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How is your retirement going? Do you feel you have a purpose or meaning for whatever you are doing in your retirement? Are you anxious to get up in the morning to tackle the day's event? Do you feel good about legacies you will be leaving to your children and/or grandchildren? If your answer to any of these questions is "no", then you must read this book. It will help you to analyze your background, hobbies, passions, strengths, limitations, aspirations and what you really want to do for the remainder of your life.This book will guide you through a methodical process of developing a set of purpose driven things to do in your retirement period. For lack of a better phrase, I will call this the purpose driven retirement bucket list.Studies indicate that people with purpose and goals live longer with a higher quality of life. Goals spark action and stimulate the mind. Accomplishing meaningful and purposeful goals instills a sense of self-worth. If you want the remainder of your life to be meaningful, purposeful and in a higher standard quality of life, please read this book.
Your guide to personalized, purposeful retirement planning Preparing for retirement is so much more than just organizing your finances. With this unique workbook, you'll get in touch with your values and priorities so you can truly enjoy the freedom of retirement. Delve into your financial situation, interests, and personal goals, and take a look at how those may grow and change with you. With the practical retirement planning tools inside, you'll be able to retire in a way that gives you meaning and satisfaction. Know where you are—Take stock of your finances and dream big for the future with help from self-inventory exercises focused around your savings, schedule, hobbies, and more. Identify your values—Figure out what makes you feel fulfilled, and put that knowledge into action with retirement planning that takes into account the different paths you might take. Live your best life—Learn what gives you a sense of peace and belonging with the help of targeted quizzes, and create a detailed schedule to understand your day-to-day. Start making your retirement goals and dreams reality with this retirement planning guide.
Millions of baby boomers are just beginning to retire, and in doing so many are likely to run into adjustment problems, such as loss of identity, deterioration of marriage and social life, and feelings of disconnectedness to the world. Studies have found that as many as 40% of retirees have difficulty adjusting, and even those who claim to enjoy retirement may experience some uneasiness as they adapt to a life lacking in structure and direction. This book investigates the struggles faced by retirees in building a new life outside of the workforce. It provides an honest assessment of retirement, based on the not-always-acknowledged fact that it is a difficult transition with pitfalls and obstacles to be overcome. But along with uncovering problems, the authors also propose solutions to enable both current and future retirees to be better prepared, allowing them to avoid being blind-sided by unexpected situations. By reading about the experiences of their peers, current and future retirees will come to understand that others share their difficulties adjusting, and that tactics are available to improve their comfort level in retirement as well as their overall well-being. Retirees and those planning for retirement will find in these pages what they need to make retirement successful and enjoyable.
Find out how harnessing the powerful business principles of design thinking can turn ordinary retirement planning into "a revolutionary and healthy way to look at and plan for life’s next great adventure." (New York Times bestselling author, Chip Conley) There is no one right time or way to retire. Retirement is a major life transition; but if you spend the time designing a future filled with promise and possibilities, the prospect can be utterly exciting and revitalizing. In Retirement by Design, professional mentor and coach Ida Abbott shows you how the innovative business principles behind design thinking can be applied to plan a rich, fulfilling, and more meaningful retirement. Her guided workbook uses a business-like approach to leaving business, making your switch much smoother and less jolting. Whether you’re considering a new place to settle down, working through financial planning, strategizing how to unwind a business, or deciding on which organizations you want to stay engaged with, making critical decisions takes a lot of organization, thought, and planning. Abbott shows how the five principles of design thinking will revolutionize your retirement-planning process: Empathy: Get inside the shoes of your future self. What will be important to that version of you? Define: Hone in on what is and will be most critical for you to focus on (whether it’s volunteering, family, activities, or skills). Ideate: Draw, scribble, brainstorm, and throw around as many different retirement scenarios as you can come up with. Prototype: If retiring across the country in Arizona sounds perfect—try it out first. Come up with opportunities to test out your scenarios with short trips and trial time off. Test: This is the fun part—get back to the drawing board and try more retirement scenarios (and future versions of yourself) before sitting down to make those life-changing decisions. The new and innovative, self-coaching approach of Retirement by Design helps you spearhead and navigate a major next step in life. Whether your retirement is 10 years away or swiftly approaching, this workbook ensures you will create a future that is perfectly tailored to you.
Take on retirement with a new mission and fulfilled life! Retirement is not merely an end to a career; it's an entirely new phase of life that requires new activities, renewed relationships, and, most important, a way to find value and worth without going to work every day. Create a new mission for your retired life and discover a blueprint for health, happiness, and fulfillment. Retire with a Mission shows readers how to match the skills they used at work to new activities for a joyful and satisfactory retirement. As well as guiding readers through writing and evaluating their new mission, Dr. Wendel provides actionable and insightful information on: Fixed finances and maintaining a certain standard of living Renewing sexual intimacy Traveling Volunteer, mentoring, and consulting opportunities Using computers to communicate Enhancing family life Staying healthy and happy Estate planning and preparation Find the help you need navigating your retirement with purpose, perspective, and a renewed sense of joy!
Imagine that you are an ancient mariner standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean at sunrise. You are staring at the “edge,” the place where the ocean and the sky meet, and wondering, What lies beyond? Your answer would have been “Thar be dragons.” Using this analogy, imagine you are about to retire or have recently retired and wondering, What’s out there? What do I do now? Buy that new sports car, take a long vacation, play golf or fish every day, or try to continue working? What’s going to get me up in the morning, excited to have another day? Is there a purpose for my life? If so, how do I find it? There is a lot of information about the financial and medical aspects of retirement but very little about the emotional and spiritual impacts of retiring. Retirement is a major life transition, which changes everything about how you think about yourself. One day, your identity is defined by what you do for a living; the next day, that identity is gone. You may feel lost, as if “the rug has been pulled out from underneath you.” Who are we now? The good news is this feeling is normal; you are not going crazy. It is part of the normal life cycle. Another piece of good news: using a process known as guided journaling, you will better understand how you got to where you are in your life today and then create your own, personal, “best fit” retirement—one that gets you up every morning, excited for another day to live and serve others, Finding Your Purpose When You Retire
Plan a rewarding retirement with guidance and worksheets onfinances, time management, health, self-care, family, hobbies, volunteering, and more. Retirement is a new season, a new opportunity, to live purposefully. You may have quit a job, but you haven’t quit life! This book is a practical tool that helps you take that bucket list and get started, from a nationally renowned expert on using time wisely. Using this mindful method, you can take full advantage of the decades ahead with advice and worksheets covering: Retirement financial planning Health management and exercise advice Finding purpose in your post-career years The importance of clubs, volunteering, and social groups, and much more You finally have the time—and the freedom to use it the way you want. Discover simple time management and mindful planning guidance for a joyful and meaningful retirement, so you can love your new life.
What am I going to do with my retirement? People talk about retirement like it’s supposed to be an endless vacation. But what if, like the majority of those facing retirement, you can’t afford such a luxury? Or, what if you just want something more from retirement? Some advocate for no retirement at all. But you’ve worked for decades and a rest and reprieve do sound appealing. What should you do? Does God have a purpose for your retirement? Yes, He does. Learn how to discern what it is by taking an uncommon approach. Jeff Haanen looks biblically and practically at the need for rest and purpose in retirement. And teaches you how to: Take a sabbatical rest in early retirement Listen to God’s voice for their calling in retirement Rethink “work” in retirement Understand family systems and leaving a legacy Planning retirement doesn’t have to be distressing. Retire in a way that’s God-honoring, purpose-filled, restful, and truly biblical.
Congratulations on your retirement. What type of retirement did you select? Retirement with no work? Phased-in retirement with phased-out work? Retirement with part-time work? Or did you select no retirement with continued work? Regardless of which type of retirement you selected, it is the right retirement for you. You are now entering a new phase in your life journey that will last 20 years on average. In many instances it will last a lot longer with many of you living a retirement that equals, or even exceeds, that of your work life. Regardless of the type of retirement you have chosen or how long it lasts, it will be more rewarding if you take charge and create short- and long-term retirement goals as a guide for your daily life. The time will fly by just like it did when you were working. In order to help you with the next phase of your life journey, Create Your Own Rewarding Retirement has been designed as a companion text to Discover the Right Retirement for You in which you discovered the type of retirement that was best for you. This book goes beyond that to help you create and complete your goals after you retire. The reader has several choices as to how to use this book. You can use it as a workbook by completing all of the chapter worksheets and creating your retirement goals; or you can use it as a history book to chronical your journey as you create and complete each goal; or you can use it as a storybook about the retirement expectations and experiences of people just like you. Each of choices will be of value to you. Ideally this book is intended to be used in all three ways and it is recommended that you do so to achieve the maximum value from it. Remember that you, and you alone, have the ability to make an ordinary retirement into an extraordinary one.
Your Personal Roadmap to a Meaningful and Happy Retirement So you’ve reached your retirement age and are at risk of becoming a “couch potato”. It doesn’t have to be that way. Uncover the joy of retirement and learn how to make the most of it with this life-enhancing retirement gift book. Did you just set up a permanent out of office reply? Are you officially signed up for the Ferris Bueller phase of your life? Learn how to enter what can be the most satisfying life stage —a new world of happy retirement and good living. Wisdom and advice from real retirees. From the award-winning author of Purposeful Retirement and celebrated “Father of Time Management,” Hyrum Smith, this retirement gift book for the newly retired provides inspiration and a newfound purpose. Filled with wisdom, advice from real retirees, and enthusiasm, you are encouraged to discover your true passion, re-imagine your life, and try new possibilities. Realize the hidden magic of a happy retirement: Move on from your world of work Discover your true passions Re-imagine your life Retirement is a gift. Make yours one that is meaningful and filled with curiosity, new experiences, and discovery —after all, if you don’t look around once in a while, you could miss it! If you enjoyed life-changing books such as The Total Money Makeover, The Ultimate Retirement Guide for 50+, or Keys to a Successful Retirement, then you’ll love Living a Purposeful Retirement.