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The experimental study of rare decays of hadrons containing the b quark has been a fertile ground for some time, and keeps being one of the most interesting subjects in high energy physics. It has improved our understanding of hadronic processes, and allows investigating various aspects of the Standard Model and searching for hints of physics beyond the Standard Model. Examples are the comparison of branching fractions of charmless modes with predictions of models, the constraints on CKM angles (B0 → [pi]+[pi]-, B → DK, with D in suppressed modes), the observation of purely leptonic modes (B± → [tau]±v), the recently established difference in ACP between B0 → K+[pi]- and B± → K±[pi]0, suspected to be a hint new physics. All of them came from a long and successful experimental activity with e+e- collisions at the Y(4S) resonance. With hadronic colliders now coming into play, the study of rare decays is reaching new heights. Given the high cross section for production of all kinds of B hadrons, the record luminosities now provided by the Tevatron collider, and the LHC program in view for the next years, there is the potential for a rich program of interesting new measurements, including even rarer modes as the Bs0 → [mu]+[mu]-, strongly suppressed in the standard model but very sensitive to many NP scenarios. The complexity of the hadronic collision environment, however, requires detectors with high precision and high quality tracking, and a trigger system capable of complex event selections at high rates. The CDF experiment, thanks to a fast trigger on impact parameter, has been able to reconstruct many rare B decays, including previously unobserved modes Bs0 → K+K- and Bs0 → K-[pi]+, the latter being particularly interesting for its relationship with the puzzling difference in CP asymmetry between neutral and charged modes. In this thesis we go beyond B mesons, and present the first measurements of Branching fractions and CP asymmetries in charmless b-baryon modes. We study two-body [Lambda]b0 decays into final states with a proton and a charged pion or kaon. Their branching fractions can be significantly affected by New Physics contributions; under supersymmetric models with R-parity violation, they can be increased by two orders of magnitude. Their CP-violating asymmetries are also interesting to measure in search for possible further anomalies: then may reach significant size O(30%) in the Standard Model, and are also sensitive to possible new physics sources.
This book presents the latest results on the branching fraction and phase space distribution of B0 and Bs0 decays into final states including excited neutral charm mesons. This work represents four years of research, and the book describes in detail all the necessary steps and techniques required to perform a physics analysis of the data recorded by the LHCb experiment in the years 2016–2018. Although the results presented in this book represent the first measurement of such decays, the text is written in a manner accessible to Ph.D. students and early career researchers. Thus, all the contents included in this book are described in a pedagogical way, including technical details that would allow the results to be reproduced in future. In addition to the methodology used to perform these measurements, the book also includes a description of the theoretical background required to interpret the results presented, as well as a technical description of the LHCb detector, which provided the data sample used in this study.
CP violation is a well-established phenomenon in particle physics, but until 2001 it was only observed in kaons. In the last decade, several matter-antimatter asymmetries have been observed in neutral B mesons in line with the expectations of the Standard Model of the weak interaction. Direct CP violation is also expected in the decay rates of charged B+ mesons versus that of B- mesons, though the greatest effects are present in a decay that occurs just twice in 10 million decays. Such rarity requires huge samples to study and this is exactly what the LHC, and its dedicated B-physics experiment LHCb provide. This thesis presents an analysis of the first two years of LHCb data. The author describes the first observation of the rare decay, B- → DK-, D → π-K+ and the first observation of direct CP violation in this B decay. The work constitutes essential information on the experiment’s measurement of a fundamental parameter of the theory and stands as a benchmark against which subsequent analyses of this type will be compared.
Rare charmless hadronic B decays are particularly interesting because of their importance in understanding the CP violation, which is essential to explain the matter-antimatter asymmetry in our universe, and of their roles in testing the ''effective'' theory of B physics. The study has been done with the BABAR experiment, which is mainly designed for the study of CP violation in the decays of neutral B mesons, and secondarily for rare processes that become accessible with the high luminosity of the PEP-II B Factory. In a sample of 89 million produced B{bar B} pairs on the BABAR experiment, we observed the decays B{sup 0} {yields} {omega}K{sup 0} and B{sup +} {yields} {omega}{rho}{sup +} for the first time, made more precise measurements for B{sup +} {yields} {omega}h{sup +} and reported tighter upper limits for B {yields} {omega}K* and B{sup 0} {yields} {omega}{rho}{sup 0}.
The study of rare hadronic B decays at LHCb and at the planned Super-B factories is a valueable tool in the search for new physics. The variety of hadronic decay channels allows for over-constraining measurements of flavour-changing neutral currents. The author discusses several aspects of new physics in rare hadronic B decays. In the first part of the book, the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) with Minimal Flavor Violation is analysed. In this model, large effects can occur in rare B decays due to tan(beta)-enhanced corrections which have to be resummed to all orders. The known resummation formulae are generalised beyond the decoupling limit and novel effects in couplings involving genuine supersymmetric particles are studied. In the second part of the book, the possibility of probing new physics in electroweak penguins via hadronic B decays is discussed. Such kind of new physics is suggested by puzzling data in B K, pi decays. The author shows that a measurement of the purely isospin-violating decays Bs phi, pi(rho) could shed light on this puzzle. A model-independent study and a study of concrete well-motivated new physics scenarios are performed.