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This book will inspire anyone who reads it to cook. The recipes offer home-cooks, amateurs and seasoned chefs alike an opportunity to experiment with both new and old techniques, through easy to follow, concise instructions that will really 'up anyone's game' in the kitchen. You will learn how to create some magical dishes, as well as discover invaluable insider tips that will transform a meal from the ordinary to the exceptional. With touching personal stories to complement each dish, the book celebrates the art of cooking through stunning visuals and eloquent portrayals of different regional cuisine, including Nordic, Italian, Irish, Japanese and Vietnamese. But there is more. This beautifully crafted cookbook is also an inspiring memoir that will bring hope to individuals and families touched by the experience of addiction. Rekindling the Fire brings to life Martin's backstory of addiction through the prism of mindfulness. It demonstrates how a passion, in this case cooking, has the potential to transform lives. Each chapter has captivating prose that speaks directly to the reader about how cooking is more than food preparation, but also a mindful journey of self-discovery and healing. This element of the book elevates the narrative and propels us into a world of alchemy that is completely unique in the cookbook genre. Enjoy!
This book will inspire anyone who reads it to cook. The recipes offer home-cooks, amateurs and seasoned chefs alike an opportunity to experiment with both new and old techniques, through easy to follow, concise instructions that will really ‘up anyone’s game’ in the kitchen. You will learn how to create some magical dishes, as well as discover invaluable insider tips that will transform a meal from the ordinary to the exceptional. With touching personal stories to complement each dish, the book celebrates the art of cooking through stunning visuals and eloquent portrayals of different regional cuisine, including Nordic, Italian, Irish, Japanese and Vietnamese. But there is more. This beautifully crafted cookbook is also an inspiring memoir that will bring hope to individuals and families touched by the experience of addiction. Rekindling the Fire brings to life Martin’s backstory of addiction through the prism of mindfulness. It demonstrates how a passion, in this case cooking, has the potential to transform lives. Each chapter has captivating prose that speaks directly to the reader about how cooking is more than food preparation, but also a mindful journey of self-discovery and healing. This element of the book elevates the narrative and propels us into a world of alchemy that is completely unique in the cookbook genre. Enjoy!
This book is a bank of knowledge for anybody who would like to prevent any serious health disorder. Most learn it the hard way, as I did however you can be wiser. Like any health professional being completely wrapped in one’s work seldom leaves time for one’s own self. So before I realized I was obese, diabetic and a cardiac patient. In my journey of treatment I had the fortune of exercising certain paramedical ways of treating disease. This thus triggered the curiosity to collect as much information regarding an alternative way of living and culminated in this book. Hope it helps you in enriching your life.
Writings that touch the pure-flaming heart of God ... from the men and women who walked with Him through the ages ... guiding into a deeper friendship with the "Father of Lights."Jesus came to offer the one gift we all long for--the infilling of new life from above. Life that's fresh, strong, free. Life that even death can't conquer. But what is this new life? How do we protect it from cold blasts of fear and doubt, or the soul-deadening effects of sin? There is only one way--the way of Jesus.With the passing of Jesus' first disciples, a handful of courageous men were left to guard Jesus' message of new life as it spread throughout the world--and to guard the flock of Christ in the face of opposition and danger. By teaching simple truths about life in Christ, men like Clement, Justin Martyr, Barnabas, Ignatius, and Cyprian led believers to spiritual safety, helping them find resilience and power in the Holy Spirit.In these pages you to can find new life to help you sidestep the traps of the Enemy and overcome weakness and failure. Best of all, you will find the sure path to knowing God personally, intimately, in your life today.
Returning to Ceremony is the follow-up to Chantal Fiola’s award-winning Rekindling the Sacred Fire and continues her ground-breaking examination of Métis spirituality, debunking stereotypes such as “all Métis people are Catholic,” and “Métis people do not go to ceremonies.” Fiola finds that, among the Métis, spirituality exists on a continuum of Indigenous and Christian traditions, and that Métis spirituality includes ceremonies. For some Métis, it is a historical continuation of the relationships their ancestral communities have had with ceremonies since time immemorial, and for others, it is a homecoming – a return to ceremony after some time away. Fiola employs a Métis-specific and community-centred methodology to gather evidence from archives, priests’ correspondence, oral history, storytelling, and literature. With assistance from six Métis community researchers, Fiola listened to stories and experiences shared by thirty-two Métis from six Manitoba Métis communities that are at the heart of this book. They offer insight into their families’ relationships with land, community, culture, and religion, including factors that inhibit or nurture connection to ceremonies such as sweat lodge, Sundance, and the Midewiwin. Valuable profiles emerge for six historic Red River Métis communities (Duck Bay, Camperville, St Laurent, St François-Xavier, Ste Anne, and Lorette), providing a clearer understanding of identity, culture, and spirituality that uphold Métis Nation sovereignty.
This solo wilderness, kayaking journey began many years ago, years before I even knew anything about kayaks and paddling down remote, legendary rivers. Poring over maps of those places revealed very little. The blank spaces spread far and wide. At last, after decades of dreaming, I stood on the shore of Lake Atlin in British Columbia, where the headwaters of the Yukon River are. I stood there and thought about all those hope-filled years and was thrilled at the anticipation of leaving that morning in mid-June. Crossing the expanse of Lake Atlin in a fine mist, I guided the kayak toward Graham Channel, which would take me to Tagish Lake. There I met Jim and Marion Brook at their cabin. After hot coffee and freshly baked cookies, they sent me on my way. They were the first of many people who helped me on my journey. That evening, having found the “perfect” campsite, I inspected the area for bear tracks. Finding none, I started a large campfire before setting up the tent. Supper had been eaten at a previous stop, so there was no cooking where I stayed for the night. This was the procedure I followed every night. It kept animals bigger and hungrier than me from visiting my campsites. As I paddled down the lakes, I stopped at villages such as Tagish, I paddled down Marsh Lake and down dangerous Lake Laberge, and I stopped in historic towns such as Whitehorse and Dawson City. I passed by wrecked and beached steamboats from the gold rush days and finally crossed the US/Canadian line into Alaska. I had paddled through a forest fire so immense that it took a day to pass the flames. The current carried me past Eagle, Circle City, though the Yukon flats (where the river was ten to twenty miles wide); and I crossed the Arctic Circle at Fort Yukon. Then came the small villages of Beaver, Stevens Village, and then the oil pipeline. I paddled on to Rampart, where the fierce head wind nearly drove me back upstream. Next, I passed through Tanana, where I met Emmet Peter, who won the Iditarod long ago, then on to Ruby, Galena, Nulato, and Holy Cross, where Bergie Demientieff served me coffee and gave good advice. Finally, I arrived at Russian Mission, where I ran out of time after fifty-one days and two thousand miles of paddling my kayak. There Harvey Pitka and his wife, Ester, fed me a wonderful dinner before I flew out. As the plane climbed and banked toward Bethel, I knew that I would return one day to finish my kayak trip to the Bering Sea.
Writings that touch the pure-flaming heart of God ... from the men and women who walked with Him through the ages ... guiding into a deeper friendship with the "Father of Lights."Can I trust God in every circumstance? Can I rely on His promises--of protection, security, safety, provision, comfort--when I most need them? Is God always there for me? So many struggle to find confidence in God. Amy Carmichael stepped faithfully into the darkness surrounding her, and found the greatest "refuge" of all--the sheltering love of God, who is with us in all things.When Amy Carmichael (1867-1951) arrived in India, she had no idea the dangerous work ahead--to save young girls from cult prostitution in Hindu temples. Nor could she imagine the times of material need, physical danger, pain and debilitating illness, disappointment and attack by friends. From this crucible, she writes of her uplifting times with God--who calls us all to find safety in Him, to live honestly before Him, and to receive peace as we live in His presence.
As the church emerges from the impact of COVID, how will it reimagine its mission? With all the disruption COVID caused comes an opportunity for congregations. How will the local church organize itself, engage with the neighborhood and world, and offer pastoral care to a planet dealing with the significant issues heightened during COVID? Returning to old patterns of behavior is a wasted chance. A theological opportunity for the church lies in rediscovering the classical aim of leisure. The early church during the first two centuries offers us an understanding of leisure quite unique from the dominant expressions of leisure, such as Greek schole, Roman otium, and the Jewish Sabbath. By exploring early Christian practices, we can find insights about leisure for mission today. These practices include setting aside a single day of the week to worship, sharing in a common meal open to all, and, following the meal, incorporating into nonwork time care and engagement in the health and vitality of the community in the name of Jesus Christ. The followers of Jesus were consistent, if extraordinary, in meeting weekly, on the Lord’s Day, to worship, eat together, and go out into the neighborhood to live out their faith.