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Fluctuation theorems are symmetry relations for the probability to observe an amount of entropy production in a finite-time process. In a recent paper Pigeon et al (2016 New. J. Phys. 18 013009) derived fluctuation theorems for harmonic networks by means of the large deviation theory. Furthermore, their novel approach is illustrated with various examples of experimentally relevant systems. As a main result, however, Pigeon et al provide new insight how to consistently formulate quantum stochastic thermodynamics, and provide new and robust tools for the study of the thermodynamics of quantum harmonic networks.
The theory of thermodynamics has been one of the bedrocks of 19th-century physics, and thermodynamic problems have inspired Planck's quantum hypothesis. One hundred years later, in an era where we design increasingly sophisticated nanotechnologies, researchers in quantum physics have been 'returning to their roots', attempting to reconcile modern nanoscale devices with the theory of thermodynamics. This textbook explains how it is possible to unify the two opposite pictures of microscopic quantum physics and macroscopic thermodynamics in one consistent framework, proving that the ancient theory of thermodynamics still offers many remarkable insights into present-day problems. This textbook focuses on the microscopic derivation and understanding of key principles and concepts and their interrelation. The topics covered in this book include (quantum) stochastic processes, (quantum) master equations, local detailed balance, classical stochastic thermodynamics, (quantum) fluctuation theorems, strong coupling and non-Markovian effects, thermodynamic uncertainty relations, operational approaches, Maxwell's demon, and time-reversal symmetry, among other topics. The textbook also explores several practical applications of the theory in more detail, including single-molecule pulling experiments, quantum transport and thermoelectric effects in quantum dots, the micromaser, and related setups in quantum optics. The aim of this book is to inspire readers to investigate a plethora of modern nanoscale devices from a thermodynamic point of view, allowing them to address their dissipation, efficiency, reliability, and power based on a conceptually clear understanding about the microscopic origin of heat, entropy, and the second law. The book is accessible to graduate students, post-docs, and lecturers, but will also be of interest to all researchers striving for a deeper understanding of the laws of thermodynamics beyond their traditional realm of applicability.
This extended tutorial essay views thermodynamics as an incomplete description of quantum systems with many degrees of freedom. The main goal is to show that the approach to equilibrium - with equilibrium characterized by maximum ignorance about the open system of interest - neither requires that many particles nor is it a precise way of partitioning relevant for the salient features of equilibrium and equilibration. Moreover it is indeed quantum effects that are at work in bringing about universal thermodynamic behaviour of modestly sized open systems. Von Neumann`s concept of entropy thus proves to be much more widely useful than something to be feared, and far beyond truly macroscopic systems in equilibrium.
Quantum Thermodynamics is a novel research field which explores the emergence of thermodynamics from quantum theory and addresses thermodynamic phenomena which appear in finite-size, non-equilibrium and finite-time contexts. Blending together elements from open quantum systems, statistical mechanics, quantum many-body physics, and quantum information theory, it pinpoints thermodynamic advantages and barriers emerging from genuinely quantum properties such as quantum coherence and correlations. Owing to recent experimental efforts, the field is moving quickly towards practical applications, such as nano-scale heat devices, or thermodynamically optimised protocols for emergent quantum technologies. Starting from the basics, the present volume reviews some of the most recent developments, as well as some of the most important open problems in quantum thermodynamics. The self-contained chapters provide concise and topical introductions to researchers who are new to the field. Experts will find them useful as a reference for the current state-of-the-art. In six sections the book covers topics such as quantum heat engines and refrigerators, fluctuation theorems, the emergence of thermodynamic equilibrium, thermodynamics of strongly coupled systems, as well as various information theoretic approaches including Landauer's principle and thermal operations. It concludes with a section dedicated to recent quantum thermodynamics experiments and experimental prospects on a variety of platforms ranging from cold atoms to photonic systems, and NV centres.
This book explores some of the connections between dissipative and quantum effects from a theoretical point of view. It focuses on three main topics: the relation between synchronization and quantum correlations, the thermodynamical properties of fluctuations, and the performance of quantum thermal machines. Dissipation effects have a profound impact on the behavior and properties of quantum systems, and the unavoidable interaction with the surrounding environment, with which systems continuously exchange information, energy, angular momentum and matter, is ultimately responsible for decoherence phenomena and the emergence of classical behavior. However, there is a wide intermediate regime in which the interplay between dissipative and quantum effects gives rise to a plethora of rich and striking phenomena that has just started to be understood. In addition, the recent breakthrough techniques in controlling and manipulating quantum systems in the laboratory have made this phenomenology accessible in experiments and potentially applicable.
Well suited as a textbook in the emerging field of stochastic limit, which is a new mathematical technique developed for solving nonlinear problems in quantum theory.
This thesis presents several related advances in the field of nonequilibrium quantum thermodynamics. The central result is an ingenious proof that the local temperature and voltage measurement in a nonequilibrium system of fermions exists and is unique, placing the concept of local temperature on a rigorous mathematical footing for the first time. As an intermediate step, a proof of the positivity of the Onsager matrix of linear response theory is given -- a statement of the second law of thermodynamics that had lacked an independent proof for 85 years. A new experimental method to measure the local temperature of an electron system using purely electrical techniques is also proposed, which could enable improvements to the spatial resolution of thermometry by several orders of magnitude. Finally, a new mathematically-exact definition for the local entropy of a quantum system in a nonequilibrium steady state is derived. Several different measures of the local entropy are discussed, relating to the thermodynamics of processes that a local observer with varying degrees of information about the microstates of the system could carry out, and it is shown that they satisfy a hierarchy of inequalities. Proofs of the third law of thermodynamics for generic open quantum systems are presented, taking into account the entropic contribution due to localized states. Appropriately normalized (per-state) local entropies are defined and are used to quantify the departure from local equilibrium.
This volume contains the written versions of lectures held at the "23. Internationale Universit~tswochen fUr Kernphysik" in Schladming, Austria, in February 1984. Once again the generous support of our sponsors, the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research, the Styrian Government and others, had made it possible to organize this school. The aim of the topics chosen for the meeting was to present different aspects of stochastic methods and techniques. These methods have opened up new ways to attack problems in a broad field ranging from quantum mechanics to quantum field theory. Thanks to the efforts of the lecturers it was possible to take this development into account and show relations to areas where stochastic methods have been used for a long time. Due to limited space only short manuscript versions of the many seminars presented could be included. The lecture notes were reexamined by the authors after the school and are now published in their final form. It is a pleasure to thank all the lecturers for their efforts which made it possible to speed up publication. Thanks are also due to Mrs. Neuhold for her careful typing of the notes. H. Mitter L. Pittner Acta Physica Austriaca, Suppl. XXVI, 3-52 (1984) © by Springer-Verlag 1984 STOCHASTIC PROCESSES - QUANTUM PHYSICS+ by L. STREIT Universitat Bielefeld BiBoS D-4800 Bielefeld. FR Germany I.
This book offers a systematic and comprehensive exposition of the quantum stochastic methods that have been developed in the field of quantum optics. It includes new treatments of photodetection, quantum amplifier theory, non-Markovian quantum stochastic processes, quantum input--output theory, and positive P-representations. It is the first book in which quantum noise is described by a mathematically complete theory in a form that is also suited to practical applications. Special attention is paid to non-classical effects, such as squeezing and antibunching. Chapters added to the previous edition, on the stochastic Schrödinger equation, and on cascaded quantum systems, and now supplemented, in the third edition by a chapter on recent developments in various pertinent fields such as laser cooling, Bose-Einstein condensation, quantum feedback and quantum information.