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Everyday life can be demanding; it's easy to become distracted by so many things that seem important. But in order to achieve the life God has planned for you, you have to make time for what's most important - and the building block of a fulfilling life - your relationship with Him. In My Time with God, Joyce Meyer, #1 New York Times bestselling author, offers a practical way to spend time with God. Joyce shares powerful Scripture and personal illustrations that will help you experience the joy and peace that is gained through spending time with Him. You'll begin to navigate life more effectively, make better decisions, and claim the wonderful life you were meant to lead, day by day.
From the heart of one of Christendom's foremost prayer warriors, author Lynne Hammond exhorts readers to remain hungry for their inheritance...God's renewing presence.We were not created to run around from crisis to crisis, putting out one fire after another in our lives. That was never God's plan. His plan was that we would be transformed by His presence to live in a perpetual state of preparedness, always equal to the task of fulfilling His good plan for our lives.Hammond gives Bible character parallels and present day testimonies answering how to be transformed in His presence through daily fellowship.One testimony reads, The greatest thing He has ever done for me is keep me in perpetual deliverance through my fellowship with Him.
Let the Spirit live inside you! Are you hungry for an encounter with Jesus? Do you want to make an impact on the world? In this power-packed book, Bill Johnson discusses how you can be a person who hosts the Presence of God. Though all believers obviously have the Spirit of God within them, there is more that enables you to be so full that you overflow His Spirit into your world. Take a journey and meet many great prophets and kings from the Old Testament who were known as people of the Presence—people who, in Johnson’s words, “God wanted to be with.” In this succinct and powerful book, Johnson encourages you toward a pursuit of the Presence of God above all else. In this book, you will discover: How to pay attention to the Holy Spirit and respond to Him. How the Holy Spirit manifests Himself. Biblical figures who were hungry for more of God’s Spirit and learned to host Him. Stories of Presence-filled revivalists and personal encounters with the Presence! Bill Johnson writes: “We are enabled to partner with the Kingdom of Heaven and see it released here on earth! The Presence of God within us will bring reformation to the world around us—encountering a loving God!” Host more of Him today!
Bestselling author Joyce Meyer shares her personal and intimate daily devotions, recorded over 365 days, that provides spiritual and practical guidance for her busy life. Each daily entry guides readers through a narrative of meditations, an uplifting declaration, and relevant scripture to encourage greater intimacy with God. Including spiritual revelations experienced by one of the world's leading Bible teachers, this book will renew readers' minds, offering assurance of God's complete love and desire for closeness with them.
This year, experience a closer relationship with God than ever before. All of us long for God’s presence, and we sense it—occasionally. But there are times when it seems like something’s missing . . . deep encounters with him, certainty that we have heard his voice, and a palpable experience of his presence every day. Like no other writer can, Chris Tiegreen draws us deeper into real intimacy with our intensely relational God. This deluxe LeatherLike edition of The One Year Experiencing God’s Presence Devotional will cultivate your sense of God’s presence in your life, help you learn to recognize his voice, and deepen your trust that he is “always ready to help” (Psalm 46:1, NLT) in every situation.
Bombarded, plagued, cornered, and even immobilized by unforeseen circumstances - emotions, unwarranted accusations, unjust ridicule, abandonment, and misunderstanding - how do I stay afloat? How do I rebound and apprehend hope? How can I steady my feet to choose the right path after the tornado of thoughts have obscured the roadway? How can I see through the dense cloud of my thoughts to make proper assessment of my life or situation? Where can I find the strength, reasoning, or the mindset to press on when all the air from the balloon of my life has been totally deflated? My tires are spinning, the treads of thinking have been in such a rut they are now bald, and I'm stranded on ice. Can a mind that has been seared from the struggles of childhood through the crises of adulthood be transformed? About the Author: A servant of God, who has given his life in service to God's Kingdom, has in humility dedicated his testimony on behalf of the Messianic Minchah Experience for the benefit of those who seek to understand their circumstances and desire a more intimate relationship with the Lord. Gerald Griffith releases this writing with the hope that it will be a tool in the hand of the instructor - the Holy Spirit. Having been brought to this Achor Valley experience, the place of deep brokenness, crushing, and suffering so that the life of Christ may be revealed through him, it's his earnest prayer and sincere desire that those who, by grace and the leading of God's Spirit, come to this testimony and renewing power would also embrace new life and new hope through the experience of Romans 12:1, the renewing and transformation of their minds.
In His Presence delves into aspects of being able to stay in God’s presence continually. It would be noted that Christianity this day and age has become so traditional that no new things happen in church. In her book, the writer shows how one can invoke God’s presence and practice it with different forms of worship. That will mean consecrating from certain things and doing what the word says. Psalm 51:10-12 Create in me a clean heart O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence or take the Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of my salvation and renew a right spirit within me. Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Saviour, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen. Jude1:24-25 God bless you. Remember, in His presence there is fullness of joy.
Sharing in God's Presence means far more than "getting saved" and experiencing God's blessing in our lives. As believers, his presence becomes a very personal part of who we are and what we do--God actually shares himself with us! The language that we use often fails to capture the depths of God's nature penetrating ours, the fullness of his Spirit permeating our hearts, and the innermost infusion of his presence in our lives. But the truth couldn't be more intimate: "The person who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him" (1 Corinthians 6:17)! This book is an invitation to share in God's presence by allowing God to share himself with you. God wants everyone to share in his embrace. As we accept our responsibility for prayer, ministry, and even revival, we share in the very precious dynamic of give and response that's involved in an intimate walk with Jesus Christ. For a general readership, this book is a reworking of material from the second half of the author's academic work God's Absence and the Charismatic Presence.
Born out of the experiences of hundreds of thousands of women who Raechel and Amanda have walked alongside as they walk with the Lord, She Reads Truth is the message that will help you understand the place of God's Word in your life.