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This publication details the rapid assessment of the urban sector in Georgia to understand key urbanization trends and patterns of growth and to analyze challenges and opportunities. It gives a snapshot of the state of urban affairs at the national level with an urbanization profile, governance and urban management profile, capacity needs assessment, urban finance matrix, and a ā€œ3Eā€ assessment covering economic, environmental, and social equity profiles. This document is not a strategy but the basis for developing a national urban strategy and road map for integrated investments to maximize development impact.
This review analyzes the profile, trends and challenges of Georgia's changing urban landscape since independence in 1991 and provides policy suggestions to facilitate the economic transition of the country through its cities. In its analysis and subsequent recommendations on policy interventions, this report draws on a program of diagnostics called the 'Urbanization Review' (UR). The UR diagnostic is based on three main pillars of urban development which have emerged as key areas of policy engagement for successful cities. These are: a) planning, charting a course for cities by setting the terms of urbanization, especially policies for using urban land and expanding basic infrastructure and public services; b) connecting, physically linking people to jobs, and businesses to markets; and c) financing, raising and leveraging up-front capital to meet the increasing demand for infrastructure and services. In moving forward, the review recommends that Georgia focus on: a) developing a national urban strategy that recognizes the contribution of each city to the overall economy, i.e. a 'systems of cities' approach that can assist in reducing regional disparities; b) assisting cities to develop urban plans, including local economic development plans, c) reforming building and planning codes; and d) assisting cities in improving their local governance and finances.
Providing high-level climate risk assessments for cities in Armenia, Georgia, and Uzbekistan, this report is designed to mainstream mitigation and adaptation into urban planning to help ensure climate resilient growth. For each country, it harnesses climate data, models, and projections. It offers a range of scenarios, assesses potential risks to key infrastructure, and sets out ways to combat the impacts of events such as increasingly severe floods and heatwaves. Targeted at focal agencies, ADB project teams, and development practitioners, it proposes urban planning and policy measures that can help each of the countries reach their ambitious climate commitments.
Cities in Asia and the Pacific are expanding rapidly. With this growth, persons with disabilities, older persons, women, and children face significant challenges in accessing urban services and fully participating in city life. To address such barriers, inclusive environments are needed wherein infrastructure and services are built considering the different needs of everyone. The inclusive cities guidelines provide universal design solutions, accessibility standards, and case studies on inclusive urban development to help create a barrier-free built environment and public space. These guidelines adopt both international standards and national standards in Georgia to provide support to urban practitioners and planners in ensuring old and new developments can adapt and contribute toward the creation of inclusive and livable cities.
Urbanization in Asia is expected to reach 55% by 2030 and 64% by 2050 to constitute 53% of the world's urban population and contribute half the world's gross domestic product. But as cities swell, they also struggle with environmental degradation, traffic congestion, inadequate urban infrastructure, and lack of basic civic services. This manual prepared by Urban Sector Group of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) provides guidelines for conducting rapid urban assessments. It is guided by the Urban Operational Plan 2012-2020 which outlines ADB's support to its members in developing their urban economies through the 3E approach (Economy, Environment, and Equity). It presents a framework providing a context for the city-level 3E tool kits (Tool Kit for Rapid Economic Assessment, Planning, and Development of Cities in Asia; Green City Development Tool Kit; and Enabling Inclusive Cities: Tool Kit for Inclusive Urban Development).
Is it truly the "end" of public space? This handbook presents evidence that the answer is "no". In cities in different parts of the world, people still use public space to pursue activities of their choice. The book is divided into seven sections. The first section presents three emerging types of public space. Each of the subsequent five sections focuses on a type of activity: recreation, commerce, protest, living and celebration. These sections are international in scope, presenting cases of activities in Brazil, China, Colombia, DR Congo, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Libya, Taiwan, Turkey and the U.S. The closing section, composed of three chapters, presents research methods for studying public space. Graduate students, faculty members and researchers in social science, architecture, landscape architecture, geography and urban design will find the book useful for understanding, studying and designing urban public space.
This review, developed in partnership with UNICEF, provides Georgia with recommendations to strengthen its evaluation and assessment system to focus on helping students learn. It will be of interest to countries that wish to strengthen their own evaluation and assessment systems and, in turn, improve educational outcomes.