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The field of education has experienced extraordinary technological, societal, and institutional change in recent years, making it one of the most fascinating yet complex fields of study in social science. Unequalled in its combination of authoritative scholarship and comprehensive coverage, International Encyclopedia of Education, Third Edition succeeds two highly successful previous editions (1985, 1994) in aiming to encapsulate research in this vibrant field for the twenty-first century reader. Under development for five years, this work encompasses over 1,000 articles across 24 individual areas of coverage, and is expected to become the dominant resource in the field. Education is a multidisciplinary and international field drawing on a wide range of social sciences and humanities disciplines, and this new edition comprehensively matches this diversity. The diverse background and multidisciplinary subject coverage of the Editorial Board ensure a balanced and objective academic framework, with 1,500 contributors representing over 100 countries, capturing a complete portrait of this evolving field. A totally new work, revamped with a wholly new editorial board, structure and brand-new list of meta-sections and articles Developed by an international panel of editors and authors drawn from senior academia Web-enhanced with supplementary multimedia audio and video files, hotlinked to relevant references and sources for further study Incorporates ca. 1,350 articles, with timely coverage of such topics as technology and learning, demography and social change, globalization, and adult learning, to name a few Offers two content delivery options - print and online - the latter of which provides anytime, anywhere access for multiple users and superior search functionality via ScienceDirect, as well as multimedia content, including audio and video files
Drawing on theoretical and empirical insights from art teachers in Canada and Europe, this edited volume explores the question of how learning in the arts can be effectively and fairly assessed in the context of higher education. The chapters consider a rich variety of assessment practices across music, visual and plastic arts, performing arts, design, fashion, dance and music and illustrate how knowledge, competencies, skills and progress can be viably and fairly assessed. Contextual challenges to assessment are also considered in depth, and particular attention is paid to the challenges of reconciling teaching in the arts, aimed at an intuitive transformation of the student, and assessing learning that takes on its meaning in subjectivity and sensitivity. This text will benefit researchers, academics and educators in higher education with an interest in assessment in the artistic disciplines and in the topic of creativity more broadly. Those specifically interested in educational assessment policy and the visual arts will also benefit from this book.
Quelque 3000 articles en ordre alphabétique, dont la longueur varie de 10 à 150 mots, en général. Plusieurs termes ou expressions sont accompagnés de l'équivalent anglais.
La mise en oeuvre réussie d'une évaluation nationale des acquis scolaires est une tâche complexe requérant des connaissances, des compétences, et des ressources considérables. Les retombées des évaluations nationales correctement réalisées peuvent être substantielles en termes de qualité de l'information fournie sur les niveaux de performance des élèves ainsi que sur les facteurs, scolaires ou non, susceptibles de contribuer à les améliorer. Inversement, le « coût » d'une évaluation nationale mal réalisée peut être une information inexacte sur les niveaux de performance des élèves et les facteurs associés. Une mise en œuvre de qualité peut accroître la confiance des responsables des politiques et des autres parties prenantes dans la validité des constatations de l'évaluation. Elle peut également augmenter la probabilité d'utilisation des résultats de l'évaluation nationale pour mettre au point de solides plans et programmes en vue d'améliorer la qualité de l'enseignement et le rendement de l'apprentissage des élèves. Troisième volume d'une série de cinq, Mettre en œuvre une évaluation nationale des acquis scolaires, se concentre sur les tâches pratiques requises par la mise en oeuvre d'une évaluation nationale à grande échelle. Ce manuel fournit des instructions détaillées étape par étape sur la logistique, l'échantillonnage, la préparation et la gestion des données, ainsi que l'analyse. Les lecteurs sont guidés à travers les différentes étapes de l'échantillonnage en travaillant sur un ensemble de tâches concrètes présentées dans le texte et en utilisant les fichiers de données fournis dans le CD d'accompagnement. Ce volume est principalement destiné aux équipes chargées de conduire une évaluation nationale dans des pays en développement et émergents.
This book is about the tumultuous and even passionate relationship between New Education and Educational Sciences, which are regarded as an inseparable «couple», intrinsically linked and surprisingly fruitful. Yet they remain irreconcilable and are mutually contradictory in a number of their elements and characteristics. Do Educational Sciences offer a scientific base or ideological support for New Education? Do the numerous new educational initiatives and reforms provide a «laboratory» for Educational Sciences or alternatives to the new scientific paradigms? Is this at the risk of their merging? And what is the price of these tensions? Specialists in the history of Educational Sciences and New Education from various geographical, cultural and disciplinary horizons explore the complex links between this powerful reforming movement and the nascent disciplinary field that emerged during the first half of the 20th century. Cet ouvrage analyse les relations tumultueuses - passionnelles même - de l'Education nouvelle et des Sciences de l'éducation: un couple indissociable - intrinsèquement lié et d'une étonnante fécondité - autant qu'inconciliable, nombre de leurs présupposés et caractéristiques se contredisant mutuellement. Les Sciences de l'éducation offrent-elles la base scientifique ou l'appui idéologique de l'Education nouvelle ? Les nombreuses expériences et réformes éducatives constituent-elles des laboratoires des Sciences de l'éducation ou des alternatives aux nouveaux paradigmes scientifiques ? Au risque de leur fusion ? Au prix de quelles tensions ? Des spécialistes de l'histoire des Sciences de l'éducation et de l'Education nouvelle d'horizons géographiques, culturels et disciplinaires divers explorent les rapports complexes entre ce puissant mouvement réformiste et le champ disciplinaire naissant durant la première moitié du 20e siècle.
This study mirrors the perceptions and values that shape the discussion of such terms as harmonization, recognition, convergence and subsidiarity in the educational sphere. It provides insights into surprising similarities and important differences in the approaches of different Member States regarding the interpretation and implementation of EU education and training policies. It summarizes the results of a European research project conducted within the EU-funded network PRESTiGE.
This book analyses the structural and institutional transformations undergone by doctoral education, and the extent to which these transformations are in line with social, political and doctoral candidates' expectations. Higher education has gone through profound changes driven by the massification and diversification of the student body, the rise of neoliberal policies coupled with the reduction in public funding and the emergence of the knowledge society and economy. As a result, higher education has been assigned new and more outward-looking missions, which have subsequently affected doctoral education. The editors and contributors examine these transformations and changes at the macro, meso and micro levels: wider and more structural changes as well as doctoral candidates' experience of the degree itself. This book will be of interest and value to scholars of doctoral education and the transformation of the university more widely.
Given the academic benefits of assessment-driven teaching, and the growing accountability context of educational systems around the world, there is a rapidly developing need to educate teachers in effectively using assessments to promote, monitor, and report on student learning. However, assessment has historically been a neglected area in teacher education programmes, and empirical research has consistently shown assessment as an area of challenge for many teachers. While there is an increased focus across teacher education and professional literature on enhancing the assessment capacity of educators, there remains little empirical research on innovative and data-based strategies to effectively achieve this goal. The purpose of this text is to consolidate existing research on assessment education and to provoke innovative and effective approaches to educating teachers and teachers-in-training about assessment. Given the dearth of relevant research, this text also considers the matter of retention and extension of initial assessment learning into teaching careers. Combined, the articles in this text provide a foundation for novel thinking about developing teachers’ assessment capacity from pre-service to in-service contexts. This book was originally published as a special issue of Assessment in Education.
This is the first handbook to cover the sociological approaches to higher education. It is timely because of global expansions of mass higher educational systems, especially as these systems come under scrutiny by a variety of stakeholders. Questions are being raised about the value of traditional pedagogies along with calls for efficiency, accountability and cost-reduction, but above all job training. Within this neoliberal context, each chapter examines different sociological aspects of, and debates about, educational institutions as status-conferring organizations, with myriad positional characteristics, experiences, and outcomes. Many current debates concern the legitimacy of the statuses conferred, including the continuing debate regarding the role of universities in legitimating social class reproduction as well as more recent concerns about standards in mass systems. This handbook puts these issues and debates in focus in ways that will be of interest to a variety of stakeholders, within academia as well as in policy circles.