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Ever since Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, we have generally become aware of environmental contaminants and their effects on the ecosystem. The findin~ of PCB's in fish by Soren Jensen in Sweden, the recognition of mirex as contaminant in fish from Lake Ontario, and the discoveries of contaminant laden leachates from dumpsites such as the Love Canal have become milestones in the search for and charac terization of contaminants in our environment. At this time, the problem no longer is so much the identifi cation of contaminants and their sources. Rather, we are now faced with solving questions on the fates and effects of such compounds. This includes the search for mechanisms to deal effectively with the large number of chemicals already found in water, air and biota. One of such time and cost saving scientific avenues is the field of quantitative structure-activity correlations for the prediction of the environmental behavior and effects of compounds.
Over the past few years, research in the field of quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) in chemistry, biology, pharmacology, toxicology, and environmental sciences has seen strong growth. New journals and books have appeared in each of these fields, however, the combination of QSAR and environmental sciences is still in its infancy. After the success of the Workshop on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSAR) in Environmental Toxicology, held at McMaster University, Aug ust 16-18, 1983, with the proceedings publ ished in 1984 [QSA R in Environmental Toxicology, Kaiser, K. L. E. (Ed. ), D. Reidel Pub!. Co. , Dordrecht, 406 p. , ISBN 90-277 -1776-1], it was time to hold another workshop in 1986. Indeed, the response by the scientific community was excellent with over 50 participants from Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, India, Japan, The Netherlands, United States, and Yugoslavia. Moreover, both breadth and depth of papers given were significantly improved and the workshop discussions were intense and frank. Regrettably, the number of participants, number of papers given and submitted for these proceedings made it impossible to include the workshop discussions of these papers. However, several manuscripts were revised on the basis of these discussions and, therefore, do reflect this very interactive workshop. This volume presents the majority of papers given at the 2nd International Workshop on QSAR in Environmental Toxicology, held at McMaster University, June 9-13, 1986. Many of these papers contain primary, new scientific data, equations and results which will not appear elsewhere.
Environmental Toxicology is the third volume of a three-volume set on molecular, clinical and environmental toxicology that offers a comprehensive and in-depth response to the increasing importance and abundance of chemicals of daily life. By providing intriguing insights far down to the molecular level, this three-volume work covers the entire range of modern toxicology with special emphasis on recent developments and achievements. It is written for students and professionals in medicine, science, public health or engineering who are demanding reliable information on toxic or potentially harmful agents and their adverse effects on the human body.
Based on the Lectures given during the Eurocourse on `Practical Applications of Quantitative Structure-Activity (QSAR) in Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology' held at the Joint Research Centre Ispra, Italy, June 11--15, 1990
"[E]dited contributions presented at the third International Conference on Environmental Toxicology ... in Cyprus in 2010"--Preface.