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Born into near abject poverty in Jersey City young Sterling Steel, out of necessity, grew up quickly, and after a debilitating lingering illness made the decision as a teen, to flee to a relatively secure and safe country life in Virginia. After a disappointing tempestuous marriage, he took his two young children to far off Texas where he eventually married again and raised five children. Sterling, known by then as Scott, entered law enforcement and rose from relative obscurity as a deputy on the Gulf Coast to the position of small town Chief of Police. He was admonished early on as a cop to Do right but had problems trying to distinguish what was right in the very real world of vindictive behavior and corruption in Texas law enforcement and small town politics. Scott suffered a devastating acid burn injury to his vocal chords in a chemical plant mishap. He fought to overcome speech problems and in time was able to speak almost normally again. All children grown and gone provided the green light for Scott and Miss Ellie to realize a desire to re-locate to Virginia. Hardships ensued, car wreck, stroke, death in the family and other complications had to be overcome, and they were. Scott finished his career in law enforcement as an administrator in a rural Sheriffs Office still at war with corruption but wise enough to fight from the shadows.
Travel through the twisting, grinding and bumpy road of life demands frequent introspection and self interrogation. Pausing, reflecting, revisiting the route, examining the effect of your words and actions and doing a course correction is essential if you wish to craft a remarkable legacy worth emulating. Philip Young was very proud of his background but was haunted by the fear of failure. His frantic clutch at security and his desperate longing for the comfort zone is remindful of our own certain tight spots in life. What happened during that days travel and immediately thereafter that prompted a mysterious change in Philip which forty odd years couldnt? What was the treasure buried between the ears of a taxi driver and the wealth that lay in the pages of a book? Experience the saga of the journey Philip Young was so sceptical about, the company of a taxi driver that was barely exciting to start with, and a book he carried merely to see him through the idle hours of the journey.