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Le débat sur le temps de travail prend rarement en compte le point de vue du travail des femmes. Or, elles sont les principales destinataires des politiques actuelles d’aménagement du temps de travail, de création et de développement d’emplois flexibles et précaires. Est-ce le partage ou la division du travail ? Cet ouvrage, pluridisciplinaire, envisage la totalité des temps sociaux – temps de travail et « hors » travail, temps domestique et professionnel. Il analyse les contenus des accords de partage du travail qui ont été conclus dans les entreprises. Des comparaisons internationales avec des pays du tiers-monde, de l’Europe, les États-Unis, le Canada et le Japon interrogent la notion même de partage du travail.
Cet ouvrage est consacré au développement et à la diffusion des recherches de Danièle Kergoat sur la division sexuelle du travail et sur les rapports sociaux de sexe. Ancrées en sociologie, ses recherches ont rapidement transgressé les frontières disciplinaires et géographiques. Ces contributions témoignent de son parcours de chercheuse et de militante, d'autres discutent sa problématique théorique, d'autres s'inspirent des pistes qu'elle a mises en avant tout au long de quarante années de recherche.
Contains 26 essays which discuss working time arrangements resulting from changes in employment patterns in EC countries. Explores the issue with reference to the 1993 EC Directive on the organization of working time.
L'ouvrage explore les fondements théoriques de la relative incompatibilité entre sociologie du travail et sociologie du genre et retrace l'émergence progressive d'analyses sexuées autour de trois objets : l'articulation entre travail domestique et travail professionnel, la division sexuelle du travail, la construction des inégalités. Il montre comment opèrent conjointement des processus qui neutralisent les différences en faisant référence à un individu asexué, et des processus qui justifient les inégalités entre les sexes en les neutralisant. Il éclaire les ambiguïtés des politiques d'emploi, des stratégies des directions d'entreprises et des pratiques des salarié(e)s.
This book explores the key conceptual features of the development of the Sociology of Work (SoW) in Europe since 1945, using eleven country case studies. An original contribution to our understanding of the trajectory of the SoW, the chapters map the current state of the theoretical background of the sub-discipline's development to broader socio-political and economic changes, traced across a heterogeneous set of national contexts. Different definitions of the SoW in each country often reflect variations in the focus of analysis, and these chapters link the subject definition and focus to other social science disciplines, the state, as well as social class interests and ideologies. The book contends that the ways in which the sub-discipline makes sense of changes in work is itself a response to the type of society in which the sub-discipline is practiced, whether in the post-war social democratic West, the Soviet East, or today's societies, dominated by variant forms of neo-liberalism. It will be of use to scholars and students interested in the transnational history of the discipline of sociology, with a specific focus on the nexus between the sociology of labour, ideology, economics and politics.
This was first published in 2000: This work is founded on the premise that many analyses of economic restructuring and of gender relations fail to recognize two things. First, the situation facing women is different from that of the 1960s when the conceptual apparatuses for analyzing "women and work" were created. Labour markets are dominated by flexible, non-standard work, precarious contractual relations and income disparities. Therefore, it is difficult to structure political claims or analysis around the notion that there is a single labour market, that the primary problem is discrimination or inappropriate training, and that political strategies should focus on discrimination and non-traditional employment. Rather, new challenges require new solutions. The second point of departure is that is is impossible to understand either contemporary labour markets, or the roots of employment and other public policies without locating them vis a vis patterns of gender inequalities generated by and in these labour markets. The labour force has been feminized to such an extent that new, and often unequal gender relations are crucial to their very functioning.
Conference papers on the influence of sex stereotypes in the sexual division of labour partic. Concerning woman workers' labour force participation - denounces men-biased models of data collecting and need for new definitions; stresses role of fertility and reproduction periods in shaping womens' career patterns and men's emphasis on production and career development during the same periods; describes assembly line work in Mexico and Haiti and other case studies in Japan and Italy. References. Conference held in Mexico 1982 Aug.