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This bestselling, seminal book - a general survey of Europe in the era of `Rennaisance and Reformation' - was originally published in Denys Hay's famous Series, `A General History of Europe'. It looks at sixteenth-century Europe as a complex but interconnected whole, rather than as a mosaic of separate states. The authors explore its different aspects through the various political structures of the age - empires, monarchies, city-republics - and how they functioned and related to one another. A strength of the book remains the space it devotes to the growing importance of town-life in the sixteenth century, and to the economic background of political change.
Bainton presents the many strands that made up the Reformation in a single, brilliantly coherent account. He discusses the background for Luther's irreparable breach with the Church and its ramifications for 16th Century Europe, giving thorough accounts of the Diet of Worms, the institution of the Holy Commonwealth of Geneva, Henry VIII's break with Rome, and William the Silent's struggle for Dutch independence.
The reforming movements of the 16th century were constantly being attacked by Rome for breaking the unity of the Apostolic Church. To counter these accusations the reformers turned to questions of 'tradition', 'history' and 'identity' in order to define and express the religious, political and social ideals of their movement. Though this debate was carried on with great vigour and spawned an enormous corpus of literature, a unifying concept of Protestant identity proved elusive; the process produced only divergent theological conclusions and conflicting social and political goals. These volumes present a coherent set of archive-based studies which examine and interpret the issues of identity and history so fundamental to the reformers. They examine the most important problems addressed, including the relationship between belief and locality in the formation of religious identity, the limitations to a coherent identity in protest, the effects of success on Protestant identity, and the nature of history as it applies to God's Church. This is an original and comprehensive treatment of the European Reformation and of the leading reformers' minds.
The sixteenth century witnessed some of the most abrupt and traumatic transformations ever seen in European society and culture. Population growth strained the old fabric of community and economic relations. New supplies of precious metals from east and west re-wrote the rules of finance and commerce. Politics was dominated first by the gladiatorial struggle of two great Renaissance monarchs, then by the bitter and bloody entanglement of religion and politics. Society became more disciplined but also more fragmented. Yet this was also the age when the Renaissance became a European rather than just an Italian phenomenon, an age of art, architecture, and literature, of unprecedented reflection on the thinking person's role in government and civic life. It was the era of the Reformation and Catholic reform, when the ideals and priorities of the life of faith were examined and reshaped in the light of new readings of Scripture. For the first time Europeans not only learned more about the world beyond their continent; they reached out and grasped huge new overseas empires. Six leading scholars in their respective fields have here contributed their insights into the challenging and tumultuous sixteenth century. The economy, politics, society, and secular and religious thought all receive careful thematic treatment and analysis. A detailed picture also emerges of how Europeans made and managed their overseas empires. The volume challenges, tests, and revises the received wisdom of past accounts in the light of the most modern scholarship. The diverse experiences of regions of Europe often ignored, including the East and the Mediterranean, receive particular attention where their destinies were different from the more better-known experiences of France and Germany. Many clichés of textbook history, from the multiple 'revolutions' to the rise of the nation-states, emerge transformed from this account.
This general survey of Europe in the era of Renaissance and Reformation looks at sixteenth-century Europe as a complex but interconnected whole, rather than as a mosaic of separate states. The authors explore its different aspects through the various political structures of the age--empires, monarchies, city-republics--and how they functioned and related to one another. A strength of the book is the space it devotes to the growing importance of town-life in the sixteenth century, and to the economic background of political change.
An unabridged, unaltered edition of the Disputation on the Power & Efficacy of Indulgences Commonly Known as The 95 Theses
Continuing the tradition of historiographic studies, this volume provides an update on research in Reformation and early modern Europe. Written by expert scholars in the field, these eighteen essays explore the fundamental points of Reformation and early modern history in religious studies, European regional studies, and social and cultural studies. Authors review the present state of research in the field, new trends, key issues scholars are working with, and fundamental works in their subject area, including the wide range of electronic resources now available to researchers.