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In these selections readers are treated to a rare opportunity to see the world through the eyes of one of the twentieth century's most brilliant and sensitive scientists. Conceived by Chandrasekhar as a supplement to his Selected Papers, this volume begins with eight papers he wrote with Valeria Ferrari on the non-radial oscillations of stars. It then explores some of the themes addressed in Truth and Beauty, with meditations on the aesthetics of science and the world it examines. Highlights include: "The Series Paintings of Claude Monet and the Landscape of General Relativity," "The Perception of Beauty and the Pursuit of Science," "On Reading Newton's Principia at Age Past Eighty," and personal recollections of Indira Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and others. Selected Papers, Volume 7 paints a picture of Chandra's universe, filled with stars and galaxies, but with space for poetics, paintings, and politics. The late S. Chandrasekhar was best known for his discovery of the upper limit to the mass of a white dwarf star, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1983. He was the author of many books, including The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes and, most recently, Newton's Principia for the Common Reader.
This book surveys the theory of free, linear, isentropic oscillations in spherically symmetric, gaseous equilibrium stars, from basic concepts to asymptotic representations of normal modes and with slow period changes in rapidly evolving pulsating stars.
Abstract: Neutron stars are among the densest objects in the universe and are one possible end result of stellar evolution. They contain forms (phases) of matter that are not possible to create under terrestrial conditions. Therefore, we can learn about new phases of matter by studying aspects of neutron stars. In particular, the way the fluid comprising the neutron star oscillates as a result of perturbations to the pressure and density of the star can lead to a variety of interesting phenomena, including the emission of gravitational waves. These can be modeled using theory and tested by observations. In this thesis, we focus on the p-mode oscillations, which are a type of spheroidal oscillation driven by internal pressure fluctuations. These are acoustic modes with very short time periods. We have calculated, using both analytical and numerical methods, the p-mode periods in a simple model of dense relativistic stars, of which neutron stars are standard examples. In a local analysis, we found a 0.3 ms upper limit on oscillation periods analytically. We then used a numerical analysis to find exact solutions for these periods, which agreed with our upper limit calculation. Our numerical analysis demonstrated that a small spherical harmonic degree has a small effect on the oscillation spectrum, and that a larger spherical harmonic degree introduces a period doubling phenomenon.
The masses of neutron stars are limited by an instability to gravitational collapse and an instability driven by gravitational waves limits their spin. Their oscillations are relevant to x-ray observations of accreting binaries and to gravitational wave observations of neutron stars formed during the coalescence of double neutron-star systems. This volume includes more than forty years of research to provide graduate students and researchers in astrophysics, gravitational physics and astronomy with the first self-contained treatment of the structure, stability and oscillations of rotating neutron stars. This monograph treats the equations of stellar equilibrium; key approximations, including slow rotation and perturbations of spherical and rotating stars; stability theory and its applications, from convective stability to the r-mode instability; and numerical methods for computing equilibrium configurations and the nonlinear evolution of their oscillations. The presentation of fundamental equations, results and applications is accessible to readers who do not need the detailed derivations.
This book presents a study of the saturation of unstable f-modes (fundamental modes) due to low-order nonlinear mode coupling. Since their theoretical prediction in 1934, neutron stars have remained among the most challenging objects in the Universe. Gravitational waves emitted by unstable neutron star oscillations can be used to obtain information about their inner structure, that is, the equation of state of dense nuclear matter. After its initial growth phase, the instability is expected to saturate due to nonlinear effects. The saturation amplitude of the unstable mode determines the detectability of the generated gravitational-wave signal, but also affects the evolution of the neutron star. The study shows that the unstable (parent) mode resonantly couples to pairs of stable (daughter) modes, which drain the parent’s energy and make it saturate via a mechanism called parametric resonance instability. Further, it calculates the saturation amplitude of the most unstable f-mode multipoles throughout their so-called instability windows.
The two volumes of Gravitational Waves provide a comprehensive and detailed account of the physics of gravitational waves. Volume 2 discusses what can be learned from gravitational waves in astrophysics and in cosmology, by systematizing a large body of theoretical developments that have taken place over the last decades.