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This report provides a unique, sector-specific synthesis of the nationally determined contributions (NDCs) submitted by countries in sub-Saharan Africa. It summarizes the substantial contributions already put forward by countries, opportunities for further action, and the gaps, barriers, and needs that will need to be addressed if the agriculture and land-use sectors in sub-Saharan Africa are to raise mitigation and adaptation ambitions. The findings of this report will help FAO Members to reflect on their progress in advancing toward NDC implementation of their agriculture and land-use priorities, as well as illustrate potential areas for enhancing mitigation and adaptation ambition in future NDCs. The analysis also helps to clarify the links between the NDCs from the region and the 2030 Agenda and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR). Finally, the report serves as a guide to FAO, and other organizations in the region, to design targeted, evidenced-based support programmes that support Member Countries to fill current implementation gaps and scale up climate action in the agriculture and land-use sectors.
189 countries have submitted their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) and/or their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the UNFCCC. With the Paris Agreement having entered into force in November 2016, the INDCs/ NDCs will guide country-level climate action for the coming years. They include not only targets, but also concrete strategies for climate change mitigation and adaptation. FAO has analyzed the INDCs/ NDCs to assess the role of agriculture and land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) and the agriculture sectors (crops, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture, as well as forestry) in meeting national mitigation contributions and adaptation objectives, respectively. The results show that in all regions, these sectors will play a pivotal role in accomplishing the intended contributions and objectives for addressing the causes of and increasing resilience to climate change by 2030 and beyond. This INDCs analysis report provides an overview on how the agriculture sectors have been included in the INDCs/ NDCs. It outlines mitigation contributions with a particular focus on agriculture and LULUCF, vulnerabilities under climate change and priority areas and/or activities for adaptation in the agriculture sectors. Furthermore, this report summarizes information provided in the INDCs/ NDCs on Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA), mitigation-adaptation co-benefits and how countries have developed their INDCs and are planning to implement their NDCs. The aim of this analysis is to provide a basis for identifying priorities for international support for climate action in the agriculture sectors.
3. Investing in people.
Sustainable development depends on maintaining long-term economic, social, and environmental capital. In failing to make the best use of their female populations, most countries are underinvesting in the human capital needed to assure ...
This catalogue aims to improve the dissemination and outreach of FAO’s knowledge products and overall publishing programme. By providing information on its key publications in every area of FAO’s work, and catering to a range of audiences, it thereby contributes to all organizational outcomes. From statistical analysis to specialized manuals to children’s books, FAO publications cater to a diverse range of audiences. This catalogue presents a selection of FAO’s main publications, produced in 2023 or earlier, ranging from its global reports and general interest publications to numerous specialized titles. In addition to the major themes of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, it also includes thematic sections on climate change, economic and social development, and food safety and nutrition.
Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 1998.
This open access book highlights the complexities around making adaptation decisions and building resilience in the face of climate risk. It is based on experiences in sub-Saharan Africa through the Future Climate For Africa (FCFA) applied research programme. It begins by dealing with underlying principles and structures designed to facilitate effective engagement about climate risk, including the robustness of information and the construction of knowledge through co-production. Chapters then move on to explore examples of using climate information to inform adaptation and resilience through early warning, river basin development, urban planning and rural livelihoods based in a variety of contexts. These insights inform new ways to promote action in policy and praxis through the blending of knowledge from multiple disciplines, including climate science that provides understanding of future climate risk and the social science of response through adaptation. The book will be of interest to advanced undergraduate students and postgraduate students, researchers, policy makers and practitioners in geography, environment, international development and related disciplines.
This report provides a unique, sector-specific synthesis of the agriculture, water and land use sectors in the nationally determined contributions from Near East and North Africa. It summarizes the substantial contributions already put forward by countries, opportunities for further action and the gaps, barriers and needs that will need to be addressed if the region is to raise mitigation and adaptation ambitions. The findings of this report will help member countries to reflect on their progress in advancing toward nationally determined contributions priorities for agriculture, water and land use, and associated national climate goals including related targets under the Sustainable Development Goals. The analysis also helps to make clear the links between the nationally determined contributions from the region and the ongoing work of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in support of the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA). Finally, the report serves as a guide to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, as well as other international actors, of the support that will be required to help countries in the region move forward to implement agriculture, water and land use priorities in their NDCs and ensure that future commitments from the sector are quantifiable, verifiable and sufficiently ambitious.
This meticulously revised second edition provides a comparative overview of climate change mitigation issues and international regulatory approaches, bringing together expert contributors to analyse key sectors such as energy, transport, cities, industry, land use, agriculture and waste.
This is corpus linguistics with a text linguistic focus. The volume concerns lexical inequality, the fact that some words and phrases share the quality of being key---and thereby reflect or promote important themes in some textual contexts, while others do not. The patterning of words which differ in their centrality to text meaning is of increasing interest to corpus linguistics. At the same time software resources are yielding increasingly more detailed ways of identifying and studying the linkages between key words and phrases in text databases. This volume brings together work from some of the leading researchers in this field. It presents thirteen studies organized in three sections, the first containing a series of studies exploring the nature of keyness itself, then a set of five studies looking at keyness in specific discourse contexts, and then three studies with an educational focus. "Edited by two central figures in the development of keyword analysis, and with contributions from leading specialists in the field, this unique collection brings together a wide range of insights into how keyword analysis can contribute both to linguistic and cultural analysis and to language education. It deserves a place on the bookshelves of anyone with an interest in these areas"---Christopher Tribble, King's College, London "This is a fascinating volume addressing both methodological and theoretical questions in the study of keywords. It pushes forward the exploration of the nature of keyness and the interpretation of keywords in their textual contexts. An inspiring contribution to a central area of corpus linguistics." ---Michaela Mahlberg, University of Nottingham