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TI has once again shown its ability to combine research and policy analysis not just to shine a light on the deeply embedded problems of corruption ... but to propose progressive solutions. Former World Bank President James Wolfensohn on the Global Corruption ReportIn the health sector, corruption is a matter of life or death. It can take many forms: from medical professionals who sell medicines or services that should be freely available, to high-level government officials who embezzle money from health budgets, to pharmaceutical companies that buy influence over research agendas. The impact of corruption is always felt by the end user -- the sick person who is forced to pay over the odds or who is given unsafe, counterfeit medicines. The 2006 edition of Transparency International’s Global Corruption Report shows the impact that corruption has on health care in rich and poor countries. From high-level bribery in Costa Rica to informal payments in Hungary, case studies from around the world explore the characteristics of the health sector that make it so prone to corruption. In a special section dedicated to corruption in HIV/AIDS, the report warns that the large sums being poured into fighting the world’s deadliest diseases need to be safeguarded against abuse. There is also a detailed analysis of the problems of the pharmaceutical system.The report also offers an annual round-up of worldwide developments and tracks major trends in more than 40 countries.The Global Corruption Report 2006 is the only report of its kind, and is an essential reference source for anyone who wants the latest research on how corruption affects everything from health to education and the oil and gas industries.
Corruption and poor governance are acknowledged as major impediments to realizing the right to education and to reaching the Millennium Development Goal of universal primary education by 2015. Corruption not only distorts access to education, but affects the quality of education and the reliability of research findings. From corruption in the procurement of school resources and nepotism in the hiring of teachers, to the buying and selling of academic titles and the skewing of research results, major corruption risks can be identified at every level of the education and research systems. Conversely, education serves as a means to strengthen personal integrity and is a critical tool to address corruption effectively. The Global Corruption Report (GCR) is Transparency International’s flagship publication, bringing the expertise of the anti-corruption movement to bear on a specific corruption issue or sector. The Global Corruption Report on education consists of more than 70 articles commissioned from experts in the fields of corruption and education, from universities, think-tanks, business, civil society and international organisations. The Global Corruption Report on education and academic research will provide essential analysis for understanding the corruption risks in the sector and highlight the significant work that has already been done in the field to improve governance and educational outcomes. This will be an opportunity to pull together cutting edge knowledge on lessons learnt, innovative tools and solutions that exist in order to fight corruption in the education sector.
With the advance of an increasingly globalized market, the opportunities for, and scale of, corruption is growing. The size of corporations and their wealth relative to nations provides the resources for corrupt practices. The liberalization of international financial markets makes transferring and hiding the proceeds of corruption easier. Moves towards privatization in East and West are providing once-only incentives for corruption on an unprecedented scale, as officials not only deal with the income of the state, but with its assets as well. In this book, Transparency International's (TI) world-renowned 'Corruption Perception Index' (CPI) and 'Bribery Perception Index' (BPI) are explained and examined by a group of experts. They set out to establish to what extent they are reliable measures of corruption and whether a series of surveys can measure changes in corruption and the effectiveness of anti-corruption strategies. The book contains a variety of expert contributions which deal with the complexity, difficulty and potential for measuring corruption as the key to developing effective strategies for combating it.