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Parenting today’s teens is not for cowards. Your teenager is facing unprecedented and confusing pressures, temptations, and challenges in today’s culture. Mark Gregston has helped teens and their parents through every struggle imaginable, and now he shares his biblical, practical insights with you in bite-size pieces. Punctuated with Scriptures, prayers, and penetrating questions, these one-page devotions will give you the wisdom and assurance you need to guide your teen through these years and reach the other side with relationships intact.
Holding a family together when it seems the world is falling apart is the challenge faced by parents of today's teens. Their children face a level of evil in their everyday world that their parents can't imagine, don't understand and often misjudge. When the cultural divide threatens to invade a family it is easy for parents to feel lost and alone, and without a plan to survive. Parents don't know to intervene effectively when their teen spins out of control. Fortunately, teen-expert Mark Gregston understands the affects of today's confusing culture on teens and offers the right kind of help in his newest book, Parenting Teens in a Confusing Culture. Mark answers 32 tough questions asked by parents of teenagers, with his usual wit and the biblical wisdom of the ages. His ongoing ministry to teens and their families spans more than thirty years and when he writes about how to address problems with teens, he knows what he's talking about. Parenting Teens in a Confusing Culture helps parents better understand the forces behind the issues their teens face, like -teenage drinking -experimenting with drugs -problems at school -gender identity and same sex relationships -social abuse -immaturity -rebellion -entitlement -teenage anger -Internet influences -Disobedience, disrespect, dishonesty There is no better resource for Christian parents trying to successfully navigate today's cultural minefields than Parenting Teens in a Confusing Culture. The compassionate wisdom found in this book makes it a must-read for every parent, grandparent, counselor or those involved with directing a teen or pre-teen's path through this confusing world.
Parenting today’s teens is not for cowards. Your teenager is facing unprecedented and confusing pressures, temptations, and challenges in today’s culture. Mark Gregston has helped teens and their parents through every struggle imaginable, and now he shares his biblical, practical insights with you in bite-size pieces. Punctuated with Scriptures, prayers, and penetrating questions, these one-page devotions will give you the wisdom and assurance you need to guide your teen through these years and reach the other side with relationships intact.
You've tried everything you know to do. Mark Gregston offers this encouragement: Don't lose hope. This groundbreaking book offers a system for helping kids work through their pain and offers hope and direction to parents looking for help. It will help you uncover and deal with the real issues causing your teens' troublesome behavior and offers tools for rebuilding healthy relationships.
What’s happening to my teen? For many parents, a child’s entering into the adolescent years is a time of change for a family. Interests shift, hormones kick in, appearance becomes more important, new friends enter into your teen’s life, and social networking carries with it a whole new level of influence and exposure. Parents are sometimes confused about how to handle this change, and sadly, some teens get lost in the turbulent waters of adolescence as parents figure it all out. “i never thought this would happen to our family” Mark Gregston shares true stories of hope and encouragement for parents struggling through these adolescent years, and gives insight and wisdom found in the pursuit of understanding what is happening in today’s teen culture. Mark has seen it all, and he’s personally helped thousands of families navigate their teens’ difficult years and reach the other side with relationships intact. With biblical wisdom, keen insight, and deep compassion, he reveals the incredible pressures today’s teens face, the reason for inappropriate behavior, and the tools you need to help your son or daughter flourish again.
Are you ready for your child's teen years? If you've ever lain awake at night wondering what might be around the corner of your child's adolescence, this book is for you! After more than thirty-eight years of working with more than 2,500 years, Mark Gregston, founder of heartlight, a Christian residential counseling center, introduces Tough Guys and Drama Queens—a must-read "how-to" book for parents of pre-teens and teens with time-tested, biblical techniques to guide you through these unavoidably challenging years. Mark helps parents realize that some natural parenting approaches are actually counter-productive and therefore totally ineffective.In place of those, he offers tried and true wisdom on the vital importance of relationship, forgiveness, and explains how conflict is actually the precursor to change. Everyday your child is bombarded by highly sexualized culture and over-exposed to words and images that can influence them beyond your reach.your connection to them during these years is critical as is your response to tough issues such as appearance, performance, authority and respect, boundaries, and many more.
Three million kids have grandparents parenting them. Are you one of those grandparents? Are you in need of some help? Are you in a crisis with your teen that you're not sure anyone has an answer for? There are natural communication barriers between grandparents and their teenage grandkids: • new and old cultures collide and the relationship sometimes flies out the window • hurtful words stab at a grandparent trying to help • memories are missed and arguments explode in a family Both grandparents and grandkids face these triggers, but from opposite sides. And sometimes they result in teens getting into drugs, kids smoldering in unexpressed anger that deepens into depression, and kids even harming themselves. The teenagers want attention and relationships; grandparents want to help. Help is available from author and well-known family expert Mark Gregston who has worked in teenage and family ministries such as Young Life and his own program, Heartlight, for over forty years. For Gregston, it’s all about relationships. Teens need to find out why they think no one understands them. And they need help to guide them through this contradictory world. Grandparenting Teens is a valuable resource that helps grandparents love their teens and relate to them in genuine, honest, life-changing ways. This book gives practical tips on how to start grandparenting teens in a way that fosters connection. Mark teaches skills such as getting everyone to listen—really listen. As a grandparent, you can help your teen learn to paint their honest, big-picture perspective, so no one’s left out of their world. They will learn gratefulness instead of giving grief. They will recognize when their grandparent understands their troubles and becomes their role model for life when everyone else turns away. And both grandparents and teens will find their point of contact—their bond. Gregston’s stories will entertain you. They will teach you. They will move you. Some will even change your life. This book is a must for every grandparent who wants to continue to have an influence on the life of their teen grandchildren. In this ever-important role, grandparents can offer something to their grandkids that they can receive from no one else.
In a nation where an estimated 25 percent of high-school seniors use illegal substances on a monthly basis, parents are wise to be concerned about setting their children on a drug-free course. While much advice handed out these days focuses on teen behavior and on what to do once drugs have become a problem in the home, Raising Drug-Free Kids takes an innovative approach and focuses instead on preventative measures that can be followed early on in a child's life. Developmental psychologist and parent educator Aletha Solter provides parents with simple, easy-to use tools to build a solid foundation for children to say "no" to drugs. Organized by age group, from preschool through young adulthood, the handy 100 tips will show parents how to help their children to: Feel good about themselves without an artificial high. Cope with stress so they won't turn to drugs to relax. Respect their bodies so they will reject harmful substances. Have close family connections so they won't feel desperate to belong to a group. Take healthy risks (like outdoor adventures) so they won't need to take dangerous ones.
Like a tiny life raft blown about by the wind and waves of a swirling sea storm, parents often feel hopelessly lost in the tempestuous toil of raising teenagers. As today's culture offers dangerous yet exciting thrills, teens need the safe anchor of family values and parental guidance more than ever.Rescue offers wisdom, encouragement, and practical applications for navigating the rough waters of raising teenagers. Working with a young group of "Lifeguards" throughout the book, Candy Gibbs gives struggling parents the life preservers they need to rescue children drowning in teen culture. With Biblical insights and Candy's own creative techniques, Rescue is the "Noah's Ark" of parenting books, ensuring that today's teens will carry on a legacy of godliness to generations to come.