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It has been increasingly realized by sedimentologist in the petroleum industry and academia that integration of ichonological information into sedimentological models, and vice versa, is one of the main means by which we can improve our understanding of ancient depositional environments. This volume aims to provide an analytical review of yhe ichnology of all major depositional environments and the use ichnology in biostratigraphic and sequence stratigraphic analysis, as well as highly refined palaeeoenvironmental studies. The remit of the book is achieved through a combination of review articles and novel research papers that outline methodologies and protocols for improving our understanding of ancient palaeoenvironments. Trace fossils from microscopic borings to dinosaur footprints are considered.
New correlations of the Trout Creek Sandstone Member and adjacent sandstone members between Rifle Gap and New Castle and new paleogeographic sketches for the oscillating shorelines at the time of Exiteloceras jenneyi and Didymoceras cheyennense.
Siliciclastic shallow-marine deposits record the interface between land and sea, and its response to a variety of forcing mechanisms: physical process regime, the internal dynamics of coastal and shelfal depositional systems, relative sea level, sediment flux, tectonic setting, and climate. These deposits have long been the subject of conceptual stratigraphic models that seek to explain the interplay between these various forcing mechanisms, and their preservation in the stratigraphic record. This volume arose from an SEPM research conference on shoreline-shelf stratigraphy that was held in Grand Junction, Colorado, on August 24-28, 2004. The aim of the resulting volume is to highlight the development over the last 15 years of the stratigraphic concepts and models that are used to interpret siliciclastic marginal-marine, shallow-marine, and shelf deposits.
In 1971 I published a review of ichnology other concentrating only on traces made (Houston AAPG: SEPM Trace Fossil Field by a certain group of organisms, regardless Trip Guidebook) that I thought could be of their setting. Nevertheless, needless re dundancy has hopefully been eliminated. expanded rather easily into a worthwhile Some of the chapters are more special book on the subject. I probed that possi ized than others (because of the nature of bility for a while, thinking that I would particular topics); hence, these may be write the book myself. As I began to out somewhat less familiar or "comprehensible" line the chapters in more detail, however, than others-depending upon the reader's it soon became apparent that my personal own interests and background. Other dif knowledge of too many facets of ichnology ferences in the scope and content of vari scraped bottom all too soon. I quickly de ous chapters stem from the simple fact cided that a better book could be produced that a considerably greater backlog of pre by soliciting specific contributions from vious work is available in certain facets of other workers who, collectively, had first ichnology than in others. But we hope hand experience with virtually every aspect that all of the chapters will prove to be use of the field. That became the actual plan, ful to anyone wishing to delve 'into them. the result of which is this book.
Over the past five years there have been many advances in the field of basin analysis. Developments such as the publication of new stratigraphic codes; new research in fission-track dating; evolution of thought regarding the importance of tectonic versus eustatic controls of regional and global cycles; and refinements of geophysically-based, basin-subsidence models have necessitated the publication of a second edition of Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis. Like the first edition, this book emphasizes the stratigraphic evidence which geologists can actually see in outcrops, well records, and core samples and can gather using geophysical techniques. Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis is both an excellent text for students and a practical handbook for professional geologists.