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The analysis in this book reflects various aspects of financial sector transformation in selected Central European countries that are expected to join the EU in 2004. The authors are Central European financial experts who provide, among other things, a detailed overview of the following main topics: Banking Regulation and Supervision; Concentration and Efficiency of the Banking Sectors; Financial (banking) crises in selected Central European countries; and Monetary and Exchange Rate Development. The results of the research done by these authors reflect an interesting fact: that there exist important differences in the financial sector development even in the relatively homogeneous group of selected Central European countries, namely the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary.
This study analyzes the main requirements placed on Central and Eastern Europe's financial systems during their transition to a market economy. It assesses the financial reforms already carried out in the countries of Central Europe, their adaptations of Western institutional models, and the lessons to be drawn from their experiences for the second wave reformers in the former Soviet Union and the Balkans.
'. . .Sevic offers an accessible and closely argued account of financial sector reform processes in Southeast Europe. Sevic's book is the result of an extensive research project on banking sector reform in the Southeast European transitional economies undertaken since late 1998. . . an extensive look at this timely volume will pay handsome dividends and could help devise successful business plans.' - Jens Bastian, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 'The book will be a very agreeable reading to experts on the region. Its comprehensive analysis emphasises past and current conflicts, the recourse to currency board arrangements, and the persisting asymmetries with reference to the functioning of the banking system in Central Europe. . . Banking Reforms in South-East Europe is a book that college students in banking and financial markets, and banking analysts should read.' - Bruno S. Sergi, South-East Europe Review Banking Reforms in South-East Europe gives a critical and detailed overview of banking system restructuring in the transitional countries of South-Eastern Europe - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania and Yugoslavia - and offers suggestions for future reforms.
The papers collected in this volume are those presented at the seventeenth Collo quium arranged by the Societe Universitaire Europeenne de Recherches Financieres (SUERF), which took place in Berlin in October 1992. The Society is supported by a large number of central banks and commercial banks, by other fmancial and business institutions and by personal subscriptions from academics and others interested in monetary and fmancial problems. Since its establishment in 1963, it has developed as a forum for the exchange of information, research results and ideas among academics and practitioners in these fields, including central bank officials and civil servants responsible for formulating and applying monetary and financial policies, national and international. A major activity of SUERF is to organise and conduct Colloquia on subjects of topical interest to its members. The titles, places and dates of previous Colloqu~ for which volumes of the collected papers were published are noted on the last page of this volume.
The book examines in depth the progress of reform in the banking sector in Eastern Europe - which is a key element in its transition to the market. Particular emphasis is placed on the problem of bad debts owed by companies to banks, and on criteria and options for overcoming this serious problem. The book also analyses the recent development of capital markets in Eastern Europe, their role in attracting foreign capital flows and the limitations to the development of those markets and suggests how to overcome them. Based on analysis by senior policy-makers and academics from the region , the book focuses on four countries: the former Czechoslovakia (now the Czech and Slovak Republics), Hungary and Poland.
Covers the different ways in which financial systems have changed and been developed in Central and Eastern Europe during the recent upheavals and collapse of communism. Banking is examined in the protomarket period; for independence in the transitional economies; and in liberalization.
'...this book would be suited to lawyers and non-lawyers alike. In addition, it provides an interesting look at the EU banking system and the systems of Central and Eastern European countries.' - Ellie Palmer, Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation The eastwards expansion of the European Union is one of the most explosive economic and political issues of the early 21st century. Economic and financial stability combined with rising prosperity in the applicant countries are increasingly seen as necessary preconditions for European Union membership. This authoritative volume, written by scholars and practitioners from Central and Western Europe and the United States, confronts the issues involved in three of the countries most likely to be successful applicants to the EU - the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia. A spotlight is turned on the banking and financial industries, as they are crucial to the achievement of economic stability. The blend of expertise deployed, which draws on in-depth knowledge and extensive experience in central banking, financial and commercial law, business, practical policy making and economic analysis, ensures that this book is timely, relevant and insightful. The authors suggest that the role of the state in both creating and maintaining an effective financial sector is central. Furthermore, they argue that well-regulated commercial banks and strategic foreign investors are a must as, in practice, the attempt to skip straight to modern capital markets has been ruinous. This accessibly written volume will be of interest to students and scholars of economics, finance, law, political science, the sociology of economic life and European studies.
Potential new entrants to the European Union from Central and Eastern European countries face many challenges to achieve financial convergence with the existing EU nations. Using detailed case studies from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland and analysis of cross country data from these regions, Financial and Monetary Integration in the New Europe looks at the key issues for applicant countries as they negotiate the terms of their membership in the European Union. Of major concern to these countries is the financial sector and its implications for economic growth and the conduct of macroeconomic policy. The book examines, in particular, monetary and exchange rate policies, banking regulation and financial market efficiency. The overall impact of building a market driven financial system on economic development is also explored.
The global economic crisis that began in 2007 has posed huge challenges for European citizens and governments. The crisis has shown that the financial sector has not been adequately regulated and supervised, that governments and individuals have overspent, and that European economies are suffering from structural problems. This book, a collaboration between the Centre for European Studies and its member foundations, assesses government responses to the crisis at the national, EU and regional levels, and also offers policy recommendations. Governments should work with one another and with EU institutions to improve bank supervision and regulatory mechanisms. They should undertake fiscal consolidation measures, bearing in mind that government deficits and debt incur costs that burden future generations. Finally, they should undertake structural reforms such as creating flexible labour markets, increasing the retirement age and shaping efficient public institutions.
The two papers draw from the brief yet radical reform experiences of five countries-Bulgaria, former Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. the first paper describes the financial sector reforms untertaken by these countries since the 1980s, as well as the problems encountered. It also discusses the roles privatization, stabilization policies, and prudential supervision can play in the financial sector development of these countries. the second paper analyzes the different exchange arrangements as they apply to previously centrally planned economies;examines the general arguments for convertability in these countries;and considers the desirable degree of exchange rate flexibility.