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This book looks at some of the origins of our dysfunctional social structures and why humanity has not been able to grow beyond the primitive ideas of violence, wars, and the need to control others. While we have made great strides in technology, we are yet infants in our social and spiritual institutions and attitudes as a species. The author discusses her own spiritual journey and shares how she has been led by God to share, and how she was able to hear the word directly and keep her spiritual identity free from outside social and religious manipulation.
True Heritage is an inspirational book focused on helping individuals recover their true identity as children of the Heavenly Father. Knowing your true heritage is the key to understanding your true potential. Understanding your true potential gives you power to envision your best life and the motivation to overcome all obstacles to live it.
As I was approaching my mid-forties, I was as weary and broken as a human being could be. Living in bondage for several years, had taken its toll on me. I was barely existing. Although the Spirit of God was always with me, I was unable to gain a breakthrough until I finally, and totally, surrendered ALL to the Lord Jesus Christ. When I let go of everything, regardless of what the outcome could or would be, was when the miraculous began to take place and happen in my life. The Holy Spirit used simple and practical elements in nature to impart deep and life changing revelation into my soul. One of the most powerful breakthroughs I received, was given to me through the revelation of the metamorphosis process that butterflies go through. It was through that journey that the blinders began to slowly fall off. Born into a fallen world, we must have a transformation experience through the redemption and shed blood of Jesus Christ. Just as the butterfly goes through that very painful transition from what was to what is to be, from the old man to the new creation, we as children of God must also go through this process. Liberation is beautiful and so worth the process. Remember, once a caterpillar transforms from crawling on the ground to a beautiful butterfly soaring through the air, he can never go back. He is a new creation. Not a perfect creation but a new creation. You can be Free!!! Jesus really does love You.
This book is written to quicken your mortal body, stair up your spirit, and encourage you to stand to your feet and recover all that Satan and his cohorts have stolen from you. You can’t afford to allow the Devil to retain the things he has stolen from you and continue stealing from you. There is a popular saying that; “every day is for the thief, but one day is for the owner.” I don’t know how long the enemy has been stealing from you; it is time to recover and reclaim your losses. Many people lose one thing or the other every day because Satan steals every day. As God gives us daily benefits, so Satan gives us daily problems. Unfortunately, the majority of these set of people who had lost great riches and virtues to Satan, are making little or no effort to recover their belongings from the Devil. In John 10:10 Jesus said; ”The thief does not come except to steal, and kill, and destroy” Many people are conversant with this scripture, yet they ignore this divine alarm. In this scripture, Jesus informed us that Satan is a thief and he comes to steal. It is the nature of Satan to steal. If he succeeds in stealing, it becomes easier for him to kill and destroy. This menace of Satan and his cohorts have reduced the potency of the virtues which God deposited in the lives of His people, and also render the destiny of many people useless. Satan has robbed many people of their salvation, gifts, talents, marriages, jobs, businesses, properties, and even their lives. There are certain facts about a thief you should know; 1) A thief comes without notification. 2) A thief comes to rob you of your goods and belongings. 3) A thief can do anything to get what he wants, even if it means killing someone. 4) A thief is cruel and wicked. 5) A thief sees stealing as a business and not an act of evil. 6) A thief comes each time he noticed that something good has come into someone's life. 7) A thief is not mindful of your loss. He is mindful of his gain. Etc. These ungodly characteristics of a thief should call for your attention, and also awaken you into realizing the damages the Devil might have done in the lives of many people, and the destruction he may still cause if you slumber in sleep and merry in relaxation without praying down the mighty hand of God to put an end to these evil operations of the Devil. You must be mindful of whatever the Devil has stolen from you and quickly seek for recovery through divine intervention. In the same John 10:10 where Jesus informed us about evil plans of the Devil against us, Jesus also told us what He (Jesus) has come to do for us; ”I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” Satan came to steal, but Jesus came to recover and restore. Do you want to recover your losses? Then read this book meditatively and pray the prayers in it, and it will amaze you how God will miraculously recover your losses. In this book, you will gain the following revelation knowledge: 1) UNDERSTANDING ”DIVINE WORKS OF RECOVERY” 2) HOW SATAN STEAL FROM PEOPLE 3) HOW GOD RECOVER AND RESTORE OUR LOSSES 4) OUR ROLES IN THE ”DIVINE WORKS OF RECOVERY” 5) HOW TO RETAIN WHAT WE HAVE RECOVERED No one enjoys losing something good. A pregnant woman is never happy when she experiences miscarriage during pregnancy, or loses her child after birth. Businessmen and women feel so sad whenever they fail in any business venture. In sports, no team feels happy whenever they lose a match or tournament to their opponent. This is a general and natural feeling in all ramifications of life. This book will enlighten you and equally help you to avoid those things which make Satan have the edge over you and steal from you. Avoid any form of distraction while reading this book and invite the Holy Spirit to conduct “Divine works of recovery” in your life. Study this book with adequate devotion. Pray Translator: Peter I. O. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Take back your life in 40 Days! Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. (3 John 2) Activate the skills you need to succeed and take back your life! This companion devotional to Reclaim Your Soul from Dr. Cindy Trimm will lead you on an interactive 40-day journey to becoming a resilient person. Over the next 40 days, you will… Identify destructive relationships in your life and break free from their harmful impact Avoid unhealthy emotional attachments and shield your soul from possible damage Unlock your potential and refuse to settle for anything or anyone that pulls you away from fulfilling your purpose Successful people are resilient people. Get ready to practice 40 disciplines that will lead you into a more resilient life where success and freedom become your new normal!
Tasoula Hadjitofi was only a child when her homeland, Cyprus, was invaded. As bombs fell and soldiers marched through the streets, her mother stood guard, reminding her children to not be afraid—not of the bombs or anything else that may follow. They would always have their family and their faith. Soon thereafter, Tasoula found herself homeless and nation-less. A refugee. Decades later, she's a successful entrepreneur and the honorary Cypriot consul to The Netherlands. But family and faith remained her touchstones—and she never lost her longing for "home." She often thought of the gorgeous Cypriot churches and their icons. One day, an art dealer offers her a chance to buy Cyprian icons stolen during the war. Icons hold a special place in the hearts of many Greek Cypriots. They are not just masterpieces—they are artistic manifestations of faith and a gateway to the divine.Outraged, Tasoula sets out on a quest to repatriate these artifacts. An immensely difficult task as icons often lack provenance in the eyes of the law. But she is determined. Yet the road to “The Munich Case”—the largest art trafficking sting in European history—is filled with mind games, subterfuge, global politics, and a shady figure named Van Rinj, whose motives are never entirely clear...
It's Time to Reclaim Everything That's Been Lost or Stolen! Many Christians understand that Jesus redeemed them from their sins, and because of this, they are right with God. But there is more...much more! Redemption is not just a ticket into Heaven. The redemptive work of Jesus brings restoration, healing, and recovery in every area of your life that has been broken or damaged! Kerry Kirkwood is a pastor and revelatory writer whose passion is to help believers access the secret power of their redemptive privileges in God. In this powerful new book, you will learn how to: Define the Realms of Redemption: what areas of everyday life does redemption impact? Access the Blessings of Redemption: learn how to recover everything in your life that has been stolen by the devil or lost through sin. Experience the Power of Redemption: receive healing, deliverance, supernatural restoration, and other miracle blessings as you appropriate Jesus redemptive work. Get ready to pursue your divine inheritance, overtake your enemy, and recover every promise and provision Jesus made available to you!
Reclaiming Your Divine Birthright serves as a guide for all who seek the kingdom of God within their own hearts. It draws upon the insight that when God blew into Adam the breath of life, he gave people his kingdom as their divine birthright. Bishop Kwabena A. Rainier Cheeks takes readers on a journey through the life of Jesus from his birth through his transfiguration. He shows how to apply to one’s own life the spiritual truths revealed in Jesus’s life. The approach of Reclaiming Your Divine Birthright encompasses four parts: setting a foundation of understanding the nature of spiritual truth; beginning the journey to the kingdom of God; appreciating the reality of Jesus’s life; and exploring the stages of enlightenment. You may feel in your heart a yearning to know the deep truths of life, an attraction to exploring the life of Jesus as a way to gain personal insight, and a calling to reach out and to grasp the fruit of knowledge God has promised you. If you have these feelings, then Reclaiming Your Divine Birthright will give you the guidance, rooted in an exploration of the Bible’s witness and God’s revelation of his kingdom, for discovering the kingdom of God in your own heart.
Lost? Reclaim Your Purpose with "The Cross & The Crown" Embark on a journey through suffering, betrayal, glory, sin, and triumph—the universal experiences that shape every man’s life. Yet, amidst these trials, many men find themselves trapped, unable to reach the success they desperately seek. In an era dominated by ideologies that challenge the essence of manhood, "The Cross & The Crown" offers a lifeline of hope. This book blends centuries of biblical wisdom with the stories of kings and philosophers, sinners and saints, all under the guidance of the Bible’s teachings. Today's world, with its crisis of fatherless homes and widespread societal alienation, calls for a return to foundational truths. The life of King David serves as a powerful example. From a humble shepherd to a celebrated king, his story offers lessons on overcoming adversity through faith and strategic planning. Discover how David faced his challenges, how he defeated his enemies with wisdom, and why God honored him as a man after His own heart. Ideal for anyone seeking spiritual strength, deeper biblical insights, or the courage to live a life of integrity, "The Cross & The Crown" invites you to rediscover the path to biblical manhood, tailored for the challenges of the modern world. "Setting aside what this person or that person thinks, investigate and search everything in the Holy Scripture, and upon finding there the true wealth, pursue it so that we may also rejoice in eternal blessings." - Saint John Chrysostom