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Reflexiones is an annual review of the work in progress of scholars affiliated with the Center for Mexican American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. It may also include outside works derived from center-sponsored presentations. Reflexiones 1998, the second volume in the series, invites us to view Mexican American identity in a new light. In the rich interdisciplinary tradition of Mexican American studies, the contributors to Reflexiones 1998 come from a variety of fields. Martha Menchaca (anthropology) and Mauricio Tenorio and David Montejano (both in history) open with a three-part piece on the 150th anniversary of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Angela Valenzuela (sociology, Rice University) discusses the practice of cultural assimilation in our educational system. Américo Paredes (anthropology and English) offers a telling vignette of borderland life. Sheila Marie Contreras (English) considers the question of Mexican American ancestry in a study of a poem by Teresa Palomo Acosta. Lalo Alcaraz, the Los Angeles-based satirist, delivers a trenchant autobiographical cartoon story. James Nicolopulos (Spanish and Portuguese) delves into the corrido tradition and the effects of the advent of sound recording. Richard Flores (anthropology) explores the myth of the Alamo and the film Martyrs of the Alamo. And finally, Charles Ramírez Berg (radio, television, and film) examines Mexican American border documentaries.
Established in 1970, the Center for Mexican American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin is a national leader in teaching, research, and publications in Chicano studies. Reflexiones, its annual review, highlights work in progress by scholars affiliated with the center. It may also include work by other authors and artists who have offered presentations sponsored by the center. Reflexiones 1999, the third volume in the series, invites us to consider the complex relationship between cultural identity, racial and ethnic politics, and the production of knowledge. Consistent with the rich tradition of Mexican American studies, the contributors to Reflexiones 1999 hail from a variety of disciplines. Almeida Jacqueline Toribio (linguistics) offers an analysis of Spanish-English code switching among U.S. Latinos. Douglas Foley (anthropology) reflects upon the political pressures of researching and writing an ethnography about the Raza Unida Party. Lisa J. Montoya (political science) examines the media's depiction of Latinos as a "sleeping giant" in U.S. electoral politics. Bárbara J. Robles (public affairs) analyzes the status of Latina scholars and graduate students in the academy. Maggie Rivas-Rodríguez (journalism) discusses the accomplishments and legacy of the pioneering Latino journalist Rubén Salazar. Other contributions include an evocative short story, "Es el agua," by Rolando Hinojosa and reproductions of a recent series of Liliana Wilson Grez's drawings and paintings.
How and to what degree are women worldwide gaining and using power? This book offers the first genuinely comparative assessment of this key question by exploring the conditions, actions, and accomplishments of women in Latin America and Asia. Encompassing 60 percent of the world's population and experiencing far-reaching transformations, these two regions offer a vital window into our understanding of the experiences of women globally. Revealing both basic similarities and fundamental differences, this volume offers thoughtful insights about the changing conditions of women, on the one hand, and, on the other, about patterns of social change throughout Asia and Latin America.
The bandido, the harlot, the male buffoon, the female clown, the Latin lover, and the dark lady—these have been the defining, and demeaning, images of Latinos in U.S. cinema for more than a century. In this book, Charles Ramírez Berg develops an innovative theory of stereotyping that accounts for the persistence of such images in U.S. popular culture. He also explores how Latino actors and filmmakers have actively subverted and resisted such stereotyping. In the first part of the book, Berg sets forth his theory of stereotyping, defines the classic stereotypes, and investigates how actors such as Raúl Julia, Rosie Pérez, José Ferrer, Lupe Vélez, and Gilbert Roland have subverted stereotypical roles. In the second part, he analyzes Hollywood's portrayal of Latinos in three genres: social problem films, John Ford westerns, and science fiction films. In the concluding section, Berg looks at Latino self-representation and anti-stereotyping in Mexican American border documentaries and in the feature films of Robert Rodríguez. He also presents an exclusive interview in which Rodríguez talks about his entire career, from Bedhead to Spy Kids, and comments on the role of a Latino filmmaker in Hollywood and how he tries to subvert the system.
Includes "Bibliographical section".
Taking seriously the “W Stands for Women” rhetoric of the 2004 Bush–Cheney campaign, the contributors to this collection investigate how “W” stands for women. They argue that George W. Bush has hijacked feminist language toward decidedly antifeminist ends; his use of feminist rhetoric is deeply and problematically connected to a conservative gender ideology. While it is not surprising that conservative views about gender motivate Bush’s stance on so-called “women’s issues” such as abortion, what is surprising—and what this collection demonstrates—is that a conservative gender ideology also underlies a range of policies that do not appear explicitly related to gender, most notably foreign and domestic policies associated with the post-9/11 security state. Any assessment of the lasting consequences of the Bush presidency requires an understanding of the gender conservatism at its core. In W Stands for Women ten feminist scholars analyze various aspects of Bush’s persona, language, and policy to show how his administration has shaped a new politics of gender. One contributor points out the shortcomings of “compassionate conservatism,” a political philosophy that requires a weaker class to be the subject of compassion. Another examines Lynndie England’s participation in the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib in relation to the interrogation practices elaborated in the Army Field Manual, practices that often entail “feminizing” detainees by stripping them of their masculine gender identities. Whether investigating the ways that Bush himself performs masculinity or the problems with discourse that positions non-Western women as supplicants in need of saving, these essays highlight the far-reaching consequences of the Bush administration’s conflation of feminist rhetoric, conservative gender ideology, and neoconservative national security policy. Contributors. Andrew Feffer, Michaele L. Ferguson, David S. Gutterman, Mary Hawkesworth, Timothy Kaufman-Osborn, Lori Jo Marso, Danielle Regan, R. Claire Snyder, Iris Marion Young, Karen Zivi Michaela Ferguson and Karen Zivi appeared on KPFA’s Against the Grain on September 11, 2007. Listen to the audio. Michaela Ferguson and Lori Jo Marso appeared on WUNC’s The State of Things on August 30, 2007. Listen to the audio.
Add to your knowledge of Latino/Hispanic diversity, attitudes, behaviors, and experiences to provide more effective services! Latino-Hispanic Liaisons and Visions for Human Behavior in the Social Environment dispels pervasive historical and contemporary misconceptions and inaccuracies and highlights the diversity of Latino/Hispanic experiences to help you provide more effective services to those clients. As editors Torres and Rivera point out, “Literature on Latinos/Hispanics reflects a dysfunctional and myopic cultural view in which they are often depicted in stereotypic characteristics and as a homogenous population.” In Latino-Hispanic Liaisons and Visions for Human Behavior in the Social Environment, you’ll find chapters examining: the social ecology of Mexican-American child development caregiver well-being among Cuban and Puerto Rican mothers of mentally retarded adults the adjustment process among Cuban refugee families one Southwestern community’s efforts to create a multiethnic neighborhood coalition against substance abuse a study of changes related to migration, family, and work in Caribbean women’s lives and much more!
This book is dedicated to modern approaches to mathematical modeling of reflexive processes in control. The authors consider reflexive games that describe the gametheoretical interaction of agents making decisions based on a hierarchy of beliefs regarding (1) essential parameters (informational reflexion), (2) decision principles used by opponents (strategic reflexion), (3) beliefs about beliefs, and so on. Informational and reflexive equilibria in reflexive games generalize a series of well-known equilibrium concepts in noncooperative games and models of collective behavior. These models allow posing and solving the problems of informational and reflexive control in organizational, economic, social and other systems, in military applications, etc. (the interested reader will find in the book over 30 examples of possible applications in these fields) and describing uniformly many psychological/sociological phenomena connected with reflexion, viz., implicit control, informational control via the mass media, reflexion in chess, art works, etc. The present book is intended for experts in decision making and control of systems of an interdisciplinary nature, as well as for undergraduates and postgraduates.
Der Band enthält eine Sammlung von deutsch- und englischsprachigen Aufsätzen, die sich mit der Rezeption Søren Kierkegaards befassen, und zwar am Leitfaden der Begriffe Aneignung und Reflexion. Der Doppelsinn im Genitiv des Untertitels ist dabei durchaus beabsichtigt: Denn es geht nicht nur um die (explizite) Aneignung sowie die (implizite) Reflexion des Kierkegaard'schen Denkens in ihrer Wirkungsgeschichte, sondern auch um Vorläufer und exemplarische Quellen seines eigenen Denkens. Der Schwerpunkt in der Rekonstruktion der Rezeptionsgeschichte liegt auf den sog. pseudonymen Werken und deren Wirkung in der - vornehmlich innerdeutschen - Philosophie und Theologie des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, während der Rückgang auf die Quellen primär Kierkegaards Auseinandersetzung mit einigen Hauptvertretern des (post-)hegelianischen Denkens nachzeichnet. Beide Textgruppen fördern zahlreiche überraschende, bislang unbekannte oder aber zu Unrecht marginalisierte Zusammenhänge in der Genese wie in der komplexen Wirkungsgeschichte des Kierkegaard'schen Denkens zutage.