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L’Œuvre complète de Zacharias Tanee Fomum sur la Doctrine chrétienne fondamentale est une anthologie de 13 livres clés sur les doctrines fondamentales de la vie chrétienne par le Professeur Zacharias Tanee Fomum: Le Chemin de la Vie Le Chemin de l’Obéissance Le Chemin d’être Disciple Le Chemin de la Sanctification Le Chemin du Caractère Chrétien Le Chemin du Combat Spirituel Le Chemin de la Souffrance pour Christ Le Chemin de la Prière Victorieuse Le Chemin des Vainqueurs Le Chemin de la Puissance Spirituelle Le Chemin de l’Encouragement Spirituel Le Chemin de l’Amour pour le Seigneur Le Chemin du Service Chrétien Toute personne qui commence sa marche chrétienne sans ces fondamentaux pourrait trainer les pas sur le chemin étroit, au lieu de courir ou d’être en croisière. Le Seigneur est à la recherche des disciples à Son image. Si elle est lue et bien assimilée, La Série Le Chemin, vous propulsera de l’état de nouveau converti, de croyant ou de membre d’église, pour faire de vous ce genre de disciple que Jésus a ordonné. Ce faisant, la fondation pour un leadership spirituel perpétuel sera posée. Voudrais-tu devenir un disciple qui plait au Seigneur ? Si « oui », cette anthologie est un outil indispensable pour vous transporter à bon port. Nous publions cette anthologie avec un cri du Seigneur de la moisson ; afin qu’il serve à produire des disciples qui Lui rendent une obéissance en toutes choses, des pécheurs, des saints, des convertis, des membres d’église et des croyants en Christ. Que l’Éternel te visite pendant que tu parcours cet ouvrage. Puisse-t-il te transformer en un disciple dépendant du Seigneur Jésus Christ, nonobstant ta condition.
Given the destruction and suffering caused by more than four years of industrialised warfare and economic hardship, scholars have tended to focus on the nationalism and hatred in the belligerent countries, holding that it led to a fundamental rupture of any sense of European commonality and unity. It is the central aim of this volume to correct this view and to highlight that many observers saw the conflict as a ‘European civil war’, and to discuss what this meant for discourses about Europe. Bringing together a remarkable range of compelling and highly original topics, this collection explores notions, images, and ideas of Europe in the midst of catastrophe.
What does it mean to be Jewish? What is an anti-Semite? Why does the enigmatic identity of the men who founded the first monotheistic religion arouse such passions? We need to return to the Jewish question. We need, first, to distinguish between the anti-Judaism of medieval times, which persecuted the Jews, and the anti-Judaism of the Enlightenment, which emancipated them while being critical of their religion. It is a mistake to confuse the two and see everyone from Voltaire to Hitler as anti-Semitic in the same way. Then we need to focus on the development of anti-Semitism in Europe, especially Vienna and Paris, where the Zionist idea was born. Finally, we need to investigate the reception of Zionism both in the Arab countries and within the Diaspora. Re-examining the Jewish question in the light of these distinctions and investigations, Roudinesco shows that there is a permanent tension between the figures of the ‘universal Jew’ and the ‘territorial Jew’. Freud and Jung split partly over this issue, which gained added intensity after the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 and the Eichmann trial in 1961. Finally, Roudinesco turns to the Holocaust deniers, who started to suggest that the Jews had invented the genocide that befell their people, and to the increasing number of intellectual and literary figures who have been accused of anti-Semitism. This thorough re-examination of the Jewish question will be of interest to students and scholars of modern history and contemporary thought and to a wide readership interested in anti-Semitism and the history of the Jews.