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It is the policy of the United States to support the right of the people of Cuba to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas through any media regardless of frontiers. Truth in broadcasting has been an effective tool in assisting repressed nations in this endeavor. Radio Marti', named after Jose' Marti' a Cuban patriot killed in Cuba's war of independence from Spain, has proven to be a valuable asset in this regard. Although coming under the heading of socio-psychological instrument of power, its effect on the populace of Cuba has been immense. This radio station that broadcasts from Washington, D.C. was the idea of a Cuban emigre that escaped from the repression of Fidel Castro. Little did he know the far reaching consequences it would have in supporting the Cuban people in their quest for freedom and truth. Today, the Cuban people are provided the opportunity to listen to the truth and as a result are able to decide for themselves what democracy really means. (sdw).