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Repairing Broken Walls: Restoring Joy & Peace: teaches you how to allow Him into every part of your life & heart to repair & restore.
Discover how God wants to restore all that is broken within you as you travel through the books of Nehemiah and Ezra with me. Learn from them as they rebuild the Temple and the Wall of Jerusalem after the exile, and apply it to your own broken heart. The torn-down Wall of Jerusalem is a symbol of their brokenness and the broken relationship between God and the Israelites. God wanted to restore it, and he used Nehemiah to lead the way. He wants to do the same for you. If our Lord and Savior would go through so much for us so we could receive eternal life, then how much more so will he be there for us in our everyday life to heal our broken hearts. The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.
This book highlights the great gift of prayer that has been given to us. We can overcome any problem and handle any enemy with God on our side. What is impossible with man is possible with God. In this book you will see the way God intervenes when a man's heart is totally yielded to God. Love for God is reflected in a life of obedience to His word. On obeying His word we invite His blessings and disobedience to Him invites the curses mentioned in the word of God. God has given us the option to choose between enjoying His blessings or invite trouble and peacelessness in our lives.As a leader you can emulate Nehemiah. He was a man of integrity, focused on God, obedient to His word and never took any action without consulting God. This leadership life-style glorified God and strengthened his followers.God's word increases your faith and the increase of faith in God drives out every sort of fear out of you. You have the world's greatest power on your side and you will never live a defeated life. Fear of people, fear of circumstances,fear of the future, fear of death and fear of the Devil will flee from you as you experience more of the presence of God in your life.Live with a purpose. You will never be happy unless you find and attain your purpose in this life. You are called to live a fulfilled life.Live abundantly. Don't just exist.This life is only a journey.This book will not only guide you in your journey of life but it will also help you reach your destination.May God oversee your journey of life till you reach your eternal destination.
Discover how God wants to restore all that is broken within you as you travel through the books of Nehemiah and Ezra with me; learning from them as they rebuilt the Temple and the Wall of Jerusalem after the exile and applying it to your own broken heart. The torn down Wall of Jerusalem is a symbol of their brokenness and the broken relationship between God and the Israelites. God wanted to restore it and He used Nehemiah to lead the way. He wants to do the same for you. If our Lord and Savior would go through so much for us so we could receive eternal life then how much more so will He be there for us in our everyday life to heal our broken hearts; "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He hath sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised."
Broken Walls- Summary for promotional materials and websites Broken Walls details the desperate need for a generation of adults to come to the spiritual rescue of America's future generations. Just as the walls of Jerusalem were broken down in the days of Nehemiah, the spiritual walls of America lie in ruins at the feet of our children. And just as Nehemiah did, God is calling us to rebuild them for His name's sake- for our children and their children. Broken Walls is a must read for parents, pastors, educators, and anyone who calls themselves a follower of King Jesus. The spiritual future of our nation is in the hands of those God called to be "repairers of the broken walls." Come let us rebuild . . . (Neh 4:17) Your soul will be stirred, your heart rebuked, and your body spurred on in the fight for our nation's children. Ryan Dalgliesh (Speaker and author- founder of Higher Rock Ministries) Broken Walls will change the way you look at the generations following you and provide the tools needed to make an eternal difference in the lives of those you encounter on a daily basis. Julie Mustard (High school coach and teacher) Kevin Kirkland finally says what so many of us who work with the young people of America know to be true- our children are spiritually in a desperate "state of emergency," and WE must take responsibility for rebuilding all that the enemy has destroyed. Chris Ratley (17 year veteran of youth ministry) The resounding message of this book brings us back to the truth and the purpose Jesus had for us all when he said "Follow Me." Stacy Brown (mother of three teenagers)
Rebuilding your broken walls means several things and we need to understand these few things: What is the spiritual meaning of wall, perimeter, fence or compound is. What can make your spiritual wall break? What is the danger of a broken wall or being fenceless? Like Nehemiah, do you have a burden for your people? You need a favor from the king to make things happen for his people. For every level there are devils; remember that your success will grieve Sanballat and Tobiah incarnates. What are the processes of rebuilding a broken wall? Why do many start to build or rebuild and are unable to complete it. Dealing with an intruder who benefits in the broken wall, and their friends. Getting resources to rebuild without compromise. Reconciling with God and breaking the curses. The objectives of this book are: To examine Nehemiah's reaction to the news concerning Jerusalem. To highlight "broken walls" in Christendom today and how we should react to them. To discuss the strategies used by the enemies to hinder the rebuilding of broken walls. To identify the strategies we can put up to rebuild the broken walls. To discuss the blessings in rebuilding the broken walls. Today, walls that once provided protection against the enemy's schemes are crumbling all around us-in our families, our churches, and our culture. Today, more than ever, God is calling His people to be men and women who, like Nehemiah, will trust Him with their lives and work to repair the damage before it is too late. Our Nation is filled with broken walls. The walls of human morality have fallen. The wall of the Christian family has fallen. The walls of peace are crumbling all around us. The walls of our military might have been weakened by exploitation and evil association. The walls of prayerfulness have been replaced by secularism and humanism. Yet God is still calling a people at this very hour to rebuild broken walls. Don't forget to scroll up and "ORDER NOW"
Everyone has a crack formed during their childhood. There is a secret you must know. Rebecca Leboho has exposed the subtly hidden cracks of life within this book. Read through until you discover the hidden mystery. I assure you, your life will never be the same. 'Cracks' is packed with extraordinary life experiences that have occurred during Rebecca's life which she has shared to raise awareness of why things happen and how to implement desired changes. It will inspire you to explore your physical and mental life experiences. Embrace your mind for the way you view life is about to change mysteriously, along with the lives of everyone around you. This book will help you repair the cracks in your life.
REKINDLING LOVE: REBUIDING THE BRIDGES THAT HAVE BEEN BURNED ✓are you struggling to rebuild a broken love and relationship ? ✓are you at the verge of loosing some one you love ? Building the Broken Walls of Love" is a book that delves into the complexities of love and relationships. It explores the various challenges and obstacles that can arise in relationships, causing the walls of love to crumble and fall apart. The book provides practical and effective strategies for repairing and restoring a broken relationship. It includes personal stories and experiences from individuals who have successfully rebuilt their relationships, as well as expert advice from relationship counselors and psychologists. Readers will learn how to identify the underlying issues that led to the breakdown of their relationship, how to communicate effectively with their partner, and how to rebuild trust and intimacy. "Building the Broken Walls of Love" is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to heal a strained relationship and build a stronger, more fulfilling connection with their partner.
When in doubt, throw it out. Don't risk injury or infection. 2: Ask for help. Many people can do a lot of the cleanup and repairs discussed in this book. But if you have technical questions or do not feel comfortable doing something, get professional help. If there is a federal disaster declaration, a telephone "hotline" will often be publicized to provide information about public, private, and voluntary agency programs to help you recover from the flood. Government disaster programs are there to help you, the taxpayer. You're paying for them; check them out. 3: Floodproof. It is very likely that your home will be flooded again someday. Floodproofing means using materials and practices that will prevent or minimize flood damage in the future. Many floodproofing techniques are inexpensive or can be easily incorporated into your rebuilding program. You can save a lot of money by floodproofing as you repair and rebuild (see Step 8).