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Where are the Jeremiahs of God to weep between the porch and the altars, the Isaiahs, the woe prophets to rebuke the people into the holiness of God? Holiness unto the Lord! Where are the woe prophets, to shake the sleeping giants out of slumber where are the Joel's to call a solemn assembly or the John the Baptist to herald His coming. Where are the Apostles of the Acts of the Apostles or the Believers with the authority of the believers, that will confound the wise and prove the power of God on the earth? Where are the intercessors that will hold the horns of the altar of God, standing in the gap and building a hedge to stop the fury of the evil kingdom against the church or so that God will intervene in the affairs of men? Let us repent and return unto the Lord and our maker for he will abundantly forgive and restore all that the enemy has stolen. Let us weep between the altars against the spirit of sectarianism dividing the church. Heaven is moved only by our soul agony and not by our modernism, oratory, activism or multitudes. This powerful book, "Rebuilding The Broken Altar (rekindling the altar fire)" will help you out if the fire has died down. If your altars are broken, dismantle and overthrow evil altars, return and reconsecrate anf get aflame for your God again. Get your copy today and rebuild your family altar. Maranatha
For the average church goer or person, worship generally refers to the activities that takes places within the confines of a church building, usually on a Sunday morning. For the average pentecostal or charismatic christian, it particularly refers to the segment within a church service where songs are sang with some musical accompaniment.While the above "descriptions" may relate to worship in a sense, the question to be asked is - What really constitute true worship from the perspective of the bible?The aim of this book is to get to the heart of the matter by establishing that, true worship is not so much the various "activities" we may be carrying out in God's name, but it is essentially a lifestyle underlined by a certain heart condition that God approves of - a passionate desire to obey God in our daily lives. As Jesus said, God is searching for true worshipers who will worship God in spirit (from the heart) and in truth (by obedience).My hope is that, as we apply these thoughts and principles found in this book to our lives, we'll be chosen to be part of the remnant that God will use in these last days before the coming of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit has become a stranger. Many long for a closer walk with God, but He seems far away. They go to church. They read the Bible. But they don't experience His presence. Why? Because many have forsaken the altar--the place where God is found. When we truly encounter Him again, the light and power of God will flow to our homes, then to our houses of worship, then to the nation, and we will never be the same. In Rebuilding the Altar authors Pat and Karen Schatzline passionately challenge you to return to the altar. You see, the altar is not just a physical location or an instrument in a church or synagogue. Through Christ we can experience a daily encounter with Jesus, who became our altar. We must declare this truth to the deceived. We must raise a standard of holiness and no compromise. We must bring hope to the hurting. It's time for change. It's time to return to the altar...and encounter God.
LEARN OF ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT MINISTRIES OF A BELIEVER, AND HOW OUR PRECIOUS GOD SEES IT "Altar" means lifted up or elevated space. Every time we visit the altar, we should leave uplifted, strengthened, encouraged, enlightened, and changed. Strongly driven to fulfill the will of God for his life, Pastor Trevor St Aubyn Parris became the founder and visionary of the Nassau Tabernacle of Praise in Elmont, New York in January 2001. By the grace of God, the church has grown and the Lord is doing new and exciting things in the ministry. This is Pastor Trevor's first book but you will not be able to tell because it is insightful, fresh, and thought-provoking. Rest assured, as you read you will be encouraged, inspired, empowered, and uplifted. You will see how important it is to establish a meeting place with God. I can prophesy that, whether you are a Christian or non-Christian, God will show up to have conversations with you just like he did in Genesis.
The Holy Spirit has become a stranger. Many long for a closer walk with God, but He seems far away. They go to church. They read the Bible. But they don’t experience His presence. Why? Because many have forsaken the altar—the place where God is found. When we truly encounter Him again, the light and power of God will flow to our homes, then to our houses of worship, then to the nation, and we will never be the same. In Rebuilding the Altar authors Pat and Karen Schatzline passionately challenge you to return to the altar. You see, the altar is not just a physical location or an instrument in a church or synagogue. Through Christ we can experience a daily encounter with Jesus, who became our altar. We must declare this truth to the deceived. We must raise a standard of holiness and no compromise. We must bring hope to the hurting. It’s time for change. It’s time to return to the altar...and encounter God.
An examination of the 12 stones used by Elijah to rebuild the broken altar of God on the day that he challenged the prophets of Baal. These stones represent the 12 tribes of Israel, each with unique characteristics that we need in the church and the world today before God's fire and power will fall as it did for Elijah.
You Can Learn How To Pray, And Get Instant Results, By. Rebuilding Your Altar of Prayer! Dr. Anderson presents with simple, yet profound clarity. The truth concerning how believers can pray and get results are summarized within these pages. By embracing the divine principles, you will see and learn how to effectively use the power of prayers to get results. Some of the topics discussed are: 7 The Altar as a prayer closet 7 Prayer closet - The place of beginning 7 Obstructions to building an Altar 7 Ways to a successful prayer life 7 Promises are revealed in the prayer closet 7 Vision and Faith