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"I look forward to the day I see yellow caution tape stretched around my students' neighborhoods, the chalk outline of apathy on the ground, crushed by the weight of a thousand books. Until then I treat each day as if books are EpiPens and every student has a shellfish allergy with a mouth full of shrimp." Most of the students in Daphne Russell's reading class have never read an entire book, and they can’t relate to Harry Potter and his magic wand. Abel is twenty-eight days behind everyone else and he needs enough books inside him to get his lungs to work again, mend his shattered heart, and kick the shit out of apathy. In her memoir Read or Die, Russell documents her daily battle as a middle school teacher in Tucson, Arizona, fighting against predetermined trajectories of less-than beliefs with an arsenal of hard covers and tattered pages. A talented and caring teacher, Russell offers a moving portrayal that combines rich autobiographical details with firsthand insight into the world of education. Read or Die is not only a compelling story, but also offers revealing and meaningful insights into education in America from a seasoned insider.
The first official publisher’s anthology featuring the exemplary talents of the authors of BLACK BED SHEET BOOKS! "Black Bed Sheet is not only a publisher of fantastically creative horror books but knows the meaning of heart and integrity....Grabowsky has taken BBS to heights that few could have imagined with his drive, determination and talent, along with the talent in his stable. If you haven't read anything from BBS, it's past time you did but it's never too late!" --- Gene Tipton, A SHOT IN THE DARK COMICS "I had this idea for an anthology. A crazy, outside the box thought that I hoped would at least ignite some interest. Well, it not only ignited, the damn thing drenched the entire office at Black Bed Sheet Books and its publisher Nicholas Grabowsky in a orange and red hue of excitement. This has now become a solid joint effort spanning the many talented authors of Black Bed Sheet Books, highlighting the core value of writing: character depth. When Nick gave me the green light, I began to construct this list of talented writers. Some are veterans of the writing landscape [such as myself], others are brand new and cutting their jagged incisors deep into the skin of the publishing world. My only requirement for the authors became the simple task of all, write a story that has deep characters and emotion. A story evolves only so far as the characters propel it. I wanted the characters stripped down to their skeletons. Heroes, villains, somewhere in the middle? Bring them through the emotional grinder, chew them up, spit them out, where will it take the reader? Or, what about a few stories with different spins on such figures as Dracula, Adolph Hitler, the Devil, and Snow White. A few of these stories are dark in nature, or splashed with a form of comic ingenuity. Others are entrenched in history with a different spin that left me squirming in my seat. These authors are bright, fresh, talented, comedic, compassionate, and downright scary when they want to be. So sit back, turn off the lights, and read the book. Or die. I wouldn’t want that to happen to you, but then again once you step inside our world, anything can happen. Close your eyes. Take a breath. The sounds you hear are real. There is no turning back. Keep reading. Or die." --from Introduction by Jason Gehlert --Featuring the talents of— Fred Wiehe - Cinsearae Santiago - Brandon Ford Jessica Lynne Gardner - Lincoln Crisler - Jason Gehlert - William Cook - Reyna Young - Tom Sawyer - K.K. - Rey Otis - Shannon Lee - B.L. Morgan - Tammy Gehlert - S.C. Hayden - Franchisca Weatherman - Patrick James Ryan - Horns - Jason M. Tucker Amity Green – Adam Aresty – Jennifer Caress And Nicholas Grabowsky Edited by Jason Gehlert
Many authors write about leadership, but few have lived it at the level of Lt. Gen. Rick Lynch. The world is in desperate need of authentic, reliable leaders at all levels of society. Twenty-first-century leaders face unprecedented challenges and rapid change, and leaders with a keen ability to adapt are in high demand. Sharing stories from the front and insights born from overcoming adversity on both the battlefield and in the boardroom, Lynch reveals impactful leadership principles ranging from earning respect and working effectively with diverse teams to adapting to new technology and laying a foundation of trust built upon integrity. With refreshing directness, he shows readers how to make wise calls and gain the confidence they need to lead in our ever-changing world.
#1 New York Times Bestseller America’s top-rated cable news host offers his first book in ten years: a look at America’s fight against those who would reverse our tradition of freedom—a fight we can’t afford to lose in 2020. America is great for a reason. Built on principles of freedom, rugged individualism, and self-sufficiency, no country has ever accumulated more power and wealth, abused it less, or used that power more to advance the human condition. And yet, as America blossomed, leftwing radicalism and resentment festered beneath the surface, threatening to undermine democracy first in the sixties and now—more insidiously than ever—in the form of social justice warriors, the deep state, and compromised institutions like academia and the mainstream media. Our fate if we succumb to a Democratic victory in 2020? A big step toward full-blown socialism along with the economic dysfunction and social strife that are its hallmarks. With radical Democrats demanding the Green New Deal, socialized medicine, abortion on demand, open borders, abolishing the Electoral College, packing the Supreme Court, and an end to free speech, our great nation will be fundamentally transformed beyond recognition. Ronald Reagan once said, “Freedom is but one generation away from extinction,” and his words have never rung truer. In Live Free or Die, Sean demonstrates why now is an All Hands on Deck moment to save the Republic. His solution is simple: if all you can do is vote, then vote. But if you can inform people of the truth, that’s even better. And the truth is that the future of American freedom rests on Donald Trump’s reelection.
Jonathan Trestle is a paramedic who's spent the week a few steps behind the angel of death. When he responds to a call about a man sprawled on a downtown sidewalk, Trestle isn't about to lose another victim. CPR revives the man long enough for him to hand Trestle a crumpled piece of paper and say, "Give this to Martin," before being taken to the hospital. The note is a series of dashes and haphazard scribbles. Trestle tries to follow up with the patient later, but at the ICU he learns the man awoke, pulled out his IVs, and vanished, leaving only a single key behind. Jonathan tracks the key to a nearby motel where he finds the man again--this time not just dead but murdered. Unwilling to just let it drop, Jonathan is plunged into a mystery that soon threatens not only his dreams for the future but maybe even his life.
Change or Die. What if you were given that choice? If you didn't, your time would end soon—a lot sooner than it had to. Could you change when change matters most? This is the question Alan Deutschman poses in Change or Die, which began as a sensational cover story by the same title for Fast Company. Deutschman concludes that although we all have the ability to change our behavior, we rarely ever do. From patients suffering from heart disease to repeat offenders in the criminal justice system to companies trapped in the mold of unsuccessful business practices, many of us could prevent ominous outcomes by simply changing our mindset. A powerful book with universal appeal, Change or Die deconstructs and debunks age-old myths about change and empowers us with three critical keys—relate, repeat, and reframe—to help us make important positive changes in our lives. Explaining breakthrough research and progressive ideas from a wide selection of leaders in medicine, science, and business (including Dr. Dean Ornish, Mimi Silbert of the Delancey Street Foundation, Bill Gates, Daniel Boulud, and many others), Deutschman demonstrates how anyone can achieve lasting, revolutionary changes that are positive, attainable, and absolutely vital.
"If you've ever struggled to create health in your life, this book is your guide towards a new vision of sustainable health. It encourages you to free your body through movement in all environments and at all moments whether that is at work or home. Research is demonstrating that the negative health consequences of being sedentary are not offset by exercise. It's no longer enough to segregate movement to the gym or a single workout. The body thirsts for movement throughout the entire day just as much as it does for water, oxygen and food. This book is about learning to become self-aware of stagnation of any kind, including sitting, and how to use movement to create choice and health. This book integrates physiological research, psychology, sociology, philosophy, story and practical application for one purpose: to teach you how to free your body and experience authentic health."--
Will the People of Earth Bow Down to Alien Overlords—or Will They Fight Back? First Contact Was Friendly When aliens trundled a gate to other worlds into the Solar System, the world reacted with awe, hope, and fear. The first aliens to come through, the Glatun, turned out to be peaceful traders, and the world breathed a sigh of relief. Who Controls the Orbitals, Controls the World When the Horvath came through, they announced their ownership of us by dropping rocks on three cities and gutting them. Since then, they've held Terra as their own personal fiefdom. With their control of the orbitals, there's no way to win and Earth's governments have accepted the status quo. Live Free or Die To free the world from the grip of the Horvath is going to take an unlikely hero. A hero unwilling to back down to alien or human governments, unwilling to live in slavery, and with enough hubris, if not stature, to think he can win. Fortunately, there's Tyler Vernon. And he has bigger plans than just getting rid of the Horvath. Troy Rising is a book in three parts—Live Free or Die being the first part—detailing the freeing of Earth from alien conquerors, the first steps into space using off-world technologies and the creation of Troy, a thousand-trillion-ton battle station designed to secure the Solar System.
Whether a believer or not, a devotee or an agnostic, an accomplished seeker or a simpleton, this is truly a book for all those who shall die!