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Y ahora... Un plan completo para la mujer que desea rejuvenecer Si tiene cuarenta y tantos o cincuenta y tantos años de edad, para usted la palabra "envejecer" no tiene el mismo significado que tenía para su mamá o abuela. ¡Qué va! Las mujeres de hoy en día contamos con un arsenal de avances médicos, descubrimientos que paran el reloj en seco. Sin lugar a dudas, usted --igual que millones de mujeres modernas-- puede conservar un aspecto juvenil durante muchos más años que generaciones anteriores. Lo único que necesita es saber cómo hacerlo. Y es precisamente eso lo que aprenderá con este libro. En Rejuvenezca, los expertos revelan cómo usted puede: Tonificar su cuerpo aunque sea una mujer de mediana edad Borrar arrugas y líneas finas Actualizar su maquillaje para crear un look nuevo y más fresco Revertir el envejecimiento con suplementos Vestir con caché y quitarse años Reavivar el fuego de su vida íntima También aprenderá cómo hacer pequeños cambios en su estilo de vida para prevenir o aliviar muchos de los males que pueden atacar a las mujeres maduras, entre ellos: Sofocos (bochornos, calentones) Osteoporosis Problemas de la memoria Colesterol alto Depresión Diabetes Problemas para dormir bien Afecciones inmunitarias Artritis Cáncer de mama Y mucho más... ADEMÁS, ¡leerá las historias personales de mujeres que lograron rejuvenecer! De Prevention en Español magazine, la revista de salud más renombrada del país
Pictures and humor help readers build their Spanish language skills To its millions of fans, the Pattersons are just like their own families, facing universal issues among daily concerns. Containing a selection of 100 syndicated Spanish-language versions of the strip that is widely read in Latin America, Laugh 'n' Learn Spanish provides an entertaining and effective way to expand and polish conversational skills in Spanish. Readers learn by understanding and learning natural, everyday verbal interactions at home and about town, following John and Ell Patterson as they attempt to come to terms with middle age; daughter Elizabeth as she spreads her wings and goes off to college; son Michael dating and then marrying his childhood sweetheart, Deanna; daughter April as she rebels against discipline, anther grandpa who finds a second love in the autumn of his life. Each strip is graded by difficulty--Beginning, Moderate, or Challenging--and is accompanied by: Glosses that translate difficult vocabulary Usage notes to build proficiency A summarizing activity that tests comprehension Additional exercises for key idioms and word patterns appear at the end of each section
Complete Handbook of Spanish Verbs: A Classic Reference is an invaluable reference for students, libraries, and anyone who communicates in Spanish. It provides • a quick and easy way to find the correct conjugation in all forms and tenses of the more than 4,500 Spanish verbs listed, verbs chosen as illustration of verbal changes and/or irregularities and for their frequency of usage, • the more than 5,500 irregular forms of those verbs identifying their infinitive, • a model for the full conjugation in all forms and tenses of every Spanish verb, including those not listed here, according to its category, • special charts to aid in understanding and mastering the Spanish verbal system. The book is organized in three parts. Section I: a list of more than 4,500 Spanish infinitives with one or more English equivalents and their more than 5,500 irregular forms to facilitate finding their infinitives. Each infinitive is followed by a reference number that indicates the chart giving its conjugation or that of the model verb whose pattern the infinitive follows. Sections II through X: a series of charts with • sample English translation possibilities for the various tenses and forms of Spanish verbs, • the formation, by stem and ending, of all regular verbal forms, • model verbs, each showing the full conjugation of the model verb and accompanied by a list, “Verbs of this Category,” with all the verbs in this book that follow that model. These include regular verbs, orthographic/spelling changing verbs, radical/stem changing verbs, verbs with accent shift, irregular verbs, and defective verbs. The table of contents provides, at a glance, a detailed outline of the various categories and subdivisions in these sections. Section XI: an alphabetical listing of the English translations given in the book for the Spanish infinitives found in the list at the beginning, in Section I. It must be noted that this is not intended to be a dictionary of English verbs. English verbs were not sought and then defined, rather the English equivalents given for the Spanish verbs were merely duplicated here, in alphabetical order in English.
Science is confirming what ancient wisdom has always asserted—that reality is far more complex than we have imagined, and that our individual potential is far greater than we have believed. In this time of expanding consciousness, the new frontier—the gateway to spiritual growth and self-empowerment—is through the astral realm. Astral Projection for Psychic Empowerment introduces you to the real-world benefits that come from exploring the astral plane. Learn controlled, self-induced astral projection and reach beyond physical limitations to new sources of knowledge. Live and love more fully than you have ever thought possible by tapping your immense unconscious powers and integrating them into your conscious experience. Delve into the pages of this fascinating book and learn to: Induce an out-of-body experience Safely visit astral realms Explore past lives Communicate with guides and entities Interpret the aura for health and healing Create powerful thought forms Practice astral sex Expand your psychic awareness Achieve your goals Understand psychokinesis and the power of your mind This comprehensive guide includes true case studies of astral projection, scientific test results from laboratory studies, and a seven-day developmental program designed to unleash your highest potential.
A complete training course in the ancient Tantric and Western techniques of clairvoyance that will allow you to manifest love, happiness, health, knowledge, wealth, spirituality, and more.
Embark on the journey of a lifetime—master the psychic tools and techniques required to develop your highest potential and enjoy success beyond your wildest dreams. Psychic empowerment is a continuous process of growth and self-discovery. When we are psychically empowered, we become increasingly aware of the boundless power within ourselves and the unlimited possibilities and opportunities around us and beyond. Through psychic empowerment, we can unleash vast inner sources of new growth potential and achieve new levels of personal fulfillment. We can lift our consciousness to a higher plane and add depth and greater meaning to our lives. Written by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke and Joe H. Slate, PhD, this is the most comprehensive psychic development guide available anywhere. It is richly supported by detailed tables, charts, and developmental exercises. Incorporating the latest discoveries in quantum physics, it organizes the concepts of psychic empowerment into a progressive, cohesive plan that features straightforward instruction on a wealth of psychic empowerment methods and practices: ESP Astral Projection Aura Reading The Chakra System Clairvoyance Remote Viewing Precognition Dream Interpretation/Intervention Psychokinesis Remembering Past Lives and Life Between Lives Telepathy and Self-Talk Visualization Divination Crystal Gazing Dowsing Geomancy Handwriting Analysis I Ching Spirit Communication Runes Sand Reading Tarot Reading Self-Hypnosis Tea Leaf and Coffee Ground Reading Meditation Magic Rituals and Shamanism Each technique strengthens the divine spark of greatness existing in everyone—and leads to better health, happier relationships, greater financial success, and enhanced spiritual growth.
La prorrogación a la obediencia ha hecho que el mundo viva sumergido en una ola vertiginosa de engaños. Por desobediencia, sobre la tierra, se han levantado guerras, tumultos y destrucción; cuyo suelo grita de dolor y tiembla de espanto porque la vanidad la está destruyendo. Por consecuencia humana, la tierra está inficionada de maldad; el océano se ha salido de sus márgenes arropando la tierra, cuyas olas entran por toda la zona terrestre; pidiendo cuenta, la naturaleza azota la tierra con furor, extrayendo la profanación que está incrustada en su suelo. No obstante, desde el cielo, un ángel se encuentra observando a través de la ventana que da al mundo, la cual por impetuosidad, descorre la cortina del cielo, presenciando al mundo ahogarse en una ola de desastre; como acto de benevolencia, decide liberar a la humanidad del sufrimiento. Al recibir el ángel el permiso de descender a la tierra y cumplir su misión de amor, es preparada por Moisés (su guía y mentor), a través de sus enseñanzas, aprende como viven los terrestres, sus vicios, amores y secretos... y cuando baja arregla la vida de éstas personas, dejándoles, a su retorno al Cielo, el camino que necesitan seguir para encontrar la felicidad.
Este libro os ofrece una oportunidad de descubrir un poco más nuestro futuro. Naves escondidas, reuniones con los Maestros, como se manifiestan nuestros Vehículos Superiores. Toma lápiz y papel y realiza unos entretenidos ejercicios para avanzar en tu crecimiento interior.