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Nita and Suzanne were women on a mission. Already in their fifties, with one ended marriage and perhaps another hanging in the balance, they realized something needed to change—and soon. Relying upon their mothers' examples, they had brought the gifts to their marriages they thought would be cherished, gifts that honored family, security, trust, and loyalty. But these simply weren't enough to make a marriage strong, warm a lover's heart, or bring the fulfillment both partners desired. Something was still missing. But what? In their search for wisdom, they turned to the well-known story of Queen Esther, a woman who not only charmed a king, but, through her marriage, saved an entire nation. Join authors Annetta Kelley Franks and Suzanne Grooms Spears as they share seven ancient secrets Queen Esther, the queen of all Persia, employed in order to become a woman of strength, faith, and power. InQueen Esther's Book of Ancient Secrets: A Modern Woman's Field Guide to Discovery, unwrap the mystery and claim the gifts all women possess.
This rite-of-passage program for mothers to do with their daughters uses the Book of Esther as a springboard for topics like respect, self-worth, and confidence.
The Purim holiday celebrates the miraculous story of the Jews of Persia during the reign of Achashverosh (Xerxes I), over 2400 years ago. The Book of Esther, which is read on Purim, commemorates the events of the days during which Haman's plot to eliminate the Jews of Persia was met by the heroic deeds of Queen Esther.
Although the book of Esther contains no direct references to God, his fingerprints can be found all over it. In God Behind the Scenes, Wayne K. Barkhuizen helps us trace the unseen hand of God throughout the Esther narrative, while pointing out how the book is still relevant today. As we walk through the book, we’ll see how God was indeed active in preserving the people through whom the Messiah, Jesus Christ, would one day come.
Beloved Bible teacher Ray Stedman’s unique three-dimensional view of the book of Esther examines the story from three perspectives: as an historical document of actual events that took place in the life of the Jewish people; as a thrilling narrative of romance and suspense that reads like a gripping novel; and as a parable of profound and practical truth for our everyday Christian lives. The Book of Esther has amazing relevance for the turbulent, troubled times in which we live. Its adventure-filled pages speak to us across the centuries and instruct us in how God wants us to live in the 21st century.
The book of Esther is a small gem embedded within the vast Old Testament Scriptures. It's easy to overlook because it doesn't present lofty doctrine or mysterious prophecies; in fact, it doesn't even mention God. It simply follows the experiences of two Jewish cousins, Esther and Mordecai, who lived during the time of Israel's exile following the Babylonian conquest of Judah and Jerusalem. In one sense, Esther's story was the story of all the Jewish exiles living under Persian rule. But in another sense, her story was unique and remarkable. Unforeseen events and circumstances saw her emerge from obscurity as a young Hebrew woman to become the queen of the mightiest empire the world had ever known. But behind Esther's good fortune stood the eternal purpose of Esther's God. In a way that is both mysterious and thrilling, the story reveals an ever-faithful God who accomplishes his unchanging will for the world, not in the whirlwind but the still, small voice; not with spectacular displays of power but with an unremarkable, and often undetected, hand. Adding its own unique voice to the scriptural chorus, the book of Esther reveals and exalts the unseen, silent, and seemingly absent God whose loving designs are enduring and undaunted; the God who, in every circumstance, is worthy of complete trust and devotion.
It is the ancient days of the Persian Empire. Hadassah was content in her quiet life in the Jewish quarter of the city of Babylon with her uncle Mordecai, who had raised her from childhood. But she was old enough to be married, and yet her uncle hadn't arranged a marriage for her. Meanwhile in Shushan, King Ahasuerus' marriage to the vain and selfish Vashti has ended, and a new wife must be found. Why not bring to him the most beautiful women of the kingdom, and let him choose? And so the loveliest young women of the empire are selected in local contests, and Hadassah is among those chosen to go to Shushan to meet the King. But as a Jewess in a foreign land with powerful enemies to her faith, she must conceal her true identity and take the Babylonian name of Esther. Will she find love with a man she has never met? And can she survive in a strict royal court controlled by the evil prime minister Haman, who wants to destroy her people? Out of print for 40 years, this special edition contains the original text of "Behold Your Queen " in a large, trade size paperback, suitable for collecting.
This book situates the book of Esther in the intellectual history of Ancient Judaism and provides a new understanding of its purpose.
I'm called Esther-a Persian name, and yet I'm a Hebrew. Had I been able to do so, one of the questions I would have asked my mother and father when I grew older was, "Why did you give me this name?" But now, of course, I know why. The story of the orphaned Jewish girl who saves the Jewish nation from extinction is the stuff of fantasy and legend. Did such a person exist? Could an anonymous girl have been selected to be wife of the ancient Persian king of kings? "Esther, soldiers will soon be combing the cities and countryside to look for the most beautiful young virgins. They will take hundreds of young girls for the king's harem. Then the king's eunuchs and servants will spend many months preparing the women for their night with him." His words came faster and faster, wanting to get through this." The author of the award-winning I, Claudia and My Name is Saul ancient novels returns with the story of Esther. Wilder's skills at blending historical fact with vividly imagined, well-founded characters have become her trademark. The Reluctant Queen is guaranteed to captivate both her loyal fans and eager newcomers, right down to its last riveting page.
Esther. . .Beautiful Queen, Courageous Heroine "Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14 KJV). This brand-new devotional, offering equal parts inspiration and encouragement, will uncover the "secrets" of Esther. Each reading, tied to a theme from the Old Testament story of Esther--beautiful queen and courageous heroine--is rooted in biblical truth and spiritual wisdom. You will be inspired to emulate the example of enduring strength extolled in this memorable passage of scripture as you wrap your heart in a timeless message from God's Word.