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Rejection is something that we can all agree on any level a bitter pain to our soul. It is also something that as long as we're on this earth we will face at one time or another. Rejection can lead to a poisonous mixture of bitterness and despair, which if allowed to fester and grow in your heart will poison your mind, body, and soul. In this book, you will read the compelling story of a woman of God on the events of her deepest rejection and on how God covered her under his wings and helped her walk through the process. You will see the hand of God that held her and kept her from falling into utter despair. God has never left nor forsaken you or me while also grasping the realization of the Word of God, which states, "And, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."
REJECTED: Overcoming Rejection and Claiming Your Acceptance is a Christ-centered, inspirational book aimed toward aiding people in recovery from rejection while setting them on a path toward their acceptance. REJECTED provides you with the tools to walk out your acceptance, foremost, by helping you acknowledge the greatness of who you are in Christ, the purpose He has for you, and the acceptance God has already given you. God has a purpose for your life and He wants reveal it to you, but you must open your heart to Him and know that you are His. Rejection operates in all spheres of life and unless you allow yourself to take hold of the grace, mercy and love that God, your Father, has afforded you, rejection can lead to your demise. I am here to testify, in the name of Jesus, you don’t have to be defeated. Rise up and stand in God’s glory, His grace, acceptance, and unconditional love. Praise His name regardless of your circumstances and let His excellence rain all over you. You were made in His image and because of that, you too are excellent. Claim your Excellency. Rise up and let your joy expand outwardly. Decree, in Jesus’ name, that you will no longer be depressed but you have abundant happiness and joy! Decree, today, in Jesus’ name, that you have new friends in Christ and you are not alone! Decree, right now, all your days of suffering, depression, anger, frustration, poverty, shame, failure, and loneliness, are over! You are a new person. God is here for you, always has been, and forever will be as long as you cleave to Him. You are accepted! Believe it and receive it in the name of Jesus, and go forward living each day victoriously! Let REJECTED show you just how to do that, in Jesus ́ name!
Rejected but Not Forsaken is about dysfunction. Dysfunction is a behavior that we all have had modeled before us or experienced throughout our upbringing. Dysfunction represents any relationship, circumstance, or situation that operates outside of what is normal. It is contrary to the Word and will of God, and causes us to feel wounded, hurt, and rejected. When you don't deal with past pain and receive your healing, it will cause you to be off balance. It shows up in our everyday decisions and behavior. God's will is perfect and will cause you to function according to what is right. You don't have to live in your past any longer. There are specific steps and tools that you can utilize to receive your healing and move forward. It's your time to walk into your new season. There is a great destiny that awaits you!
So many of us are afraid of hearing the word no. Whether this word comes from a potential boyfriend or the judge at your last competition, we want to be accepted, not rejected! But what if that rejection is really just redirection? What if God is steering our lives into a path that we couldn't possibly fathom? Courtney Hartness always enjoyed singing, and for many years she was on the path of becoming a true Nashville star. But this dream threatened to tear both Courtney and her mother's lives apart. Eventually they had to take a step back and leave the dream behind. Courtney realized that she needed to trust on God and his plan for her. Her new business, Hart and Soul, exceeded her wildest dreams. Life may not always go the way you want it to, but it might just be because God has better plans! If it weren't for disappointment in our lives, we would never gain the strength we need to become who God wants us to be. It's Not Rejection, It's Redirection compiles Courtney's life with the lessons she learned on her journey, and now she's ready to share those lessons with you.If you feel or have ever felt rejected and don't know where to turn next, It's Not Rejection, It's Redirection will inspire and encourage you to listen for God's guidance.
No one desires to be rejected, but many people have been rejected at some point in their life. Rejection can occur at many junctures of the life cycle, including but not limited to the womb, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, adulthood, old age, and at death. Many people are under the invisible umbrella of rejection and don't even know it. Rejection is a dangerous tool the enemy uses to try to rob God's people of their destiny, dreams, and desires. Rejection can lead to a silent death if it is not dealt with by humanity. In From Rejection to Rejoicing, author Deborah G. Skannal MD reveals rejection is a state of mind. If it is not dealt with it can permeate to the heart and cut like a knife every time one thinks about it or has an experience involving rejection. Dr. Skannal demonstrates how to transition From Rejection to Rejoicing with biblical and practical principles for one to ascertain his God-given destiny, dreams, and desires.
Rejected AND accepted INTRODUCTION.We often treat rejection as something bad and an unwanted phenomena, in fact many live in constant fear of been rejected by men, they are not too sure whether their ideas would be good enough to be accepted. This fear have hindered a lot of people from doing something meaningful with their lives. It has hindered them from taking a constructive step into their greatness. Rejection is a normal part of life, because we all do not often share the same view, taste, opinions on issues, hence some will reject us while some will accept us. Great people thrive on the wings of rejection, what has kept them standing is because they died to people's opinion or view. We shall shortly consider what it means to be rejected and accepted.Rejection.According to Strong's bible dictionary, rejection in Hebrew dialect is from the root word "to spurn" which to despise, cast away, disdain, loathe. So we will understand what Isa 53:3; was saying "He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not". KJVThis verse accurately defines what it means to be rejected, and the normal reactions that it brings. A man that is rejected is a man of sorrow, a man that is acquainted with grief. It is the natural order for us to feel grief and agony when we carry a grace that can bless generations, but the very people we least expect raise their voice and stir people against us. Jesus Christ was rejected while he was still on earth bodily, his own people waged the greatest war against him. In fact they were the very people that murdered him without a cause. We have to understand that people love and will always seek the easy way out of life, as such when someone is trying to make a difference by going the other way round, they will withstand, oppose, despise, and disdainfully reject you. This happened as well to the disciples so it is a must for us to face rejection by men. Being rejected by men for our righteous convictions and acts is a sign that we are doing something differently. It means we have broken the status quo. Accepted. To be accepted means to be favored, and desired. This very word is used in Isaiah 56:7"Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer: their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine altar; for mine house shall be called an house of prayer for all people". KJVTo be rejected and to be accepted or desirable goes hand in hand, because though weeping may endure for a while but joy will surely come in the morning. When men reject us we should see it as God's process of making us desirable. It is God's way of making us dead to men's opinion and view. The voice of the people is not often the voice of God, hence we must die to their criticism and oppositions before God's virtue can flow through us. We should fortify ourselves with this truth that God will never reject us but men will surely do, but when they do it should make us stronger and not weigh us down, because the most important personality in the whole universe is unrepentantly in love with us.
Being disqualified and rejected, causes you to be trained by the Spirit of the Living God, and also helps gain spiritual strength to continue in the faith Of Jesus Christ. Demonstrating the faith and fight to endure to the end of every test or trial. Disqualification and rejection roots and ground your foundation. Everyday learning brings unrecognizable pain in our lives. Some pain you will feel and some pain you will not feel. Because of the pain, you will experience growth. Disqualifications reveal all issues and interrogatives to rise to the top so that you can deal with them. So when you think of disqualification and rejection understand these words are not your enemy. It's actually the gateway to righteousness and the avenue to agape love. Look at Jesus, for an example, They welcomed him in, then they crucified him. Actually they killed his flesh, not his spirit. Not realizing that was his Gateway back to heaven. So, as a Christian master, and an overcomer of rejection. Remember, you are more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ. So, the common ground of disqualification and rejection are tools that Christ used to give us the ability to learn how to walk in genuine love so we can help someone else. Christianity is all about understanding the teachings of Jesus. No matter how anyone treats you, how you feel about them at that particular time, or if they treated you a certain way. Control your flesh through the spirit and continue to love. You must have faith to continue and finish the race. Jesus paid a price and understood what he was sent to accomplish. That was to redeem man back to God. Jesus is our greatest example. So when we balance disqualification and rejection. You will then experience a greater fulfillment of the substance of God.
REJECTED: Overcoming Rejection and Claiming Your Acceptance is a Christ-centered, inspirational book aimed toward aiding people in recovery from rejection while setting them on a path toward their acceptance. REJECTED provides you with the tools to walk out your acceptance, foremost, by helping you acknowledge the greatness of who you are in Christ, the purpose He has for you, and the acceptance God has already given you. God has a purpose for your life and He wants reveal it to you, but you must open your heart to Him and know that you are His. Rejection operates in all spheres of life and unless you allow yourself to take hold of the grace, mercy and love that God, your Father, has afforded you, rejection can lead to your demise. I am here to testify, in the name of Jesus, you don't have to be defeated. Rise up and stand in God's glory, His grace, acceptance, and unconditional love. Praise His name regardless of your circumstances and let His excellence rain all over you. You were made in His image and because of that, you too are excellent. Claim your Excellency. Rise up and let your joy expand outwardly. Decree, in Jesus' name, that you will no longer be depressed but you have abundant happiness and joy! Decree, today, in Jesus' name, that you have new friends in Christ and you are not alone! Decree, right now, all your days of suffering, depression, anger, frustration, poverty, shame, failure, and loneliness, are over! You are a new person. God is here for you, always has been, and forever will be as long as you cleave to Him. You are accepted! Believe it and receive it in the name of Jesus, and go forward living each day victoriously! Let REJECTED show you just how to do that, in Jesus´ name!
In today's society, it can be easy to feel rejected and unworthy. We may compare ourselves to others and feel like we don't measure up. We may feel like we don't belong or that we are not good enough. These feelings of rejection can be overwhelming and can cause us to feel isolated and alone. But there is hope. In the Bible, we see that God's love is unconditional and that we are accepted in His grace. Ephesians 1:6 tells us that "to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves." This means that we are loved and accepted by God, no matter what we have done or who we are. In "Grace to be Accepted and Not Rejected," we will explore what it means to be accepted in God's grace and how we can find healing and hope in this truth. We will look at the stories of people in the Bible who experienced rejection and how they found acceptance in God's love. We will also examine how we can let go of the fear of rejection and find our identity in Christ. Whether you are struggling with feelings of rejection or simply want to learn more about God's grace, this book is for you. May it bring you hope and encouragement as you discover the truth of your worth and acceptance in God's love. As we journey through this book, we will see that God's grace is not something that we earn or deserve. It is a gift given to us through His love and mercy. Romans 5:8 says, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." This verse reminds us that even when we were at our worst, God chose to send His Son to die for us and offer us His grace. We will also see that God's grace is not limited. It is available to all people, no matter who they are or what they have done. John 3:16 tells us, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." This verse shows us that God's love and grace are for everyone, not just for a select few. As we embrace God's grace, we will find healing for the wounds of rejection and be able to experience the fullness of His love. In Colossians 3:13, it says, "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." By accepting God's grace and extending it to others, we can find the freedom and healing that comes from being fully accepted and loved by Him. Join me on this journey as we discover the depth of God's grace and how it can transform our lives and bring us hope and acceptance. May we find rest in His love and be filled with His peace as we learn to embrace His grace and be accepted, not rejected.
Thousands of women and men have faced rejection at one time or another in their lives. I want to inform you that it's time to move past being rejected to rejoicing. In my new book "From Rejection to Rejoicing: How Rejection Saved My Life" you will learn that rejection does not mean the end but rather the beginning. Rejection is part of God's protection from people or things that can break you, cause you hurt, harm, or pain. It does not mean something is wrong with you. It only means that God has other plans and something greater for your life. In my book, I share my personal journey because I want you to realize your value, increase your self-esteem, and rise from where you are. Like I did, you too can allow rejection to motivate you to become a better person, to teach you patience, and how to wait on God. Rejection can be an opportunity for you to create change and begin to live your best life. I want you to find happiness and lasting love in God and yourself, not others. Evaluate where you are and experience joy in healing and becoming a complete person within. Being rejected does not mean you are not liked, valued, or important. It only means that you are not meant to connect or fit in with everybody or every situation. When you learn how to live and rejoice through rejection you can be in a position to handle and live through any problem you face in life because rejection can make you stronger. Affirmations, prayer, and reading God's word can help you through any situation. So arise, be healed, become stronger, be better, and rejoice through it all!