive Sequence Load Flow (PSLF) platform and is implemented in a set of detailed U.S. Western Electricity Coordination Council (WECC) planning cases in which renewable penetration levels are 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%. Simulation results show that Q-PSH can help improve frequency nadir and settling frequency comparing to the conventional PSH.