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As the Department of Defense (DoD) downsizes there is a great need to reduce the cost and manpower burden associated with maintenance of weapon systems. Traditionally, technical manuals used for field maintenance of DoD systems have relied heavily on troubleshooting procedures, which are presented in "flow chart" format of fault trees. These flow charts guide the maintainer through test procedures to isolate parts that cause equipment malfunction. These procedures are static, that is, they are highly structured around a predetermined sequence of tests, do not become "smarter" over time with historical maintenance data, and only take into account those symptoms and faults which the original developer considered. They are often incomplete, sometimes wrong, and are very difficult to update and maintain. As maintenance evolved into the computer-assisted age, a major opportunity exists to significantly enhance the technical manuals, the basic logic, and information/knowledge representation underlying troubleshooting procedures. This paper provides the high lights of research and development results on the technical aspects as how to efficiently transition from flow-chart intensive knowledge representation to a knowledge-based system. The results of reengineering the legacy trouble-shooting procedures provides, at least, the following benefits: (1) replacing fault trees with knowledge based reasoning about faults related to symptoms; (2) providing the capability to dynamically relate faults to symptoms; (3) equipping the ability to use historical maintenance data to continuously improve maintenance capability; (4) providing more user-friendly interactive electronic technical manuals; and (5) providing the ability to house "expert" diagnostics information in a form that becomes usable and available to novice technicians.
"This book presents a wide range of issues and challenges related to business process reengineering technologies and systems through the use of case studies"--Provided by publisher.
The systems movement, now 40 years old, is made up of many associations of systems thinkers from different disciplines all over the world. The United Kingdom Systems Society (UKSS) was formed in 1978. Today it has over 300 members and is committed to the development and promotion of "systems" philosophy, theory, concepts and methodolo gies for improving decision making for the benefit of organizations and wider society. The first UKSS International Conference was held at the University of Hull in July ofHuddersfield 1989. Since then we have held International Conferences at the Universities (1991) and Paisley (1993). The UKSS International Conferences are now an established biannual event and this, our fourth international conference, will be jointly hosted by the Universities of Hull and Humberside. Systems science is considered to be a trans-discipline which promotes critical and effective intervention in complex organisational and social problem situations. As such it traverses "hard", through "soft" to "critical" systems thinking and methodologies. Yet, despite the currently robust state of the UKSS the systems movement cannot be described as an international movement: different subdisciplines are at different stages of development and are often engaged in pursuing their own particular interests and themes with little "conversation" between the subdisciplines despite their common interest in systems.
Good governance is not a fundamental right under the Constitution of India. Did the makers of the Constitution presume that the framework and the institutional structure designed by them would ensure that the people got social, economic, and political justice, liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith, and worship, and equality of status and of opportunity? Why is Satyam missing from mainstream Indian activities, although the National motto Satyameva Jayate is ubiquitous as part of the National Symbol, appearing in all national documents, including in currency notes? The perceived charm of the office of the District Officer is a major factor in attracting some of the brightest and most diligent among the Indian youth to the Indian Administrative Service. But should young graduates spend their energy in the prime of their youth on preparation for the Civil Services Examination, the chances of success being statistically low? Should professionally qualified persons attempt to join the Civil Services, with the risk of becoming professionally unfit with the passage of time if they do not succeed? These questions are only incidental. The book discusses key governance issues from an unbiased perspective.