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Today's executives and managers face an unprecedented challenge. They must find innovative ways to meet the demands of the complex and interrelated problems posed by new technology, globalization, rapid change, and intensifying competition. Empowerment, work engagement, training and development, organizational learning, and other change initiatives have attempted to offer practical solutions to this challenge. But what has been lacking is a completely integrated approach for leading, managing, and organizing for the new millennium. QUANTUM ORGANIZATIONS presents a new paradigm that can help today's executives see, think, and act in new ways that enhance organizational success and personal meaning. Management expert and top-selling author Ralph Kilmann brings together more than three decades of research and consulting experience in this groundbreaking book to provide a practical guide to achieving the essential transformational changes the new realities require. Making use of 107 full-color illustrations, he uses both art and science to illuminate the new paradigm for accelerating self-awareness and self-transformation.Writing with a masterful command of the sweep of human evolution and the awesome discoveries of the new sciences, Kilmann shows why the old concepts that served the industrial age must give way to altogether new categories--a new paradigm for the age of global interdependence and self-aware consciousness. He clearly explains how to use this new paradigm to see the increasing interconnections among industries, markets, organizations, and organizational members; radically improve infrastructures, systems, and processes; create new levels of organizational success and economic value; and reach new heights of personal meaning, fulfillment, and enlightenment.
"When Danah Zohar first published the early ideas of her Quantum Management Theory in the late 1990's, she articulated a new paradigm, inspired by quantum physics, and began a major contribution to our search for a new management theory that can replace outdated Taylorism. Now, in ZERO DISTANCE, the most comprehensive account of her project, she outlines how the theory has been implemented through the revolutionary RenDanHeyi business model of China's Haier Group, and subsequently several other large companies. Zohar's suggestion that the Haier model also offers a new social and political model is thought provoking. This book is a significant addition to our continuing conversation about the best way to manage companies and other human social systems. I recommend it highly." - Gary Hamel, London Business School, Author of Humanocracy This open access book offers a new management meta-theory to replace Taylorism. It presents a new paradigm in management thinking and a new, practical organizational model for implementing it in our personal and working lives, in our companies, in our communities and nations, and in a sustainable global order. It will offer an understanding of why and how "thinking-as-usual" is failing both business and political leaders in these new times, and it will advocate new thinking and new management practices that are so radically new that they turn everything we have taken for granted inside out and upside down. This new management model is called "Quantum Management Theory", because it is rooted in the new paradigm bequeathed to us by quantum physics and its younger sibling, complexity science. Danah Zohar is a physicist, philosopher, and management thought leader. She is a Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University's School of Economics and Management and a Visiting Professor at the China Academy of Art.
Creating a Quantum Organization presents everything that I have ever created - and integrated - during the past 50 years on those four timeless topics: conflict management, change management, expanding consciousness, and quantum transformation. Essentially, in my "legacy book," I address how managers and members can transform their outdated, sluggish, ineffective, and unfulfilling Newtonian organizations into vibrant, effective, and meaningful quantum organizations. I name this mega challenge: Quantum Transformation.Creating a Quantum Organization is organized into 12 chapters that include a total of 167 elegant illustrations - which take full advantage of the old adage: "A picture is worth a thousand words." At the start, I present several "Big Pictures," also known as the Complex Hologram and the Quantum Wheel, which dramatically reveal all the interrelationships among systems, processes, and people - both inside and outside an organization. The next chapters investigate the essence of conflict management and change management - since conflict and change comprise two sides of the same coin. You can't have one without the other: Change creates conflict and resolving conflict creates change. The material on the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI) along with the Kilmann Organizational Conflict Instrument (KOCI) allows us to assess the self-defeating conflicts that members have with their surrounding systems and processes. Examining such "systems conflicts" will enable us to pinpoint the barriers to long-term success before attempting to implement a completely integrated program of eight tracks that's intended to transform those Newtonian "barriers to success" into quantum "channels for success."Chapter by chapter, I then present the most relevant and practical material for each of the eight tracks: culture, skills, teams, strategy-structures, reward systems, and the three process improvement tracks. Indeed, any program of change or set of change initiatives that implements these eight tracks out of sequence, or fails to address all eight tracks in their entirety, will inadvertently prevent people and their organizations from realizing their dreams.Lastly, I address the future of organizational development and quantum transformation by exploring how to expand the mind/body/spirit consciousness of all members - and then bring that expanded consciousness into the workplace.
In this new book, Frederick Chavalit Tsao and Chris Laszlo argue that current approaches to leadership fail to produce positive outcomes for either businesses or the communities they serve. Employee disengagement and customer fickleness remain high, resulting in a lack of creativity and collaboration at all levels of entrepreneurial activity. Investor demand for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) continues to be poorly integrated into profit strategies. Drawing on extensive research, this book shows how changing a person's consciousness is the most powerful lever for unlocking his or her leadership potential to create wealth and serve humankind. A wide range of practices of connectedness provide the keys. The journey to higher consciousness changes people at a deep intuitive level, combining embodied experience with analytic-cognitive skill development. Tsao and Laszlo show how leaders who pursue this journey are more likely to flourish with significant benefits to both business and society. These include greater creativity and collaboration along with an increased capability to inspire people and produce lasting change. Readers will come away with a deep understanding of quantum leadership and the day-to-day practices that can help them achieve greater effectiveness and wellbeing at work.
Once upon a time the practice of storytelling was about collecting interesting stories about the past, and converting them into soundbite pitches. Now it is more about foretelling the ways the future is approaching the present, prompting a re-storying of the past. Storytelling has progressed and is about a diversity of voices, not just one teller of one past; it is how a group or organization of people negotiates the telling of history and the telling of what future is arriving in the present. With the changes in storytelling practices and theory there is a growing need to look at new and different methodologies. Within this exciting new book, David M. Boje develops new ways to ask questions in interviews and make observations of practice that are about storytelling the future. This, after all, is where management practice concentrates its storytelling, while much of the theory and method work is all about how the past might recur in the future. Storytelling Organizational Practices takes the reader on a journey: from looking at narratives of past experience through looking at living stories of emergence in the present to looking at how the future is arriving in ways that prompts a re-storying of the past.
As you read this book, you will be able to: Understand how and why your IT function has changed and define its future role Compete in this new age by embracing the five traits that will define the IT organisation of The Quantum Age Remain effective and relevant as you understand and implement fundamental changes to future-proof your IT function Maintain and develop excellent customer relations by better understanding your clients and their requirements Meet the unique needs of all your customers, as you adopt the five key skills that all IT professionals will have to have Learn from the past and look forward to a bright future!
Quantum Leaps is a how-to book for creating fundamental change in both ourselves and our organizations. Charlotte Shelton's basic premise is that organizational change happens one person at a time. Our workplaces simply mirror our individual and collective beliefs. Therefore, we change ourselves, our workplaces, and the world by changing our minds. As our beliefs change, we not only see the world differently, we begin to be in the world in a different way, thus creating a new reality. Shelton uses the basic principles of quantum mechanics as the foundational metaphor for a new quantum skill set that recognizes the highly complex, constantly changing, totally unpredictable nature of life. She demonstrates the inadequacy of our time-honored skills of planning, organizing, directing and controlling. She shows how these skills are directly tied to an obsolete view or reality ignoring the now fundamental requirements of extreme imagination and radical innovation. Quantum Leaps introduces seven new skills: skills that are compatible with life and work in the twenty-first century. These seven Quantum Skills enable us to see, think, feel, know, act, trust and be radically different ways. Collectively they form a comprehensive model for change. These skills integrate quantum mechanical principles, state-of-the-art-psychology, and universal spiritual practices. They balance the traditional left-brain business skills with a new skill set that more fully utilizes both hemispheres of the brain. As we master these skills, Shelton states, "We create balanced lives and whole-brain organizations and we become authentic change masters, changing ourselves and our organizations from the inside out." The Seven Quantum Skills are: Quantum Seeing, Quantum Thinking, Quantum Feeling, Quantum Knowing, Quantum Acting, Quantum Trusting and Quantum Being. These 7 skills introduce a new way to access underutilized brain capacities as they acknowledge the role of intention, intuition and interconnectivity.
The volume starts with a lecture course by P. Etingof on tensor categories (notes by D. Calaque). This course is an introduction to tensor categories, leading to topics of recent research such as realizability of fusion rings, Ocneanu rigidity, module categories, weak Hopf algebras, Morita theory for tensor categories, lifting theory, categorical dimensions, Frobenius-Perron dimensions, and the classification of tensor categories. The remainder of the book consists of three detailed expositions on associators and the Vassiliev invariants of knots, classical and quantum integrable systems and elliptic algebras, and the groups of algebra automorphisms of quantum groups. The preface puts the results presented in perspective. Directed at research mathematicians and theoretical physicists as well as graduate students, the volume gives an overview of the ongoing research in the domain of quantum groups, an important subject of current mathematical physics.