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Do you know who you are? Are you comfortable in your skin? Outed by her best friend in front of the whole neighborhood, Niya is trying to come to terms with being a lesbian. When she falls for her straight neighbor Jamilla, there is no more denying who she really is. Niya will do whatever it takes to prove her love, even if it means taking a life. What will happen when family issues, fame, the struggle for love, and reality set in? How will Niya deal with a hip-hop career as she tries to repair her broken heart and family issues? Signing with Green Note Records may just bring fulfillment and love to Niya when the sexy R & B diva Brazil Noelle swoops in and aims for her heart. Niya has always been the hero, but is she willing to be saved? Will her feelings for Jamilla block what could actually be her chance to get back the love she always gives? Jamilla is drowning in the reality of her home life. She is forced to face a real-life monster on a daily basis, and the shame of her past is slowly killing everything beautiful about her. Just when she thinks life isn't worth living, she befriends Niya and becomes confused by the extremely close, unconventional friendship and the high sexual tension that sends her head spinning. Will her fling with a male "straighten" her out for good, or will it help her to realize that love has no boundaries? How long can this game of friendship last when love is the stronger opponent? Join the tormented twosome on an undeniable thrill ride as they travel down the rocky road of self-discovery. Niya and Jamilla will combat their fears, violence, distractions, extortion, love, denial, family, and sometimes each other, in this emotionally charged and action-packed coming-of-age tale.
When my daughters were young, they would sometimes fi nd it hard to go to sleep. I always made up stories for them when they went to bed to stop them from having bad dreams. I then thought that it would be great to share these stories with other children. My girls always loved the Rainbow Dreams story; it always made them relax and go to sleep with smiles on their faces. As they are now older I still say to them, Rainbow Dreams, and they know exactly what I am talking about. This helps them relax and go to sleep easily.
Maisy dreams she's going on a journey through all the colours of the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. She sees stripy teapots with legs and rainbow-coloured fish - it's a beautiful dream. Join Maisy and her friends on their journey, all the way to the end of the rainbow.
This book discusses the management of individuals on the autistic spectrum as well as other developmental challenges. It provides an excellent resource guide for parents, caregivers, educators, healthcare workers, psychologists, and everyone involved in the care of differently abled and autistic persons. The approach is practical, and the aim is to try to gain deeper understanding into these conditions. Based on the experience of the staff and parents of the Rainbow Centre, the management is a person-centred, multidisciplinary and quality-of-life focused approach to helping these persons. The book also covers the history and future directions across one's lifespan in the care of these individuals.
This book is intended for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and non-gay readers. It is divided into three sections: OC On Being Gay, OCO OC On Being Politically Correct, OCO and OC On Being Gay in the Real World.OCO Section I, OC On Being Gay, OCO focuses almost exclusively on what it means to be gay, the kinds of discrimination gays and lesbians face in their daily routines and lives, and how to face those issues of inequality, discrimination, and bigotry. Section II, OC On Being Politically CorrectOCO is directed toward contemporary issues within the gay community and presents a number of controversial topics that are hotly debated among gays and lesbians. Section III, OC On Being Gay in the Real World, OCO focuses on issues that affect gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals as they try to live effectually in the prevailing majority community. This section includes several essays that are not necessarily gay-specific, but can apply to people of every orientation. Section III emphasizes that all people, regardless of orientation, race, religion, gender, nationality, or ethnic background share the same hopes, fears, dreams, and desires. John Arthur Maddux writes in the introduction of his book: Read this book with an open mind. You never know what you might learn, or re-learn from a new perspective. Learning is essential to growth and if it ceases to be so, our hope for social, environmental, and political change will be thwarted, and we may find ourselves no better off than our primordial ancestors who lived in intellectual darkness and superstition. For an author photo and bio and a sample read visit"
Dream A Rainbow teaches children the colors of the rainbow and inspires them to believe in their dreams. On a stormy morning, Hana sees a rainbow and dreams of where it might take her. She slides into a fantastical adventure to Ethiopia, where she plays with friends and beautiful animals. When she returns home to bed, she is sure-dreams really do come true!
Appelemando loves to dream! The villagers think he will never amount to much, but his friends know better. They can see his dreams drift up from the top of his head and float into the sky. Then, one rainy day, Appelemando's dreams are blown onto all the wet walls and roofs of the town, covering the houses and stores with fantastic pictures. The villagers are astonished and angry: How could the children do such a thing! Not until Appelemando and his friends lose their way in the forest do the villagers recognize the wonder and value of Appelemando's special gift. With her vibrant folk-art illustrations, Patricia Polacco draws young readers into Appelemando's magical world, where they will discover the importance of dreaming and the power of true friendship.
As spring arrives in the Candy Kingdom, Cocoa the Chocolate Fairy is honored to be selected to make the chocolate eggs for the royal parade, but a selfish troll has other plans.
Strange & Prophetic Dreams of the Indian People. This is a touching story of a great grandmother instilling the Indian spirit in her great grandson. It gives guidelines for a glorious future: ‘We have had enough now of talk. Let there be deeds.’ In the words that follow we have written simply and wholly what we believe, believing that only God is the Knower. That men should love one another and understand one another is the great message of the visions of the Indian peoples told about in this book, nothing of selfishness nor vanity, nothing of narrowness nor pride. We write what we feel deep in our hearts, and the bulk of the book is the expression of this feeling. On the other hand, we wish to write about only what is reasonable and intelligent, so, in the appendix at the back of this book, we give what we consider reasonable and intelligent answers to why the study of prophetic dreams has value, how they fit patterns, and how it may be possible to understand them.