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Wetlands provide valuable ecosystem functions including nutrient recycling, carbon storage, flood mitigation, and habitat in support of biodiversity. However, land use change and climate change stressors continue to threaten wetland ecosystems. Specifically, climate change is predicted to increase rates of sea-level rise and increase frequency of storm surges. Therefore, we need to better understand how the combined saltwater intrusion and flooding environmental stressors influence coastal wetland structure and function. Environmental stressors modify soil redox potential which directly influences microbial community structure and function in ways that alter transformations of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and iron, at the ecosystem level. Abiotic and biotic factors, including hydrology and plant presence, can affect terminal electron acceptor availability and dictate rates and types of metabolic microbial functions to different degrees. In a previous experiment, a soil mesocosm approach was used to examine how hydrology (wet, dry, interim) and plant presence (with or without plants) influenced wetland soils sampled from varying hydrologic histories (wet, dry, interim) in a restored, coastal wetland. After eight weeks of hydrologic manipulation, 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing and shotgun metagenomic sequencing were performed to characterize the microbial communities and greenhouse gas concentrations were measured to assess microbial function. Soil redox potential and soil physicochemical properties were also measured. Previous results showed that plant presence decreased greenhouse gas concentrations even in flooded conditions, and hydrology (history and contemporary treatment) altered wetland soil microbial community structure and the composition of carbohydrate metabolic genes. Functional genes involved in methanogenesis, and aerobic respiration, also differed in composition across hydrologic histories. In this study, we address the questions (1) how do hydrologic and plant related redox shifts relate to the composition of metabolic genes involved in sulfur/iron cycling and (2) how do patterns of iron-sulfur metabolic composition relate to carbon and nitrogen metabolic composition and greenhouse gas production? We hypothesized that the most reducing conditions (i.e., prolonged flooded, no plants) modify anaerobic metabolisms in similar ways. We predict that (i) in oxidizing conditions (dry and/or plant presence), functional gene composition of sulfate reduction will not correlate to the gene composition of iron reduction, and (ii) in reducing conditions (i.e., wet and/or plant absence), functional gene composition of sulfate reduction will correlate to patterns in iron reduction metabolic genes. In addition, iron and sulfur metabolic gene composition will contribute to carbon dioxide production while competing with methanogenesis. Results revealed that hydrologic treatment impacted assimilatory sulfate reduction gene composition, while hydrologic history impacted dissimilatory sulfate reduction composition. Hydrologic history significantly affected total iron active gene composition and iron reduction gene composition. We also identified correlations between sulfate reduction and iron reduction, especially in flooded conditions, while sulfate reduction and iron reduction compositions explained variation in biogenic greenhouse gas concentrations (carbon dioxide and methane). These results demonstrate the role of historical hydrology, saltwater exposure, and soil iron in shaping microbial community responses to future changes in hydrology and plant cover. Salinization events (e.g., saltwater intrusion) and changing precipitation patterns impact soil redox dynamics by altering sulfate and oxygen availability, and challenge estimates of biogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, a better understanding of microbial community responses to hydrologic manipulations, plant presence/absence, and soil physicochemistry will inform wetland greenhouse gas emissions predictions and management strategies (e.g., plant presence and hydrologic flows).
Watersaturated soil and sediment ecosystems (i.e. wetlands) are ecologically as well as economically important systems due to their high productivity, their nutrient (re)cycling capacities and their prominent contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions. Being on the transition between terrestrial and – aquatic ecosystems, wetlands are buffers for terrestrial run off thereby preventing eutrophication of inland as well as coastal waters. The close proximity of oxic-anoxic conditions, often created by wetland plant roots, facilitates the simultaneous activity of aerobic as well as anaerobic microbial communities. Input of nutrients and fast recycling due to active aerobes and anaerobes makes these systems highly productive and therefore attractive for humans as well as many other organisms. Wetlands globally are under high pressure due to anthropogenic activities as well as climate change. Changes of land-use as well as altered hydrology due to climate change will lead to disturbance and loss of these habitats. However, the diversity and functioning of microbial communities in wetlands systems in highly underexplored in comparison to soils and aquatic ecosystems. Given the importance of wetlands and their immediate threats combined with the lack of knowledge on the microbiology of these systems is the basis for this special issue, focusing on the current microbiological knowledge and gaps therein to be assessed in future wetland research. Papers (research papers, reviews, perspectives, opinion papers) are welcomed that focus on all aspects that regulate the functioning and community composition of microbes (i.e. bacteria, archaea, protozoa, fungi) in wetland ecosystems (peat, coastal as well as freshwater marshes, flood plains, rice paddies, littoral zones of lakes etc) from all geographic regions. Welcomed topics are physiology, ecology, functioning, biodiversity, biogeography of microbes involved in nutrient cycling (C, N, P, Fe, Mn), green house gas emissions as well as plant-microbe interactions. These studies can be multidisciplinary and cover topics from the molecular to the community level.
Elements move through Earth's critical zone along interconnected pathways that are strongly influenced by fluctuations in water and energy. The biogeochemical cycling of elements is inextricably linked to changes in climate and ecological disturbances, both natural and man-made. Biogeochemical Cycles: Ecological Drivers and Environmental Impact examines the influences and effects of biogeochemical elemental cycles in different ecosystems in the critical zone. Volume highlights include: Impact of global change on the biogeochemical functioning of diverse ecosystems Biological drivers of soil, rock, and mineral weathering Natural elemental sources for improving sustainability of ecosystems Links between natural ecosystems and managed agricultural systems Non-carbon elemental cycles affected by climate change Subsystems particularly vulnerable to global change The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals. Book Review:
This book integrates 30 years of mercury research in the Florida Everglades to inform scientists and policy makers. The Everglades is an iconic ecosystem by virtue of its expanse; diversity of biota; and multiple international designations. Despite this, the Everglades has been subjected to multiple threats including: habitat loss, hydrologic alterations, invasive species and altered water quality. Less well recognized as a threat to Everglades human use and wildlife populations is the toxic metal, mercury. The first half of Volume II focuses on biogeochemistry and factors unique to the Everglades that make it extraordinarily susceptible to mercury methylation following its deposition: warm subtropical climate, shallow depth, high levels of dissolved organic matter, sulfate contamination, nutrient enrichment and sediment redox conditions (for review of atmospheric mercury deposition significance, see Vol. I). The second half of Volume II answers the “so what” question – why biomagnification of the methylmercury produced in the Everglades is a threat to the health of top predators including humans. The results of the synthesis presented in Volume II suggest that the mercury problem in the Florida Everglades is one of the worst in the world due to its areal extent and the degree of risk to ecological receptors and humans.
Aquatic plants play a critically important role in maintaining ecosystem health. They are natural biological filters in freshwater and estuarine wetlands; they contribute to the reproductive success of many organisms, some of which are harvested for food; they assist in flood control; and they are prominent elements in the aesthetics and recreational use of freshwater and estuarine habitats. Despite this globally recognized importance, wetlands have faced and continue to face threats from the encroachment of human activities. The Biology of Aquatic and Wetland Plants is a thorough and up-to-date textbook devoted to these plants and their interactions with the environment. The focus is on botanical diversity from the perspective of evolutionary relationships, emphasizing the role of evolution in shaping adaptations to the aquatic environment. By incorporating recent findings on the phylogeny of green plants, with special emphasis on the angiosperms, the text is broadly useful for courses in plant biology, physiology, and ecology. Additionally, a chapter on population biology and evolutionary ecology complements the evolutionary backdrop of hydrophyte biology by examining the details of speciation and applications of modern genetic approaches to aquatic plant conservation. Key Features • Synthesizes recent and seminal literature on aquatic and wetland plants • Emphasizes evolutionary history as a factor influencing adaptations to the wetland environment • Provides a global perspective on plant diversity and threats facing wetland ecosystems • Highlights research needs in the field of aquatic and wetland plant biology • Includes 280 figures, with more than 300 color photographs, and 41 tables to provide ease of access to important concepts and information
Artificial or constructed wetlands are an emerging technology particularly for tropical areas with water scarcity. For big cities, the sustainable management of water resources taking into account proper use is always challenging. The book presents case studies illustrating the above. As plants and microorganisms are a fundamental part of the correct functioning of these systems, their contribution to the degradation of the organic matter and to the removal and transformation of the pollutant compounds present in the wastewaters is also a highlight of this book.
The globally important nature of wetland ecosystems has led to their increased protection and restoration as well as their use in engineered systems. Underpinning the beneficial functions of wetlands are a unique suite of physical, chemical, and biological processes that regulate elemental cycling in soils and the water column. This book provides an in-depth coverage of these wetland biogeochemical processes related to the cycling of macroelements including carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur, secondary and trace elements, and toxic organic compounds. In this synthesis, the authors combine more than 100 years of experience studying wetlands and biogeochemistry to look inside the black box of elemental transformations in wetland ecosystems. This new edition is updated throughout to include more topics and provide an integrated view of the coupled nature of biogeochemical cycles in wetland systems. The influence of the elemental cycles is discussed at a range of scales in the context of environmental change including climate, sea level rise, and water quality. Frequent examples of key methods and major case studies are also included to help the reader extend the basic theories for application in their own system. Some of the major topics discussed are: Flooded soil and sediment characteristics Aerobic-anaerobic interfaces Redox chemistry in flooded soil and sediment systems Anaerobic microbial metabolism Plant adaptations to reducing conditions Regulators of organic matter decomposition and accretion Major nutrient sources and sinks Greenhouse gas production and emission Elemental flux processes Remediation of contaminated soils and sediments Coupled C-N-P-S processes Consequences of environmental change in wetlands# The book provides the foundation for a basic understanding of key biogeochemical processes and its applications to solve real world problems. It is detailed, but also assists the reader with box inserts, artfully designed diagrams, and summary tables all supported by numerous current references. This book is an excellent resource for senior undergraduates and graduate students studying ecosystem biogeochemistry with a focus in wetlands and aquatic systems.