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Studies prove that positive thinkers are happier, healthier, and more successful than everyone else. Discover the simple, proven techniques for becoming a more positive person... Positive thinking leads to positive outcomes. Study after study proves this. Researchers have found that optimistic people live longer, live healthier, have more energy, have more successful careers, make better decisions, are more productive, are less stressed, have healthier relationships, and (not surprisingly) are much happier than pessimists. However, a lot has been misunderstood about what it means to be a positive thinker and what it takes to maintain an optimistic mindset. It takes a lot more than repeating feel-good platitudes to make positive thinking work in your life. It takes discipline, commitment, and a proper understanding of what optimism really means in a world that is constantly throwing new challenges at us. This is a book for anyone who has ever questioned whether positive thinking really "works." It's also a book for those who have tried to develop a more positive attitude, but have found it difficult to eliminate the voices of fear, doubt, and cynicism. This is a book for anyone who wants to put optimism to work in their life with practical, proven techniques. In this inspirational fable, you'll meet Bobby Kane, a 31-year-old minor league baseball player who realizes his dream of making it to the majors is finally coming to a disappointing end. His dream, he believes, was not meant to be. That is, until Bobby meets an unconventional manager named Wally Hogan. More mental coach than baseball manager, Wally teaches Bobby that if you want to change your life, you have to first change your thinking. As you'll see in this book, developing a positive mindset gives Bobby a renewed chance to make his dreams come true-not just in baseball, but in all areas of his life. Wally teaches Bobby what it means to be an optimist and what it takes to maintain a positive attitude through the ups and downs of life. He teaches him proven, real-world techniques for building and sustaining optimism. These methods have an immediate impact on Bobby's life and they will have an immediate impact on yours as well. This book will show you just how powerful a positive attitude can be and it will teach you how to use positive thinking to make your biggest dreams come true.
The Book of Max takes readers deep into the rabbit hole of Max Keiser's mind. Take the orange pill and gain insights from Max's life and Bitcoin journey. Through quotes, memes, artwork and his predictions for the future, this book is unlike anything you've read before!
A rousing call to action, this book will leave you feeling hopeful that we can make a difference in the midst of an age of turmoil, destruction, and uncertainty. The climate crisis, mass extinctions, political polarization, extreme inequality--the world faces terrifying challenges that threaten to divide us, yet Lily Cole argues that it is up to us to actively choose optimism, collabo- rate, make changes, and define what is possible. Cole writes: "We are the ancestors of our future. The choices we make now and the actions we take today will define and transform future generations." Having collaborated with experts working on solutions to humanity's biggest challenges, Cole distills a vision for a sustainable and peaceful future. She explores divisive issues from fast fashion to fast food and from renewable energy to gender equality, and interviews some of today's greatest influencers: Sir Paul McCartney (musician and activist), Elon Musk (CEO of SpaceX), Gail Bradbrook (cofounder of Extinction Rebellion), Farhana Yamin (climate change lawyer and activist), Emily Shuckburgh (climate scientist), Stella McCartney (sustainable fashion designer), Livia Firth (cofounder of Eco-Age), and Lisa Jackson (vice president of environment, policy and social initiatives at Apple, former Administrator of the EPA). The book also features a 32-page photo insert documenting Lily's experiences around the world, as well as the artists, activists, and others who have inspired her, and her own--as yet unpublished--photography.
Exposes the downside of America's penchant for positive thinking, which the author believes leads to self-blame and a preoccupation with stamping out "negative" thoughts on a personal level, and, on a national level, has brought on economic disaster.
The mere sense of living is joy enough. Emily Dickinson, 1830-1886, American poet Humanity's story is one long testimony to the truth that life is as rewarding and beautiful as you make it. As pioneers, inventors, and dreamers have always known, you can do anything if only you persevere. Ever since we hauled ourselves out of the swamp, our history has been one of extraordinary cultural and technological progress, of mind-boggling discoveries and remarkable achievements, often against the odds. It's no coincidence that you see no statues of pessimists in city squares. Still, cynical and doubting voices are heard all too loudly and frequently in public discourse. A potent antidote to their gloom and doom, The Optimist's Handbook is a joyful explosion of wit and wisdom from our past and present that celebrates the art of greeting life with the excitement it deserves. This handbook will inspire, enchant, and entertain you as you go forward into all your wonderful tomorrows. Even if, after reading it, you are not moved to feats of glory for the greater good, the fact is that optimists are healthier, happier, and richer than their gloomy counterparts. Hear that, killjoys? The world is a grindstone and life is your nose. Fred Allen, 1894-1956, American humorist Why beat around the bush? The truth is that life is a never-ending cycle of toil and pain with nothing but death to reward all our suffering. Furthermore, what solace is there in blind optimism or fanciful daydreaming when it is perfectly clear that the world is heading toward a complete meltdown whether we live in it or not? Resigning yourself to life's grim treadmill, and thereby avoiding more disappointments, is the best way to trudge forward. The Pessimist's Handbook is an indispensable companion on your journey through this vale of tears. A clear-sighted, realistic look at life's obstacles, this guidebook is stocked with the pearls of wisdom you need to counter the irritating voices of those who trumpet futile positivity and inane confidence in a brighter future. Feel reassured that scores of people share your sense of impending doom...and have done so for centuries. After all, misery loves company, but not when it's a horde of perky utopians.
A leadership and career manifesto told through the narrative of one of today’s most inspiring, admired, and successful global leaders. In Winners Dream, Bill McDermott—the CEO of the world’s largest business software company, SAP—chronicles how relentless optimism, hard work, and disciplined execution embolden people and equip organizations to achieve audacious goals. Growing up in working-class Long Island, a sixteen-year-old Bill traded three hourly wage jobs to buy a small deli, which he ran by instinctively applying ideas that would be the seeds for his future success. After paying for and graduating college, Bill talked his way into a job selling copiers door-to-door for Xerox, where he went on to rank number one in every sales position he held and eventually became the company’s youngest-ever corporate officer. Eventually, Bill left Xerox and in 2002 became the unlikely president of SAP’s flailing American business unit. There, he injected enthusiasm and accountability into the demoralized culture by scaling his deli, sales, and management strategies. In 2010, Bill was named co-CEO, and in May 2014 became SAP’s sole, and first non-European, CEO. Colorful and fast-paced, Bill’s anecdotes contain effective takeaways: gutsy career moves; empathetic sales strategies; incentives that yield exceptional team performance; and proof of the competitive advantages of optimism and hard work. At the heart of Bill’s story is a blueprint for success and the knowledge that the real dream is the journey, not a preconceived destination.
If you want to attract more abundance, success, and live a life free from unnecessary stress & worries, then this could be the most interesting news you could ever come across.You are about to discover the key attitude to go against all odds in life, the ONE secret sauce to your long-term success. By mastering this skill, you can lead a happier, calmer and stress-free life.But before I share with you what it is...******************************WHY DO MOST PEOPLE FAIL IN LIFE? ******************************DO YOU KNOW WHY DO MOST PEOPLE FAIL IN LIFE?Human beings were actually born with this 'key attitude' as part of our survival mechanism.It's being "Optimistic" - Seeing the good in the bad and constantly seeking for opportunities in any given situation. It is also the attitude that makes us smile, live happily and enjoy life even more!But over the years, we tend to forget about it and let the external factors get the best of us.The main reason behind that is because of: ✔ Bad experience about things and life✔ Lack of self-confidence✔ Surrounded by negative peopleIf you've been struggling to attract success and abundance into your life...Then perhaps you're simply lacking this key quality.NOW is the time to 'reset' your mindset and start achieving the success that you deserve.
Human beings were actually born with one ‘key attitude’ as part of our survival mechanism. It’s being “Optimistic” – Seeing the good in the bad and constantly seeking for the opportunities in any given situation. It is also the attitude that makes us smile, live happily and enjoy life even more! But over the years, we tend to forget about it and let the external factors get the best of us. By mastering this skill, you can lead a happier, calmer and stress-free life.
From bestselling author and mental toughness expert Jason Selk comes a mind-training regimen for reframing every problem into an opportunity for productive action. The most common cause of failing to reach our professional and personal goals is hardwired in us: Humans instinctively focus on problems. Over millennia, our very survival relied on our ability to be alert to any potential dangers that could threaten our existence. But today this negativity bias significantly limits our potential and increases stress, pressure, and underperformance. The one characteristic all phenomenally successful people share is mental toughness. Mentally tough people are better at making decisions more quickly and with better results. They possess the uncanny ability to control what goes on between their ears. Instead of allowing their minds to focus on their problems when adversity strikes, the most successful people have learned to direct their thoughts in a systematic manner that produces positive emotions and productive actions: they have a Relentless Solution Focus. In this book, top performance coach Dr. Jason Selk—former Director of Mental Training for the World Series champions St. Louis Cardinals—and his colleague Dr. Ellen Reed provide the insight, tools, and proven step-by-step framework for you to do the same. When you have Relentless Solution Focus, you think better. Your decisions garner positive results. You take action and follow through—every time. And when you do get off track, you get back on with less effort and less drama. Weakness shrinks and strength grows, creating confidence and momentum, taking you and your team to higher levels of performance and achievement.
The 15 Unbreakable Rules for Building Grit and Achieving Your Dreams! Psychologists tell us that the secret to a successful and happy life, more than anything else, is something called GRIT. Defined as the willpower to persevere with passion and a sense of purpose, research shows that grit is what matters most in whether a person succeeds or fails. That same research shows that previous generations had a lot more grit than today's younger generations. This isn't surprising. After all, most of us would agree that those older, wiser, and tougher members of the Greatest Generation are prime examples of what it means to persevere, to never back down, and to make sacrifices for a greater purpose. We could all use more of the OLD SCHOOL GRIT they embraced. In this book, Bob Flanagan represents the voice of old school grit. A legendary college basketball coach who thinks like John Wooden and talks like Mike Ditka, Flanagan is entering the final days of his coaching career. While his team tries to advance through the NCAA postseason tournament, Flanagan uses his last days as a coach to write his grandchildren letters revealing the rules for a successful and happy life. The rules of grit. Though Coach Flanagan's letters are intended for his grandchildren, they might as well be for America in general. This is a man who lives by the old school code of faith, family, courage, and character; and he believes too many people have gone soft these days. They give up on their dreams too easily. They whine, complain, and pass the blame. They spend all their time and energy trying to avoid challenges instead of bucking up and powering through them. Flanagan's letters are a rallying cry for toughening up and building grit. His fifteen rules provide a clear path to success in any endeavor. Consider this book an instruction manual for getting back to the values that truly lead to success and developing the type of old school grit that will get you through anything.