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The theory of General Relativity, after its invention by Albert Einstein, remained for many years a monument of mathemati cal speculation, striking in its ambition and its formal beauty, but quite separated from the main stream of modern Physics, which had centered, after the early twenties, on quantum mechanics and its applications. In the last ten or fifteen years, however, the situation has changed radically. First, a great deal of significant exper~en tal data became available. Then important contributions were made to the incorporation of general relativity into the framework of quantum theory. Finally, in the last three years, exciting devel opments took place which have placed general relativity, and all the concepts behind it, at the center of our understanding of par ticle physics and quantum field theory. Firstly, this is due to the fact that general relativity is really the "original non-abe lian gauge theory," and that our description of quantum field in teractions makes extensive use of the concept of gauge invariance. Secondly, the ideas of supersymmetry have enabled theoreticians to combine gravity with other elementary particle interactions, and to construct what is perhaps the first approach to a more finite quantum theory of gravitation, which is known as super gravity.
The Euclidean approach to Quantum Gravity was initiated almost 15 years ago in an attempt to understand the difficulties raised by the spacetime singularities of classical general relativity which arise in the gravitational collapse of stars to form black holes and the entire universe in the Big Bang. An important motivation was to develop an approach capable of dealing with the nonlinear, non-perturbative aspects of quantum gravity due to topologically non-trivial spacetimes. There are important links with a Riemannian geometry. Since its inception the theory has been applied to a number of important physical problems including the thermodynamic properties of black holes, quantum cosmology and the problem of the cosmological constant. It is currently at the centre of a great deal of interest.This is a collection of survey lectures and reprints of some important lectures on the Euclidean approach to quantum gravity in which one expresses the Feynman path integral as a sum over Riemannian metrics. As well as papers on the basic formalism there are sections on Black Holes, Quantum Cosmology, Wormholes and Gravitational Instantons.
Theoretical particle physicists discuss the present status and, in particular, the latest developments in quantum field theory, in their broadest aspects. This volume contains the main lectures presented at the symposium and reflects the contemporary status of a line of development, one of whose initiators was Niels Bohr.
This volume contains the written versions of the lectures held at the "22 Internationale Universitatswochen fur Kern physik" in Schladming, Austria, in February 1983. The generous support of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research, the Styrian Government and other sponsors once again made it possible for expert lecturers to be invited. In choosing the topics, the aim was to achieve a balance between the theoretical and phenomenological contributions; on the theoretical side, discussions centred on the impact of different approaches to quantum field theory on the ele mentary particle scenario, on the other, on the recent re sults in high energy physics which have provided fresh moti vations for new kinds of experiments as well as having had a profound influehce on cosmology. Limited space has made it impossible to include manuscripts of the many interesting seminars presented. The lecture notes were reexamined by the authors after the school and are now published in their final form. It is a pleasure to thank all the lecturers for their efforts, which made it possible to speed up publication. Thanks are also due to Mrs. Neuhold for the careful typing of the notes. H. Mitter C.B. Lang Acta Physica Austriaca, Suppl. XXV, ~70 (1983) @ by Springer-Verlag 1983 THE EARLY UNIVERSE - FACTS AND FICTION+ by G. BaRNER Max-Planck-Institut fUr Physik und Astrcphysik Institut fUr Astrophysik Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1 8046 Garching b. MUnchen, FRG 1.