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Receipt indicating Samuel Shaw paid [dollar sign] 125 to Daniel Hayley for goods purchased for Henry Knox.
Account of monies received and expended for General Henry Knox by Samuel Shaw. Includes payments for sundry items such as cloth, food, coffee, etc., household expenses, and services rendered. On page 3, Paid Cato Bradish at 4 payments per recd on account of his wages as a servant to Mrs Knox. Many other mentions of giving Cato money to pay for goods or for his wages. In January 1781, lists travel expenses paid such as ferryage, horses, passage in a sloop, etc. Notes a payment of [dollar sign] 500 made to Mr. Ellison for money borrowed to pay Cato Beals when he was discharged from the army. Payments made to Colonel Timothy Pickering, Richard Frothingham, Lord Stirling, among others. The last page lists accounts Knox must charge the United States for extra services. In June 1780, expences of a journey from camp to Pennsylvania, by order of the Commander in Chief..., and in January 1781 expence for a journey to the four New England States & back to camp...
Receipt of Henry Knox's payments to various merchants for goods such as foodstuffs, bearskins, clothing, etc.
Written in Shaw's hand. Received of Gen. Knox by the hand of Samuel Shaw four hundred and eighty dollars for that sum lent him at Valley Forge last June ...
First 4 pages summarizes money received and expended from 10 January 1778 to 20 March 1780. The detailed account begins on 24 May 1780. The accounts from 1778-1780 mostly includes items used in daily life: various types of cloth, sugar, oil, ribbons, olives, etc. The total came to [Dollar sign]20,348. Rest of the account gives expenses from May 1780 to June 1781. Includes payments for various goods and services: having a wagon painted, purchase of milk, sugar, coffee, and tea, money given to his wife, expenses for various journeys, etc. Includes a notation of 3,000 dollars borrowed from General Greene on 21 August 1780 -- the money was paid back on 1 September. On 8 October 1780 Knox paid Cato [likely Cato Freeman] 40 dollars in wages. Cato was often sent to buy many of the items mentioned in this account. Notes that Knox paid back Lord Stirling [Dollar sign]2,440 of old emission money on 5 June 1781. At end of account book, Shaw notes that almost all the entries were in new emission dollars. He mentions that 40 dollars in new emission is equal to 1 dollar in old emission. Is bound with black thread, although some of the pages have become separated. The thread is starting to fray.
Dunham promises to pay Samuel Shaw, aide-de-camp to Henry Knox, [dollar sign] 2,860.60. Shaw signs on verso 18 March 1780, noting, Please to pay within to Capt. Finley. Shaw also signs 29 June 1780, with a note that states Please to pay the within to the Bearer.
Apparently written in the hand of Samuel Shaw. Contract outlines the terms of an agreement between Samuel Ogden, of the city of New York, Merchant, and General Henry Knox. Ogden agrees to sell the merchandise, worth two thousand, two hundred and ninety three pounds, fourteen shillings and six pence, lawful money of the State of Connecticut, at the rate of six shillings for a Spanish milled dollar. Promises to sell the merchandise as if it were his own, at the same rate, and to the best of his power, and to provide all proceeds to Knox. Accepts a commission of five percent on the net proceeds of the sales of said merchandi[se]. Agrees to present reports to Knox and provide payment within nine months of sale of the merchandise. Signed by Ogden, and countersigned by Samuel Shaw and Jn. Hedden, witnesses. Features a seal next to Ogden's signature.
Receipt to Charles Knowles, and signed by him. Pertains to General Henry Knox's account.
Receipt to Exchequer from businessmen Shaw and Randall noting second payment, first not paid of [dollar sign] 258.47 to Secretary of War Henry Knox.