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Nafs is a veil between Allah and His slave. If nafs is removed, there remains no veil between Allah and His slave. This veil of nafs is commonly known as “spiritual vile” or “vile of nafs”. These spiritual vile or vile of nafs include arrogance, pride, vanity, jealousy, narcissism, pretence, grudge, falsehood and sensual desires like sensual desire of appetite, sexual desire and lust for prominence and fame etc. It is obligatory upon everyone to get rid of these spiritual ailments. This book is the translation of Urdu book “Nafs Kay Nasoor” written by Shabeeh-e-Ghaus-e-Azam Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman. In his book he has explained spiritual ailments in the light of Quran and Hadiths in detail so that a seeker of Allah becomes fully aware of these ailments and can save himself from them. The procedure of getting salvation from these ailments is called “Tazkiya-e-Nafs” which can only be acquired with assistance of the perfect spiritual guide. The perfect spiritual guide cures these ailments of the innerself through invocation and contemplation of Ism-e-Allah Zaat and blesses the seekers of Allah with sacred vision of Allah. For online reading please visit Contact # +923224722766 #sultanbahoo #sultanularifeen #sultanulashiqeen #sultanulashiqeenbooks #purificationofinnerself #purificationinsufism #tazkiyanafs #nafskynasoor #nafskaynasur #sultanulfaqrpublications #sultanbahoobooks #diseasesofself #ainulfaqr #kaleedultauheed
The Prophetic way of purgation of the innerself is a detailed yet precise description by Shabeeh e Ghaus ul Azam Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman Madzillah ul Aqdus. This book refers to the way the Prophet choose to purge the souls of his sacred Companions i.e. through his Divine sight. This book is exactly what a true seeker needs to read if he successfully wants to get his soul purged. For online reading please visit Contact # +923224722766 #sultanbahoo #sultanularifeen #sultanulashiqeen #imamhusainandyazid #sufismthesoulofislam #propheticwayofpurgationofinnerself #themohammadanreality #thespiritualrealityofsalat #thespiritualrealityoffast #thespiritualrealityofzakat #thespiritualrealityofhajj #thespiritualguidesofsarwariqadriorder #theperfectspiritualguide #thedivinerealityofismeallahzaat #purificationofinnerselfinsufism #sultanulashiqeenbooks #sultanmohammadnajiburrehman #shamsulfuqara #shamsularifeen #risalaroohisharif #qurbedeedar #nurulhuda #kaleedultauheed #ameerulkaunain
Sufism is a journey. A miraculous one. Filled with hurdles yet easy for those who are born pure and those who choose. It is the choices and not always the actions as they could be deceptive. Sufism is the spiritual and mystical aspect of Islam. The esoteric cosmos has every spiritual blessing, notion and trial. In the universe of Sufism, the destination is being One with the Divine Essence (tawhid) and the dear friend and leader on this path is the spiritual guide. Motivation and power to accomplish comes from loving Allah only, as Sultan Bahoo has famously said, “Only Allah! Everything other than Allah is lust.” The names Allah and Mohammad (Ism-e-Allah Zaat and Ism-e-Mohammad) are sustenance which strengthen the very soul of man. After all it is the journey of soul. Deep respect embedded in the heart for the family of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) is like Noah’s Arc and the sacred Companions are guiding stars. The Mohammadan Assembly is the determining factor declaring one worthy to embark on the quest of Sufism or to demote or worse to forever halt. Wolves, brigands and the negative powers that drive one away are Satan, innerself (an-nafs) and the mortal world. Sharia is the door into this esoteric world. This journey of gnosis has its own set of guidelines. These can come in the form of inspiration, unveiling, waham (inward conversation with Hoo ھُو) and ilm-e-dawat (communication with sacred souls of shrines). This book is all and MORE! A must read for every spiritual traveller. For online reading please visit Contact # +923224722766 #sultanbahoo #sultanularifeen #sultanulashiqeen #imamhusainandyazid #sufismthesoulofislam #propheticwayofpurgationofinnerself #themohammadanreality #thespiritualrealityofsalat #thespiritualrealityoffast #thespiritualrealityofzakat #thespiritualrealityofhajj #thespiritualguidesofsarwariqadriorder #sultanulfaqr #fakir #faqr #theperfectspiritualguide #thedivinerealityofismeallahzaat #purificationofinnerselfinsufism #sultanulashiqeenbooks #sultanmohammadnajiburrehman #shamsulfuqara #shamsularifeen #risalaroohisharif #qurbedeedar #nurulhuda #kaleedultauheed #ameerulkaunain #sufism #haqbahoosultan #bahoosultan #haqbahusultan #sultanbahu #bahusultan #hazratsultanbahoo #hazratsultanbahu #sakhisultanbahoo #sakhisultanbahu
The light of spiritual wisdom illuminates the darkest corners of the soul, guiding the seekers towards eternal truth. Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman is the Universal Divine Man of the era and the Reviver of Islam in this millennium. He is a beacon of spiritual enlightenment who has dedicated his life to imparting the true teachings of Islam and Sufism. His words transcend time, offering solace and guidance towards Divine gnosis and vision and a deep understanding of Sufism for seekers on the path of truth. In this carefully curated collection, Teachings and Quotes of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, you will find a treasure trove of insights that touch upon every aspect of the spiritual journey. Whether you are seeking inner peace, a deeper connection with Allah or wisdom to navigate life's challenges, these teachings will inspire and transform you. Through this ocean of timeless wisdom, discover the essence of spirituality that encapsulates the core principles of Sufism and spiritual awakening. Find clarity and direction in the profound reflections of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen, and allow his words to resonate within you, sparking a deeper understanding of your own spiritual path. Embrace these teachings, let them guide your soul and embark on a journey toward spiritual fulfillment.
Illness is disharmony, either physical disharmony or mental disharmony; the one acts upon the other. What causes disharmony? The lack of tone and rhythm. How can it be interpreted in physical terminology? Prana, or life, or energy is the tone. Circulation, regularity is the rhythm; regularity in the beatings of the heart, of the pulse and the circulation of the blood through the veins. In physical terms, the lack of circulation means congestion; and the lack of Prana, or life, or energy means weakness. These two conditions attract illness and are the cause of illness. In mental terms the rhythm is the action of the mind, whether the mind is active in harmonious thoughts or in disharmonious thoughts, whether the mind is strong, firm, and steady, or whether it is weak. If one continues to think harmonious thoughts it is just like regular beating of the pulse and proper circulation of the blood. If the harmony of thought is broken, then the mind becomes congested. Then a person loses memory; depression comes as the result, and what one sees is nothing but darkness. Doubt, suspicion, distrust, and all manner of distress and despair come when the mind is congested in this way. The Prana of the mind is maintained when the mind can be steady in thoughts of harmony; then the mind can balance its thoughts, then it cannot be easily shaken, then doubt and confusion cannot easily overpower it. Whether it is nervous illness, whether it is mental disorder, whether it is physical illness, at the root of all these different aspects of illness there is one cause, and that cause is disharmony. The body, which has once become disharmonious, turns into a receptacle of disharmonious influences, of disharmonious atoms; it partakes of them without knowing it; and so it is with the mind. The body which is already lacking in health is more susceptible to illness than the body which is perfectly healthy; and so the mind which already has a disorder in it is more susceptible to every suggestion of disorder, and in this way goes from bad to worse. Scientists of all ages have found that each element attracts the same element, and so it is natural that illness should attract illness; thus in plain words disharmony attracts disharmony, whereas harmony attracts harmony. We see in everyday life that a person who has nothing the matter with him and is only weak physically, or whose life is not regular, is always susceptible to illness. Then, we see that a person who ponders often upon inharmonious thoughts is very easily offended. It does not take long for him to get offended. A little thing here and there makes him feel irritated, because irritation is already there. It wants just a little touch to make it a deeper irritation.
This book explores the Pakistani diaspora in a transatlantic context, enquiring into the ways in which young first- and second-generation Pakistani Muslim and non-Muslim men resist hegemonic identity narratives and respond to their marginalised conditions. Drawing on rich documentary, ethnographic and interview material gathered in Boston and Dublin, it explores the language of fear and how this fear has given rise to a ‘politics of fear’ whose aim is to distract and divide communities.
The ethical approaches to literature have come into prominence in the twentieth century, calling for a ‘turn to ethics’ in the studies of humanities, in general, and literary studies, in particular. By leading the ethical turn in literature, many theorists proposed a moral-oriented approach to literature, which is still a significant part of literary criticism. The ethical turn in literature has changed the spirit of literary criticism in the direction of virtue and value-based approaches. In this respect, this study scrutinises Doris Lessing’s novels in light of virtue ethics in general and ‘virtue politics,’ ‘care ethics,’ and ‘Sufi virtue ethics’ in particular. Lessing’s connection to virtue ethics, which is implicitly or explicitly reflected in her novels, is examined by giving the panorama of ethical movements whose common point is virtues. This study asserts that Lessing implements an ethical concern in her novels, which is based on her own understanding of virtue ethics.
This book features: --
This book explains the concept of Islamic "da'wah", or missionary activity, as it has developed in contemporary Western contexts. Poston traces the transition from the early "external-institutional" missionary approach impracticable in modern Western society, to an "internal-personal" approach which aims at the conversion of individuals and seeks to influence society from the bottom upwards. Poston also combines the results of a questionnaire-survey with an analysis of published testimonies to identify significant traits that distinguish converts to Islam.