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This book presents an integral formulation of hydrodynamics in order to derive the pressure tensor and expressions of non-divergent transport coefficients. At the same time, the impossibility of finding pathologic solutions of the Liouville equation that may be identified with turbulence are examined. This book collects the ideas and papers that build up to the conclusion that turbulence is a quantum phenomenon, thereby encouraging more experimental and theoretical work in quantum non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. The book opens up a modern approach to the "classical" theory of turbulence, of interest to both engineers and physicists.
Bringing together two previously distinct strands of physics, this text introduces the interdisciplinary field of quantum turbulence, the realm of quantum fluids and vortices in superfluid helium and atomic Bose–Einstein condensates. Covering state-of-the-art methods and results, it is an essential read for students and seasoned researchers alike.
This book springs from the programme Quantized Vortex Dynamics and Sup- ?uid Turbulence held at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (University of Cambridge) in August 2000. What motivated the programme was the recognition that two recent developments have moved the study of qu- tized vorticity, traditionally carried out within the low-temperature physics and condensed-matter physics communities, into a new era. The ?rst development is the increasing contact with classical ?uid dynamics and its ideas and methods. For example, some current experiments with - lium II now deal with very classical issues, such as the measurement of velocity spectra and turbulence decay rates. The evidence from these experiments and many others is that super?uid turbulence and classical turbulence share many features. The challenge is now to explain these similarities and explore the time scales and length scales over which they hold true. The observed classical aspects have also attracted attention to the role played by the ?ow of the normal ?uid, which was somewhat neglected in the past because of the lack of direct ?ow visualization. Increased computing power is also making it possible to study the coupled motion of super?uid vortices and normal ?uids. Another contact with classical physics arises through the interest in the study of super?uid vortex - connections. Reconnections have been studied for some time in the contexts of classical ?uid dynamics and magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD), and it is useful to learn from the experience acquired in other ?elds.
This book critically reexamines what turbulence really is, from a fundamental point of view and based on observations from nature, laboratories, and direct numerical simulations. It includes critical assessments and a comparative analysis of the key developments, their evolution and failures, along with key misconceptions and outdated paradigms. The main emphasis is on conceptual and problematic aspects, physical phenomena, observations, misconceptions and unresolved issues rather than on conventional formalistic aspects, models, etc. Apart from the obvious fundamental importance of turbulent flows, this emphasis stems from the basic premise that without corresponding progress in fundamental aspects there is little chance for progress in applications such as drag reduction, mixing, control and modeling of turbulence. More generally, there is also a desperate need to grasp the physical fundamentals of the technological processes in which turbulence plays a central role.
Bose-Einstein Condensation represents a new state of matter and is one of the cornerstones of quantum physics, resulting in the 2001 Nobel Prize. Providing a useful introduction to one of the most exciting field of physics today, this text will be of interest to a growing community of physicists, and is easily accessible to non-specialists alike.
This book provides the first fully-fledged history of hydrodynamics, including lively accounts of the concrete problems of hydraulics, navigation, blood circulation, meteorology, and aeronautics that motivated the main conceptual innovations. Richly illustrated, technically competent, and philosophically sensitive, it should attract a broad audience and become a standard reference for any one interested in fluid mechanics.
An Introduction to the Theory of Plasma Turbulence is a collection of lectures given by the author at Culham laboratory. The book deals with developments on the theory of plasma turbulence. The author describes plasma properties in the turbulent regions as mostly non-linear in nature, and notes that these properties can be regarded as a universal spectrum independent of any type of instability. The text then discusses the general problems of the theory of plasma turbulence. The author also shows that elementary excitation of ""dressed"" particles have a finite lifetime associated with non-linear interactions. The book then discusses the excitation of ion-sound turbulence using different processes, for example, shock waves; the text also analyzes the kind of non-linear interactions present in such energy transfer. The author also explains the Langmuir plasma oscillations — a typical collective plasma motion that can be excited using different types of mechanism such as an electron beam. The book then describes the electromagnetic properties of turbulent plasma and relates the state of turbulent plasma as a natural occurrence in the universe. The book notes the problem of cosmic rays, not as an energy transfer to faster particles, but as an energy distribution between particles. The text will prove valuable for nuclear physicists, scientists, and academicians in the field of quantum mechanics.