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Our home "workshops" are the perfect place to have deep, purposeful conversations with our children, including talking about the power of sexual intimacy. In this simple guide, you have the tools you need to combat the unhealthy messages our young children are bombarded with. By sharing your insight and knowledge about topics like love, healthy relationships, marriage, sexual intimacy, and outside dangers, you can prepare your kids and protect your family from many destructive forces. With our 30 Days of Sex Talks books, you have the essential information needed to start discussing these important topics and to also create an environment in your home which encourages open conversations about these and many other issues which inevitably come up. By thoughtfully conducting these discussions, you will also be empowered to teach your child how to be safe, focus their curiosity, and prepare for future discussions and experiences.What's Included:This curriculum includes helpful directions, 30 simple, yet meaningful, lessons, and an extensive glossary of over 130 terms to help you. Each lesson includes introductory points to consider, critical teaching information, powerful discussion questions, and additional resources to enrich your family's learning experience. Some topics even have an accompanying activity or sample dialogue to inspire further conversation.Check out our other books that make great companions to our 30 Days of Sex Talks series, including How to Talk to Your Kids About Pornography, Conversations with My Kids: 30 Essential Family Discussions for the Digital Age, and 30 Days to a Stronger Child
«La necesidad de una educación sexual nunca ha sido tan urgente como ahora. La cultura digital expone a los niños a una informaciónirreal, que a sus edades les llega a través del grupo de compañeros, desconectándolos de lo que implica su sexualidad, lo cual les genera miedos e inseguridades que van más allá de lo que sentirían naturalmente por su edad. Los padres serán los encargados de aliviar el significado de sus cambios corporales, de enseñarles el modo en que deben respetar su propio cuerpo y el de los demás.» ¿Un libro más sobre la sexualidad en la infancia?. No, este es un libro para educar la sexualidad desde la infancia temprana, en un mundoen el que la tecnología ha roto las barreras físicas y se sigue creyendo, erróneamente, que todo lo que ocurre en Internet no afecta la realidad. Mientras a la vida de niños y adolescentes llega un sinnúmero de mensajes por parte de los rdquo; anónimos, que lo hacen en términos de genitalidad, o con un discurso sobre un tipo de sexualidad que se acerca más a lo pornográfico que a lo biológico, resulta imprescindible encontrar información eficaz. Y es que tu hijo aprende sobre sexualidad mucho antesde preguntar. Un niño solo ante una pantalla, en un entorno en el que a menudo los adultos están física o mentalmente ausentes, nopuede hacer otra cosa que absorber lo que le dan. Cuando los padres creen que sus respuestas sobre sexualidad son la primera aproximación que sus hijos tienen a la misma, por lo general se equivocan. Los niños y los preadolescentes se han acostumbrado a vivir en un mundo mucho más explícito que el de sus padres, y eso incluye el sexo y la sexualidad. Cada capítulo está dedicado a una etapa evolutiva, mostrando qué necesitan saber los niños y las niñas a medida que crecen, pero teniendo en cuenta que cada uno también tieneun modo de ser y una curiosidad diferentes, por la que los padres descubrirán muchas pistas para ir por el buen camino. Sida, prevención del abuso, sentirse bien con sus emociones y cambios corporales son sólo alguno de los temas adaptados a cada una de las etapasevolutivas, para que los padres sepan de qué modo acompañarlos y que ellos afronten sus preocupaciones mientras son bombardeados con mensajes sexuales que afectan su modo de conocerse, aceptarse y comportarse desde edades muy tempranas. Este es un libro imprescindible, para proporcionar información, claves y estrategias para que tu hijo se conozca a sí mismo, descubra cómo funcionan su cuerpo y sus emociones, aprenda sobre su sexo y su sexualidad, y sea feliz. Ante tantas influencias, la propuesta es empezar es "ya". Después de su lectura sólo resta definir quién debe hacerlo y cuál es la forma más apropiada. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION When parents take their children's sex education seriously, children learn to feel empowered and have self-confidence. This is not a book on sexuality in childhood; it is a book about teaching sexuality from a young age, providing strategies for your children to know how their body and their emotions work.
The most meaningful discussions you will have with your child-made easy! This book contains downloadable, bonus content! Included with this book is a code that will allow you to download topic cards which can be printed and placed in strategic locations, such as a mirror, refrigerator or in your pocket, to remind you and your child to start talking! We've made it easy to engage your child in conversations about relationships, affection, anatomy, boundaries, predators, online dangers and many other vital topics. Using the numerous questions and conversation starters we have provided, you can launch these essential talks with your child and interject your personal thoughts, feelings and cultural beliefs. Written by parents and reviewed by professionals, the 30 Days of Sex Talks program makes it simple for you and your child to talk about sex in the context in which it belongs; as part of a healthy relationship that also includes joy, laughter and the full range of emotion that defines human intimacy. Remember that having these talks with your child will establish a pattern of healthy conversations for the future. Your goal is that your child will feel comfortable talking to you about anything as he or she grows into the healthy, knowledgeable person he or she will become.
When is the right time to discuss with children about their bodies and particularly the genitals? What is the best way to do that? How can we teach societal rules regarding human contact, especially when contact involves the private body parts? Are there good secrets and bad secrets? How can we help children share their emotions and fears? Now teachers, when teaching about health, relationships, and sexuality have a friendly assistant, Frixos. Frixos is a hedgehog. He lives in the forest. Accidentally he found out about children and he seems to like them very much. He wants to play with them.Frixos is the main character of a comprehensive sexuality education program for pre-school and early primary school pupils. The educational materials consist of five modules that address concepts like the body and the genitals; public and private body parts; meaning and difference of "personal" and "public" space, as well as the "concept" of "online space"; interpersonal relationships and the family; social skills and feelings; prevention of inappropriate contact, sexual harassment, and abuse. The materials are designed based on active and experiential learning principles and techniques. This work received the award for Excellence & Innovation in Sexuality Education 2019, by the World Association for Sexual Health.
Geared to readers from preschool to age eight, What Makes a Baby is a book for every kind of family and every kind of kid. It is a twenty-first century children’s picture book about conception, gestation, and birth, which reflects the reality of our modern time by being inclusive of all kinds of kids, adults, and families, regardless of how many people were involved, their orientation, gender and other identity, or family composition. Just as important, the story doesn’t gender people or body parts, so most parents and families will find that it leaves room for them to educate their child without having to erase their own experience. Written by a certified sexuality educator, Cory Silverberg, and illustrated by award-winning Canadian artist Fiona Smyth, What Makes a Baby is as fun to look at as it is useful to read.
In 2001, The Guardian launched a competition called The School I'd Like, in which young people were asked to imagine their ideal school. This vibrant, groundbreaking book presents material drawn from that competition, offering a unique snapshot of perceptions of today's schools by those who matter most - the pupils. The book is wonderfully illuminated by children's essays, stories, poems, pictures and plans. Placing their views in the centre of the debate, it provides an evaluation of the democratic processes involved in teaching and learning by: identifying consistencies in children's expressions of how they wish to learn highlighting particular sites of 'disease' in the education system today illustrating how the built environment is experienced by today's children posing questions about the reconstruction of teaching and learning for the twenty-first century. This book offers a powerful new perspective on school reform and is essential reading for all those involved in education and childhood studies, including teachers, advisors, policy-makers, academics, and anyone who believes that children's voices should not be ignored.