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As part of the scientific activity in connection with the 70th birthday of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, an international conference on algebraic topology was held. In the resulting proceedings volume, the emphasis is on substantial survey papers, some presented at the conference, some written subsequently.
The book presents surveys describing recent developments in most of the primary subfields of General Topology, and its applications to Algebra and Analysis during the last decade, following the previous editions (North Holland, 1992 and 2002). The book was prepared in connection with the Prague Topological Symposium, held in 2011. During the last 10 years the focus in General Topology changed and therefore the selection of topics differs from that chosen in 2002. The following areas experienced significant developments: Fractals, Coarse Geometry/Topology, Dimension Theory, Set Theoretic Topology and Dynamical Systems.
This book considers the views of participants in the process of becoming a mathematician, that is, the students and the graduates. This book investigates the people who carry out mathematics rather than the topics of mathematics. Learning is about change in a person, the development of an identity and ways of interacting with the world. It investigates more generally the development of mathematical scientists for a variety of workplaces, and includes the experiences of those who were not successful in the transition to the workplace as mathematicians. The research presented is based on interviews, observations and surveys of students and graduates as they are finding their identity as a mathematician. The book contains material from the research carried out in South Africa, Northern Ireland, Canada and Brunei as well as Australia.
This dissertation studies the logic behind quantum physics, using category theory as the principal tool and conceptual guide. To do so, principles of quantum mechanics are modeled categorically. These categorical quantum models are justified by an embedding into the category of Hilbert spaces, the traditional formalism of quantum physics. In particular, complex numbers emerge without having been prescribed explicitly. Interpreting logic in such categories results in orthomodular property lattices, and furthermore provides a natural setting to consider quantifiers. Finally, topos theory, incorporating categorical logic in a refined way, lets one study a quantum system as if it were classical, in particular leading to a novel mathematical notion of quantum-
The purpose of the book is to provide research workers in applied mathematics, physics, and engineering with practical geometric methods for solving systems of nonlinear partial differential equations. The first two chapters provide an introduction to the more or less classical results of Lie dealing with symmetries and similarity solutions. The results, however, are presented in the context of contact manifolds rather than the usual jet bundle formulation and provide a number of new conclusions. The remaining three chapters present essentially new methods of solution that are based on recent publications of the authors'. The text contains numerous fully worked examples so that the reader can fully appreciate the power and scope of the new methods. In effect, the problem of solving systems of nonlinear partial differential equations is reduced to the problem of solving families of autonomous ordinary differential equations. This allows the graphs of solutions of the system of partial differential equations to be realized as certain leaves of a foliation of an appropriately defined contact manifold. In fact, it is often possible to obtain families of solutions whose graphs foliate an open subset of the contact manifold. These ideas are extended in the final chapter by developing the theory of transformations that map a foliation of a contact manifold onto a foliation. This analysis gives rise to results of surprising depth and practical significance. In particular, an extended Hamilton-Jacobi method for solving systems of partial differential equations is obtained.
Gert H. Müller The growth of the number of publications in almost all scientific areas, as in the area of (mathematical) logic, is taken as a sign of our scientifically minded culture, but it also has a terrifying aspect. In addition, given the rapidly growing sophistica tion, specialization and hence subdivision of logic, researchers, students and teachers may have a hard time getting an overview of the existing literature, partic ularly if they do not have an extensive library available in their neighbourhood: they simply do not even know what to ask for! More specifically, if someone vaguely knows that something vaguely connected with his interests exists some where in the literature, he may not be able to find it even by searching through the publications scattered in the review journals. Answering this challenge was and is the central motivation for compiling this Bibliography. The Bibliography comprises (presently) the following six volumes (listed with the corresponding Editors): I. Classical Logic W. Rautenberg 11. Non-classical Logics W. Rautenberg 111. Model Theory H.-D. Ebbinghaus IV. Recursion Theory P.G. Hinman V. Set Theory A.R. Blass VI. ProofTheory; Constructive Mathematics J.E. Kister; D. van Dalen & A.S. Troelstra.
Interpolation of functions is one of the basic part of Approximation Theory. There are many books on approximation theory, including interpolation methods that - peared in the last fty years, but a few of them are devoted only to interpolation processes. An example is the book of J. Szabados and P. Vértesi: Interpolation of Functions, published in 1990 by World Scienti c. Also, two books deal with a special interpolation problem, the so-called Birkhoff interpolation, written by G.G. Lorentz, K. Jetter, S.D. Riemenschneider (1983) and Y.G. Shi (2003). The classical books on interpolation address numerous negative results, i.e., - sultsondivergentinterpolationprocesses,usuallyconstructedoversomeequidistant system of nodes. The present book deals mainly with new results on convergent - terpolation processes in uniform norm, for algebraic and trigonometric polynomials, not yet published in other textbooks and monographs on approximation theory and numerical mathematics. Basic tools in this eld (orthogonal polynomials, moduli of smoothness,K-functionals, etc.), as well as some selected applications in numerical integration, integral equations, moment-preserving approximation and summation of slowly convergent series are also given. The rstchapterprovidesanaccountofbasicfactsonapproximationbyalgebraic and trigonometric polynomials introducing the most important concepts on appro- mation of functions. Especially, in Sect. 1.4 we give basic results on interpolation by algebraic polynomials, including representations and computation of interpolation polynomials, Lagrange operators, interpolation errors and uniform convergence in some important classes of functions, as well as an account on the Lebesgue function and some estimates for the Lebesgue constant.
On April 29, 1814 Napoleon landed on the island of Elba, surrounded with a personal army of 1200 men. The allies, Russia, Prussia, England and Austria, hadforcedhimintoexileafteranumberofverycostlydefeats;hewasdeprived ofallhistitles, butcouldkeepthetitleof"EmperorofElba". Historytellsusthat each morning he took long walks in the sun, reviewed his army each midday anddiscussedworldmatterswithnewlyappointedadvisors, followingthesame pattern everyday, to the great surprise of Campbell, the British of?cer who was to keep an eye on him. All this made everyone believe he was settled there for good. Napoleononcesaid:Elbaisbeautiful, butabitsmall. Elbawasde?nitely a source of inspiration; indeed, the early morning, March 6, 1815, Metternich, the chancellor of Austria was woken up by one of his aides with the stunning news that Napoleon had left Elba with his 1200 men and was marching to Paris with little resistance; A few days later he took up his throne again in the Tuileries. In spite of his insatiable hunger for battles and expansion, he is remembered as an important statesman. He was a pioneer in setting up much of the legal, administrative and political machinery in large parts of continental Europe. We gathered here in a lovely and quaint?shing port, Marciana Marina on theislandofElba, tocelebrateoneofthepioneersofintegrablesystems, Hirota Sensei, andthisattheoccasionofhisseventiethbirthday. Trainedasaphysicist in his home university Kyushu University, Professor Hirota earned his PhD in '61 at Northwestern University with Professor Siegert in the?eld of "Quantum Statistical mechanics". He wrote a widely appreciated Doctoral dissertation on "FunctionalIntegralrepresentationofthegrandpartitionfunction."