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Mist (Niebla), published in 1914, is one of Miguel de Unamuno's key works; a truly Modernist work of Europe-wide significance which aims to shatter the conventions of fiction, using the novel as a vehicle for exploration of philosophical themes. The plot revolves around the character of Augusto, a wealthy, intellectual and introverted young man and his love affair with Eugenia, which eventually ends in heartbreak. Augusto decides to kill himself, but decides that he needs to consult Unamuno himself, who had written an article on suicide which Augusto had read. When Augusto speaks with Unamuno, the truth is revealed that Augusto is actually a fictional character whom Unamuno has created. Augusto is not real, Unamuno explains, and for that reason cannot kill himself. Augusto asserts that he exists, even though he acknowledges internally that he doesn't, and threatens Unamuno by telling him that he is not the ultimate author. Augusto reminds Unamuno that he might be just one of God's dreams. Augusto dies and the book ends with the author himself debating to himself about bringing back the character of Augusto. He establishes, however, that this would not be feasible. Following on from his translation of Abel Sanchez , John Macklin's edition provides a much needed new English translation, alongside the Spanish text, together with a substantial introduction.
In the central highland Maya communities of Guatemala, the demands of the global economy have become a way of life. This book explores how rural peoples experience economic and cultural change as their country joins the global market, focusing on their thoughts about work and sustenance as a way of learning about Guatemala’s changing economy. For more than a decade, Liliana Goldín observed in highland towns both the intensification of various forms of production and their growing links to wider markets. In this first book to compare economic ideology across a range of production systems, she examines how people make a living and how they think about their options, practices, and constraints. Drawing on interviews and surveys—even retellings of traditional narratives—she reveals how contemporary Maya respond to the increasingly globalized yet locally circumscribed conditions in which they work. Goldín presents four case studies: cottage industries devoted to garment production, vegetable growing for internal and border markets reached through direct commerce, crops grown for export, and wage labor in garment assembly factories. By comparing generational and gendered differences among workers, she reveals not only complexities of change but also how these complexities arereflected in changing attitudes, understandings, and aspirations that characterize people’s economic ideology. Further, she shows that as rural people take on diverse economic activities, they also reinterpret their views on such matters as accumulation, cooperation, competition, division of labor, and community solidarity. Global Maya explores global processes in local terms, revealing the interplay of traditional values, household economics, and the inescapable conditions of demographic growth, a shrinking land base, and a global economy always looking for cheap labor. It offers a wealth of new insights not only for Maya scholars but also for anyone concerned with the effects of globalization on the Third World.
This rich sampling of Spanish poetry, prose, and drama includes more than seventy selections from the works of more than forty writers, from the anonymous author of the great medieval epic The Poem of the Cid to such 20th-century masters as Miguel de Unamuno. The original Spanish text of each work appears with an excellent English translation on the facing page. The anthology begins with carefully selected passages from such medieval classics as The Book of Good Love by the Archpriest of Hita and Spain's first great prose work, the stories of Count Lucanor by Juan Manuel. Works by writers of the Spanish Renaissance follow, among them poems by the Marqués de Santillana and excerpts from the great dialogue novel La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas. Spain's Golden age, ca. 1550-1650, an era which produced its great writers, is represented by the mystical poems of St. Teresa, passages from Cervantes' Don Quixote and scenes from Tirso de Molina's The Love-Rogue, the drama that introduced the character of Don Juan to the world, along with other well-known works of the period. A cavalcade of stirring poems, plays and prose selections represent Spain's rare literary achievements of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. The translations were chosen for their accuracy and fidelity to the originals. Among the translators are Lord Byron, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Edward FitzGerald and John Masefield. As a treasury of masterly writing, as a guide for the student who wants to improve his or her language skills and as a compact survey of Spanish literature, this excellent anthology will provide hours of pleasure and fruitful study.
Entrevistas con Ricardo Piglia y ocho eminentes escritores españoles: Antonio Muñoz Molina, Juan José Millás, José María Merino, Enrique Vila-Matas, Quim Monzó, Cristina Fernández Cubas, Pedro Zarraluki y Ray Loriga. Van precedidas de ensayos que se centran en la obra de cada autor, de una introducción general, donde se presentan los temas tratados, y las acompaña una bibliografía detallada.
El ser humano tiene tendencia natural hacia su creador, como la abeja al panal, la cual está más allá de la razón y de los instintos. Es la convicción no aprendida de que estamos unidos a Dios, cualquiera que sea la idea que de Él tengamos. Nos experimentamos pequeños y desvalidos frente a su infinitud y poder, y esto nos induce a depender y caer, aferrándonos a la idea de que El Señor está obligado a proporcionarnos todo lo que necesitamos. Pero, Dios nos creó a su imagen y semejanza, igualitos a Él en su substancia y cualidades y nos dio los elementos necesarios para poderlo todo; y los problemas de la vida están ahí para ponernos a prueba, para obligarnos a ejercitar nuestras capacidades y a base de eso crecer y crecer, hasta llegar a ser grandes y poderosos como lo es Él y entonces fundirnos en su divina persona siendo uno con Él para toda la eternidad.
En este libro, "Abriendo y Cerrando Puertas", hay doce puertas de Jerusalén. Cada puerta tiene un significado y una llave, ¿por qué puerta te gustaría entrar? ¿Y por qué puerta te gustaría salir? Esto pareciera la pregunta de quién juega a algo, pero no es un juego, es apegado a una realidad espiritualmente hablando. En la actualidad, la puerta dorada está cerrada, sellada, para que el Mesías entre por ella ¿Te gustaría entrar por la puerta dorada? ¡A mí también me gusta la idea! Será maravilloso entrar con el Mesías, anunciando y proclamando: ¡Viva el Rey... Viva! ¡Hosanna... Hosanna! ¡Gloria a Dios! ¡Aleluya... Aleluya!
«Reflexiones sobre el sacerdocio bajo sus aspectos teológicos, filosóficos, pastorales, morales y litúrgicos, podría ser un subtítulo de la erudita obra: SACERDOTES PARA SIEMPRE del Padre CARLOS MIGUEL BUELA, Fundador del “Instituto del Verbo Encarnado” para misioneros ad Gentes y de las “Servidoras del Señor y de la Virgen de Matará”. Y con decir esto, ya tenemos sobrada presentación para acreditar al autor, como experto en vocaciones sacerdotales y religiosas. Al respetable volumen de la obra, con más de 800 páginas, se agrega la fluidez y calidad de su escritura, constituyendo un arsenal de citas de textos escogidos de la Biblia, los Santos Padres, Mensajes Pontificios y Documentos Conciliares, especialmente de Trento y Vaticano II, síntesis este último Concilio Pastoral, de toda la doctrina católica, compendiada a su vez en el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica» (Pbro. Victorino Ortego. Tomado del prólogo del libro).