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Reimagining South African Higher Education: Towards a Student-Centred Learning and Teaching Future provides progressive approaches and innovations that challenge readers to rethink student learning, engagement, support, and teaching. The book offers examples of evidence-informed and scholarly approaches to centring students through enhanced learning and teaching practices that are relevant to the South African context and those Global South contexts similar to South Africa.
The Responsive University puts forward the proposition that the societal legitimacy of universities depends on whether and how they respond to societal challenges. This issue is exemplified in South Africa, one of the most unequal countries in the world.
This book examines the role of the university governing council and the changing nature of university governance using a case study from a South African university. The book considers the key challenging features of South African higher education in relation to current competing international trends in higher education governance. It shows how major decision-makers within the university operate within competing governance knowledge domains to exercise good practice within turbulent institutional contexts. These diverse institutional cultures are examined in terms of their contribution to various governance practices, presenting an emerging model of university governance known as the structural–systemic–cultural model. Throwing light on the nature of challenges associated with the governance of universities in the post-apartheid era, this book will be of interest to academics, researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of higher education, comparative education and education governance. Also, it will appeal to university councils and management across Africa.
This edited volume uses an African-centred approach to examine a renewed vision of development education in Africa. The purpose of the volume is to supplant prevailing Western ideologies, traditions, and rhetoric in the development education discourse in Africa and to advocate for alternative paradigms, knowledges, beliefs, and practices through the effort of dialogue between competing orientations, values and experiences. The book argues that Africa's development challenges are uniquely African requiring indigenous African solutions. Consequently, this book offers an insightful collection of case studies and conceptual papers that examine how indigenous African knowledge, philosophies, traditions, beliefs, and values shape the theory and practice of development education in Africa. Reimagining Development Education in Africa exemplifies an interdisciplinary and multifaceted scholarship, addressing topical issues and advances in development education in Africa. The book discusses among other topics, Ubuntu-inspired education for sustainable development, decolonising African development education, Afrocentricity, Globalisation, and gender equality. This book is a must read for scholars and students interested in understanding indigenous educational efforts aimed at promoting sustained improvements in the quality of life of African peoples.
Two decades after the democratic transition, South African universities are in turmoil. Whilst the old is slowly becoming unhinged, reimagining the new is protracted and contested. The challenges ahead, including a funding crunch, are formidable and bear the imprint of South African postcolonial specificities and global transformations in higher education. At this moment, critical and engaged socio-historical scholarship is indispensable. Transformation and Legitimation in Post-apartheid Universities: Reading discourses from Reitz is such a work. Revisiting the notorious Reitz incident of 2008, when a satirical video made by students from the University of the Free State (UFS) to register their resistance to the racial integration of black' students into historically white' residences became public, the text offers an analysis of the broader cultural and socio-political context that constituted the conditions of possibility for the incident and its aftermath. Attention is shifted from the principal actors in the original drama a handful of students and workers to a critical interrogation of the broader structures, positions, discourses and practices that fed into the Reitz incident', reaching into the present with violent and racially-charged student and worker protests in 2016. Van der Merwe and Van Reenen deliver a theoretically-rich analysis of the anatomy of current contestations about race and transformation in higher education in South Africa, the resultant legitimation crisis facing the UFS and South African universities more generally, as well as ways to restore institutional legitimacy and reputation, focusing on instituting deeper, more durable change that unlocks the promise of democracy. Dr Irma du Plessis University of Pretoria
Drawing on the South African case, this book looks at shifts in higher education around the world in the last two decades. In South Africa, calls for transformation have been heard in the university since the last days of apartheid. Similar claims for quality higher education to be made available to all have been made across the African continent. In spite of this, inequalities remain and many would argue that these have been exacerbated during the Covid pandemic. Understanding Higher Education responds to these calls by arguing for a social account of teaching and learning by contesting dominant understandings of students as decontextualised learners premised on the idea that the university is a meritocracy. This book tackles the issue of teaching and learning by looking both within and beyond the classroom. It looks at how higher education policies emerged from the notion of the knowledge economy in the newly democratic South Africa, and how national qualification frameworks and other processes brought the country more closely into conversation with the global order. The effects of this on staffing and curriculum structures are considered alongside a proposition for alternative ways of understanding the role of higher education in society.
This dissertation recognizes that the emergence of post-apartheid South Africa as the most popular study destination in Africa follows racial segregation, regional destabilization, and international isolation during apartheid. Today, the country's public higher education institutions face intensifying pressures to respond simultaneously to national, regional, and global policy imperatives that often conflict in the missions and daily functioning of the public universities. To understand how the different imaginaries of national, regional and international higher education policy imperatives are conceptualized, contested, institutionalized and experienced, I conducted an institutional ethnography of one of the country's top-rated, desegregated and formerly-White public universities. Data consisted of more than 100 hours of audio-recorded interviews with 26 top and mid-level administrators, 15 faculty and staff members, 30 non-national students, and 19 black and white South African students; participant observations of on-campus and off-campus events and meetings; and review of institutional documents (e.g. strategic frameworks, surveys, reports, and enrollment statistics). Data was mainly analyzed by concept mapping, which involved developing visuals to capture and represent patterns, interpretations, and relational concepts emerging from the research texts. Based on the analytic categories emerging from the data, I developed a four-quadrant mapping of discursive frames, policy discourses, organizing logics, and racial and national identity markers that shaped institutional policy contests in negotiating what it means for universities to serve public purposes. Findings show that the global competition imperative to internationalize the university privileged depoliticized policy practices based on market-oriented best practices that excluded and alienated historically marginalized black South Africans. Conversely, the national racial justice imperative to transform and decolonize the university was premised on nationalistic and racialized conceptions of racial justice that de-prioritized regional solidarity/cooperation and de-legitimized the multiracial thrust of social cohesion imperatives. The mobilization strategy premised on equity, nationality, and blackness thus alienated non-national and non-black student constituencies, prompting them to mobilize around quality, inclusiveness and social cohesion. The research underscores the policy and practice implications attending the drawing of boundaries and borders in determining who public universities in deeply connected regions belong to and who they should serve, and in constraining possibilities for cross-national and cross-racial solidarities.
Tensions in South African universities have traditionally centred around equity (particularly access and affordability), historical legacies (such as apartheid and colonialism), and the shape and structure of the higher education system. What has not received sufficient attention, is the contribution of the university to place-based development. This volume is the first in South Africa to engage seriously with the place-based developmental role of universities. In the international literature and policy there has been an increasing integration of the university with place-based development, especially in cities. This volume weighs in on the debate by drawing attention to the place-based roles and agency of South African universities in their local towns and cities. It acknowledges that universities were given specific development roles in regions, homelands and towns under apartheid, and comments on why sub-national, place-based development has not been a key theme in post-apartheid, higher education planning. Given the developmental crisis in the country, universities could be expected to play a more constructive and meaningful role in the development of their own precincts, cities and regions. But what should that role be? Is there evidence that this is already occurring in South Africa, despite the lack of a national policy framework? What plans and programmes are in place, and what is needed to expand the development agency of universities at the local level? Who and what might be involved? Where should the focus lie, and who might benefit most, and why? Is there a need perhaps to approach the challenges of college towns, secondary cities and metropolitan centers differently? This book poses some of these questions as it considers the experiences of a number of South African universities, including Wits, Pretoria, Nelson Mandela University and especially Fort Hare as one of its post-centenary challenges.
While African universities retain their core function as primary institutions for advancement of knowledge, they have undergone fundamental changes in this regard. These changes have been triggered by a multiplicity of factors, including the need to address past economic and social imbalances, higher education expansion alongside demographic and economic growth concerns, and student throughput and success with the realization that greater participation has not meant greater equity. Constraining these changes is largely the failure to recognize the encroachment of the profit motive into the academy, or a shift from a public good knowledge/learning regime to a neo-liberal knowledge/learning regime. Neo-liberalism, with its emphasis on the economic and market function of the university, rather than the social function, is increasingly destabilizing higher education particularly in the domain of knowledge, making it increasingly unresponsive to local social and cultural needs. Corporate organizational practices, commodification and commercialization of knowledge, dictated by market ethics, dominate university practices in Africa with negative impact on professional values, norms and beliefs. Under such circumstances, African humanist progressive virtues (e.g. social solidarity, compassion, positive human relations and citizenship), democratic principles (equity and social justice) and the commitment to decolonization ideals guided by altruism and common good, are under serious threat. The book goes a long way in unraveling how African universities can respond to these challenges at the levels of institutional management, academic scholarship, the structure of knowledge production and distribution, institutional culture, policy and curriculum.