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The US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is currently supporting the joint Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) program with two aggressive research space programs. The goal of the ORS program is to improve the responsiveness of space capabilities to meet national security requirements. ORS systems aim to provide operational space capabilities as well as flexibility and responsiveness to the theater that do not exist today. ORS communication, navigation, and Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) satellites are being designed to rapidly meet near term space needs of in-theater tactical forces by supporting contingency operations, such as increased communication bandwidth, and ISR imagery over the theater for a limited period to support air, ground, and naval force missions. This paper will discuss how AFRL/RHA is supporting the ORS effort and describe the hardware and software being developed with a particular focus on the Satellite Design Tool (SDT). In an effort to further support the evolution of ORS technologies with Warfighter?s involvement, Star Technologies Corp recently started coordinating the integration of the TATOO Laboratory with a satellite robotics test bed. Accessible via the TATOO Lab, the robotics test bed will be used to demonstrate and evaluate leading edge satellite technologies, such as Guidance Navigation and Control, attitude control, formation flying, and plug-and-play electronics. The test bed will consist of a Mission Control Center with wireless control and telemetry, an exceptionally flat and smooth floor area, and two robotic satellite simulators equipped with "next generation" plug-and-play hardware.
Current space assets provide communication, navigation, and ISR capabilities using satellites designed for long life and high reliability. Those life and reliability requirements are due in part to the high cost and limited availability of space launch. Current space systems require years to develop due to the complicated specialized design and manufacturing processes. The high cost of launching space assets, and competition with the commercial launch market, require launch scheduling years in advance. Moreover, once it has been scheduled on a launch vehicle, it may take several months to checkout and integrate into the launch vehicle and several additional months to become operational once it's in space. This existing capability is not operationally responsive.
Space has become a critical part of the United States' warfighting capability and requires that future space systems become more responsive than the current systems of reusable and expendable launch vehicles. The US military relies on space assets for communication, navigation, and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. Our adversaries also recognize our reliance on space technology and are moving forward to deny us the use of those systems. To reduce our vulnerability to those threats, the United States must have the ability to responsively replace, supplement, and service its space assets. Although the development and operational use of systems that will support the evolving mission areas of space control and force application will be subject to political and fiscal leadership decisions, they will also require responsive spacelift capabilities and it is prudent to include those considerations in spacelift planning.
Tactical space support has earned a reputation as unresponsive and the Operationally Responsive Space Office was created in 2007 to address this for the military. The intent of this course project is to use an educational research approach to develop a future architecture that will make space responsive in 2025. This paper evaluates the shortcomings that hinder quick and effective space-based support to the U.S. Military and Intelligence Community. The current space community is fragmented, preventing quick, unified decisions, and does not have the executive clout necessary to lead effectively. Our group's solution creates a Department of Space at the cabinet level. The Department of Space will unify the space community, promoting quicker decisions with one common and consistent vision. This change would enable unified plans and policies as well as allow one organization to prioritize all of the space programs. The responsive culture would facilitate other needed changes to Space Operations, Launch, and Acquisition.
Under the auspices of the joint Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) program, two supporting aggressive research programs are being conducted by the US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). ORS is actively focused on timely satisfaction of the urgent needs of the joint force commanders for improving the responsiveness of space capabilities to meet national security requirements. ORS communication, navigation, and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) satellites are being designed to rapidly meet near-term space needs of in-theater tactical forces by supporting contingency operations, such as increased communication bandwidth and ISR imagery over the theater for a limited period to support air, ground, and naval force missions. This article discusses two of these programs: the plug-and-play (PnP) satellite design for rapid construction through modular components, and the Training and Tactical ORS Operations (TATOO) Laboratory, which provides a computer-based simulation environment directed at improving warfighters' space capability responsiveness.
The Handbook on the Economics of Conflict conveys how economics can contribute to the understanding of conflict in its various dimensions embracing world wars, regional conflicts, terrorism and the role of peacekeeping in conflict prevention. The economics of conflict is a relatively new branch of the discipline of economics. Conflict provides opportunities for applying game theory involving strategic behaviour, interactions and interdependence betweenadversaries. The Handbook demonstrates that conflict and its prevention is costly; it considers new dimensions such as ethnic cleansing, destructive power, terrorism, corruption, the impact of new technology, peacekeeping, the role of economists in defence ministries and the use of privatecontractors in conflict.
Space capabilities are a prominent element within the collection of global advantages the United States enjoys today. Space is one of the "commons," along with the sea and cyberspace, that constitute the triad of capabilities on which America's global power rests. But several ominous trends now compel a reassessment of the current business model for meeting the nation's needs for military space capabilities. While the existing model has served the nation well, a new business model is at hand and can now be readily grasped to propel us into the future. Trends compelling this reassessment include: falling barriers to competitive entry into the commons of space, an increasing dependency on space capabilities, and emerging vulnerabilities in current space systems. In addition, there are systemic issues emerging across the spectrum that require a reexamination of how the nation acquires these precious assets. Such issues include: the fact that important space programs are in trouble for reasons either financial or technical; the growing need to recapitalize space capabilities; decreasing industrial base viability; reduced science and technology funding; and the need to develop space professionals. The current business model for space is unable to support, by itself, the combined weight of these accumulating pressures.
The United States Space Situational Awareness capability continues to be a key element in obtaining and maintaining the high ground in space. Space Situational Awareness satellites are critical enablers for integrated air, ground and sea operations, and play an essential role in fighting and winning conflicts. The United States leads the world space community in spacecraft payload systems from the component level into spacecraft, and in the development of constellations of spacecraft. The United States? position is founded upon continued government investment in research and development in space technology [1], which is clearly reflected in the Space Situational Awareness capabilities and the longevity of these missions. In the area of launch systems that support Space Situational Awareness, despite the recent development of small launch vehicles, the United States launch capability is dominated by an old, unresponsive and relatively expensive set of launchers [1] in the Expandable, Expendable Launch Vehicles (EELV) platforms; Delta IV and Atlas V. The EELV systems require an average of six to eight months from positioning on the launch table until liftoff [3]. Access to space requires maintaining a robust space transportation capability, founded on a rigorous industrial and technology base. The downturn of commercial space launch service use has undermined, for the time being, the ability of industry to recoup its significant investment in current launch systems. This has effectively precluded industry from sustaining a balanced robust industrial and technology base to sufficiently meet all United States Government spacelift needs [2]. The reduction of resources to the Department of Defense and the Air Force, coupled by the long launch preparation periods have further resulted in less operationally responsive spacelift capability from new launch systems.