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Introduces the Everyday Peace Indicators as a measurement, diagnostic and evaluation tool and makes an argument for its utility in conflict affected contexts.
This book brings together different and interdisciplinary perspectives on the Spanish Civil War, its victims, its contentious ending, and its aftermath. In exploring the slow demise of republican ideals, contributors range over many diverse historical and cultural topics — discussing, for instance, the attitudes of both Left and Right to the poet Federico García Lorca and to his assassination, examining the documentary evidence offered in surviving memoirs of the Civil War, and assessing the major characteristics of the new order in Spain under Franco. Cinematic and literary depictions of the Civil War and its consequences are also studied. Other topics investigated include: contemporary French reactions to the Spanish conflict, Stalinist policies towards Spain, the activities and motives of the anarcho-syndicalists and the role of the International Brigades. This collection of essays published on the 75th anniversary of the end of the Civil War, not only places the events and experiences studied within the context of the ‘new state’ of Franco’s Spain, but also offers timely fresh insights into wider European and international issues during what was a period of seismic change in world history. This book was originally published as a special issue of Bulletin of Spanish Studies.
After two serious spinal injuries, Vidyamala Burch found herself facing the loneliness of disability and chronic pain with few skills or resources to turn to. But instead of giving up, she set out on a mission to embrace her physical challenges with compassion, acceptance, and peace. Living Well with Pain and Illness shares the fruits of her courageous life's work, teaching us how the practice of mindfulness can help us thrive in the face of health challenges of any kind. Drawing on the wisdom of a dozen years teaching meditation and a lifetime of study of the benefits of mindful living, Vidyamala encourages readers with insights and instruction in: The five-step model of mindfulness and how to use it to foster healing The Breathworks approach to meditation, and how to apply it to health concerns such as migraines, arthritis, and chronic fatigue Step-by-step techniques, illustrations, and case studies demonstrating how to effectively bring mindfulness into daily life Chronic pain has been called the modern world's silent epidemic. Billions are spent every year in an attempt to cope, yet the best solution available may be absolutely cost-free mindful living. In Living Well with Pain and Illness, Vidyamala Burch presents a work that is at once an inspirational memoir and practical guidebook for using mindfulness to reframe your relationship with physical and emotional suffering.
Es esencial para todo ser humano el descubrir o reconocer su verdadera identidad y su verdadera naturaleza angelical o espiritual. Es también esencial que cada cual viva todo su potencial espiritual y cumpla así el verdadero rol o función para la que ha sido creado(a); dándole así verdadero sentido y dirección a su vida. y Es más esencial aún, el que todos y cada uno de nosotros encaminemos nuestros pasos hacia nuestro re-encuentro con el creador; pues de ello dependerá el resto de la eternidad de nuestro ser espiritual.
La Historia Social de las Instituciones Punitivas está necesitada en España de encuentro y debate, de confrontación y colaboración entre investigadores e investigadoras. Solo así logrará hacerse visible e inteligible como tendencia historiográfica y sobre todo como apuesta teórico-metodológica, porque de hecho ya es más que creíble como práctica historiográfica. Aquí, en este libro, junto a los logros también se perfilan las carencias y los retos más acuciantes. Lejos de buscar una autonomía extemporánea, la Historia Social de las Instituciones Punitivas quiere buscar su propia viabilidad a base de intersecciones y buenas mezclas. Esos objetivos se planteaba el Grupo de Estudio sobre la Historia de la Prisión y las Instituciones Punitivas (GEHPIP) ―un equipo interuniversitario y con sede en la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM)― al organizar lo que de forma homónima decidió titular I Congreso Internacional sobre Historia de la Prisión y las Instituciones Punitivas, celebrado en Ciudad Real entre el 10 y el 12 de abril de 2013. El libro electrónico que aquí se presenta es una buena muestra de lo que allí se comunicó y discutió. Social History of Punitive Institutions in Spain needs meetings and discussions, comparison and collaboration between researchers. Only then it will become visible and intelligible as a historiographical trend and, above all, as a theoretical-methodological hope, because in fact, now it is more than conceivable as a historiographical practice. Here in this book are outlined, along with the achievements, the shortcomings and the most pressing challenges. Far from seeking an extemporaneous autonomy, Social History of Punitive Institutions wants to try to find its own feasibility based on intersections and good mixings. Those objectives were considered by the Study Group about History of Prison and Punitive Institutions (Grupo de Estudio sobre la Historia de la Prisión y las Instituciones Punitivas, GEHPIP) –an interuniversity team and with central office at Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM)– when organising what it decided to name in an homonymous way 1st International Congress on History of Prison and Punitive Institutions (I Congreso Internacional sobre Historia de la Prisión y las Instituciones Punitivas), held in Ciudad Real (Spain) from 10 to 12 April 2013. The electronic book here presented is a good example of what it was told and discussed there.
En respuesta a mis 25 años de docente a nivel medio superior y superior yo he querido hacer un regalo muy especial a todos aquellos jóvenes hombres y mujeres que tienen el fi rme compromiso de ser mejores ciudadanos por la via de las humanidades y que desconocen los fundamentos históricos de su fe. Bachiller. Del francés bachelier, joven que aspira a ser caballero. Digamos que es aquel que tiene los conocimientos pre-universitarios para continuar con su formación académica profesional en todos los sentidos, primeramente la religiosa, la del hermano, la del padre comprometido, la de la madre educadora de sus hijos, y cuantos roles más juega el hombre y la mujer en esta vida, muchos diría yo y muy variados, bueno para todos los jóvenes de buena voluntad que quieren aprender más de su fe, este libro es para ustedes. Guarden en sus corazones la palabra de Dios, en sus mentes la justicia y en su corazón la esperanza viva de ser mejores cada día, si lo logran habre considerado que este libro sencillo pero humilde de teología sea un tesoro en tus manos, al que se requiere acudir a él como un amigo sincero. Con profundo afecto dedico mi trabajo a tantos alumnos de bachillerato que continua dudando de la experiencia milenaria de la iglesia que es una, santa, católica y apostólica. A mis amigos los maestros que tienen las mismas inquietudes, y a mis amigos sinceros a quien dejo el siguiente mensaje. Recomienden lo bueno. A pesar de que este material es digerible, recomiendo dos diccionarios que fácilmente se pueden adquirir via electrónica. Diccionario digital católico. Net. Enciclopedia de teología "sacramentum mundi". A Todo maestro laico o religioso que recomiende este libro solo le puedo expresar mi profundo agradecimiento.
Dwellers of Memory is an ethnographic study of how urban youth in Colombia came to be at the intersection of multiple forms of political, drug-related, and territorial violence in a country undergoing forty years of internal armed conflict. It examines the ways in which youth in the city of Medellin reconfigure their lives and, cultural worlds in the face of widespread violence. This violence has transgressed familiar boundaries and destroyed basic social supports and networks of trust. This volume attempts to map and understand its patterns and flows. The author explores how Medellin's youth locate themselves and make, sense of violence through contradictory and shifting memory practices. The violence has not completely taken over their cultural worlds or their subjectivities. Practices of remembering and forgetting are key methods by which these youth rework their identities and make sense of the impact of violence on their lives. While the experience of violence is rooted in urban space and urban youth, the memory dwellers use a sense of place, oral histories of death, and narratives of fear as survival strategies for inhabiting violent neighborhoods. The book also examines fissures in memory, the contradictory constructions of young people's subjective selves, and practices of gendered violence and terror. All have and continue to pose risks to the historical memory and cultural survival of the residents of Medellin. Dwellers of Memory offers an alternative ethnographic approach to the study of memory and violence, one that calls into question whether the, role of the ethnographer of violence is to be a mere witness of terror, or to oppose it by writing against it. It will be of interest to sociologists, anthropologists, and students of, ethnography.
Finally, a book of insightful and practical advice for the millions of people suffering from low-grade depression, also known as dysthymia or chronic discontent Frustrated. Stressed. Irritable. Discouraged. Cynical. Fed up. These are among the feelings experienced by millions of people. Whether they realize it or not, their feelings are not caused by a negative attitude, a lack of gratitude, or laziness. Rather, these feelings are among the symptoms of a condition called dysthymia, also known as chronic discontent or low-grade depression. It blocks feelings of happiness, contentment, and passion, leaving emptiness, a lack of meaning, and despair. This powerful and practical book explains how this condition takes hold—and presents simple yet profound ways to overcome it once and for all. Using anecdotes from his private practice as well as insightful questions and exercises, psychotherapist Alan Downs, Ph.D., shines light into the dark corners of this isolating and debilitating condition and includes a five-week program to help you feel good again. Not a superficial, magic-bullet approach, The Half-Empty Heart is a probing, honest book that offers a path to meaningful change. The path begins here.
Este libro constituye una solución a algo que Vaticano II denunció como el gran déficit del catolicismo actual. Ese déficit es la separación entre fe y vida. En efecto: los textos que siguen de María Luisa Oliveres, que aparecieron a lo largo de los años en uno de los diarios principales de España, no se publicaron en las páginas de opinión, sino en la página dedicada a temas religiosos. Pero en ellos se habla de la vida: de cosas como la inmigración, los palestinos, la utopía de la historia humana, el PNUD, la libertad para salir del propio cenáculo, el economista Stiglitz o los pobres, las guerras, el cuidado, el dolor del mundo o la aceptación de la diversidad... Es decir: se habla de lo que le importa a Dios, no de los que interesa a los guardianes de la institución u “oficiales” de la Iglesia, a los que parece que sólo interesa la vida intrauterina y la del más allá. Aquí la pasión creyente y el sentido de la gratuidad llevan a esta importante advertencia: no basta defender causas nobles por muy nobles que sean; además hay que defenderlas noblemente. De modo que, si la separación entre fe y vida afectaba a los creyentes, esta otra observación vale para todos, sea cual sea la cosmovisión que profesen; y ella misma ya es un acto de fe.
This innovative political history provides a new perspective on the enduring question of the origins and nature of the Indian revolts against the Spanish that exploded in the southern Andean highlands in the 1780s. Subverting Colonial Authority focuses on one of the main—but least studied—centers of rebel activity during the age of the Túpac Amaru revolution: the overwhelmingly indigenous Northern Potosí region of present-day Bolivia. Tracing how routine political conflict developed into large-scale violent upheaval, Sergio Serulnikov explores the changing forms of colonial domination and peasant politics in the area from the 1740s (the starting point of large political and economic transformations) through the early 1780s, when a massive insurrection of the highland communities shook the foundations of Spanish rule. Drawing on court records, government papers, personal letters, census documents, and other testimonies from Bolivian and Argentine archives, Subverting Colonial Authority addresses issues that illuminate key aspects of indigenous rebellion, European colonialism, and Andean cultural history. Serulnikov analyzes long-term patterns of social conflict rooted in local political cultures and regionally based power relations. He examines the day-to-day operations of the colonial system of justice within the rural villages as well as the sharp ideological and political strife among colonial ruling groups. Highlighting the emergence of radical modes of anticolonial thought and ethnic cooperation, he argues that Andean peasants were able to overcome entrenched tendencies toward internal dissension and fragmentation in the very process of marshaling both law and force to assert their rights and hold colonial authorities accountable. Along the way, Serulnikov shows, they not only widened the scope of their collective identities but also contradicted colonial ideas of indigenous societies as either secluded cultures or pliant objects of European rule.