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Kevin M. Watson offers the first in-depth examination of the early Methodist band meeting: a small group of five to seven people focusing on the confession of sin in order to grow in holiness.
This book invites the reader to rethink the various aspects of the doctrine of holiness in a social way, while seeking to draw out the nuances of a Wesleyan understanding of the interaction between the personal and social dynamics of the Christian life within the community of faith. It has a specific constructive intention-to define holiness in light of the Triune God, making holiness a reflection of the community that exists within the Godhead.
Social Holiness is a concept distinctive to John Wesley's thinking, describing how Christian community nurtures and practices its faith in relation to the social order. The character of Christian identity and the qualities of Christian discipleship become meaningful only as they emerge from and are nurtured within a corporate context. They find their ultimate goal as they permeate the structures of the social order, proving the Christian claim to God given possibilities for transformation through Christ for both individual persons and corporate structures.
This new edition replaces both The Pursuit of Holiness (ISBN 9781576839324) and the study guide (ISBN 9781576839881) by combining both resources into one volume "Be holy, for I am holy," commands God. But holiness is something that is often missed in the Christian's daily life. According to Navigator author Jerry Bridges, that's because we're not exactly sure what our part in holiness is. In The Pursuit of Holiness, he helps us see clearly just what we should rely on God to do--and what we should take responsibility for ourselves. As you deepen your relationship with God, learn more about His character, and understand the Holy Spirit's role in holiness, your spiritual growth will mature. The included study guide contains 12 lessons.
Rarely does one find a book on the topic of holiness with such depth as well as breadth. Kreider takes us on a journey deep into biblical territory and back again into the lives of nations, churches, families and individuals. In this journey the reader is convicted and drawn by the beauty of holiness. We Pentecostals need this word. --Cheryl Bridges Johns, Church of God Theological Seminary Kreider's Social Holiness surprises! While holiness indeed owns the otherness of God and the call to be God's separated people, it does much more. Holiness unleashes in history a living force, a dynamism that envisions the sanctification of God's entire creation. Holiness is positive, the 'heartbeat' of Missio Dei. I highly recommend this book for its life-changing potential, both personally and for the church as God's new nation. --Willard M. Swartley, Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary Alan Kreider writes a masterful narrative about social holiness from which Pentecostals can learn much as they reaffirm and recover this important dimension of their heritage. Its familiar terrain serves not only as a timely reminder of a way of life Pentecostals still cherish, but also as a challenge to reconsider crucial features of that way of life long forgotten. --Dale M. Coulter, Regent University Alan Kreider has gifted us with an inspiring, hopeful, and transformative invitation to follow Jesus on the journey toward personal and social holiness. His prophetic call to participate in Jesus' transnational renewal movement challenges families, congregations, students, and all Christians with practical ideas emerging from the biblical story of God's kingship and our citizenship in the holy nation. [ I appreciate his emphasis on moral zeal, experience, liberating action, storytelling, praise, and the risk of repentance and trust, and think] this book can be a great resource for helping the church with our public witness to Christ's shalom in a broken world. --Paul Alexander, Azusa Pacific University Kreider's Social Holiness breaks new ground and makes new connections, both in his overview of biblical history and in his application of social holiness to the contemporary church. I hope this book will help many believers today - Wesleyans, Anabaptists, and those from other traditions - become more fully and authentically a part of God's 'holy nation' in the world today. --Howard A. Snyder, Asbury Theological Seminary Ours is the age of bombast, exaggeration, hyper-activism and self-importance--all of which leaves us feeling empty. We have lost the capacity for reverence, awe, and experience of the transcendent. Alan Kreider has the audacity to call us back to the transforming presence of God so that we become God-like. This book's message can help set us free from the bondage of our self-centeredness and liberate us to participate in the mission of God. --Wilbert R. Shenk, Fuller Theological Seminary Lively, gutsy . . . Holiness is about practical social matters--such as economic relationships, making peace, working for justice . . . Kreider takes us through the Bible to show how deeply these themes are embedded in the text and how persistent has been the failure of the community of faith to be true to them . . . A must for serious-minded Christians today. --Rt. Rev. John Gladwin, Bishop of Chelmsford, in Third Way
This is a general, comprehensive introduction to John Wesley's life and work, and to his theological and ecclesiastical legacy. Written from various disciplinary perspectives, this volume will be an invaluable aid to scholars and students, including those encountering the work and thought of Wesley for the first time.
Do no harm. Do good. Practice the spiritual disciplines. Watch over one another in love. --John Wesley's General Rules Why is this so hard? Does being a part of the Wesleyan tradition make any difference in living out your faith? Does Methodism offer guidance as we look to the future and seek renewal? Methodist Christians sometimes exhibit the most unchristian attitudes and behavior. People notice. And it's reflecting badly on the church, but we can--individually and collectively--correct the problem. Allow God to enter more deeply into your life until it's hard to tell where you end and God begins. "Most American Christians are struggling to practice their faith," Watson writes. "...Methodists can hold on and try not to let our tradition die, but mere survival is not God's deepest desire for us or the church. Instead, we must choose to live by stubbornly depending on God's Spirit, allowing our lives to give witness to who Christ is." A Blueprint for Discipleship offers a practical approach to Christian discipleship that's distinctly Wesleyan. Watson addresses the overwhelming desire of many Methodist Christians who want a more meaningful relationship with God but aren't sure how to start. Reawaken to the power and vitality of your spiritual heritage. Repent of apathy and spiritual complacency to reclaim, in the words of Wesley, "the form and power of godliness."
The 18th-century evangelist and revival leader John Wesley changed the face of Christianity almost entirely through his sermons. He recommended the several dozen sermons he regarded as his most definitive, which are all included in these 52 standard sermons. Sermon 1. Salvation by Faith Sermon 2. The Almost Christian Sermon 3. Awake, Thou That Sleepest Sermon 4. Scriptural Christianity Sermon 5. Justification by Faith Sermon 6. The Righteousness of Faith Sermon 7. The Way to the Kingdom Sermon 8. The First Fruits of the Spirit Sermon 9. The Spirit of Bondage and of Adoption. Sermon 10. The Witness of the Spirit (Discourse 1) Sermon 11. The Witness of the Spirit (Discourse 2) Sermon 12. The Witness of our own Spirit Sermon 13. On Sin in Believers Sermon 14. The Repentance of Believers Sermon 15. The Great Assize Sermon 16. The Means of Grace Sermon 17. The Circumcision of the Heart Sermon 18. The Marks of the New Birth Sermon 19. The Great Privilege of those that are Born of God Sermon 20. The Lord our Righteousness Sermon 21. Upon our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount (Discourse 1) Sermon 22. Upon our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount (Discourse 2) Sermon 23. Upon our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount (Discourse 3) Sermon 24. Upon our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount (Discourse 4) Sermon 27. Upon our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount (Discourse 7) Sermon 28. Upon our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount (Discourse 8) Sermon 29. Upon our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount (Discourse 9) Sermon 30. Upon our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount (Discourse 10) Sermon 31. Upon our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount (Discourse 11) Sermon 32. Upon our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount (Discourse 12) Sermon 33. Upon our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount (Discourse 13) Sermon 34. The Original, Nature, Property, and Use of the Law Sermon 35. The Law Established through Faith (Discourse 1) Sermon 36. The Law Established through Faith (Discourse 2) Sermon 37. The Nature of Enthusiasm Sermon 38. A Caution against Bigotry Sermon 39. Catholic Spirit Sermon 40. Christian Perfection Sermon 41. Wandering Thoughts Sermon 42. Satan’s Devices Sermon 43. The Scripture Way of Salvation Sermon 44. Original Sin Sermon 45. The New Birth Sermon 46. The Wilderness State Sermon 47. Heaviness through Manifold Temptations Sermon 48. Self-denial Sermon 49. The Cure of Evil-speaking Sermon 50. The Use of Money Sermon 51. The Good Steward Sermon 52. The Reformaton of Manners