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Despite its avowed commitment to liberalism and democracy internationally, the United States has frequently chosen to back repressive or authoritarian regimes in parts of the world. In this comprehensive examination of American support of right-wing dictatorships, David Schmitz challenges the contention that the democratic impulse has consistently motivated U.S. foreign policy. Compelled by a persistent concern for order and influenced by a paternalistic racism that characterized non-Western peoples as vulnerable to radical ideas, U.S. policymakers viewed authoritarian regimes as the only vehicles for maintaining political stability and encouraging economic growth in nations such as Nicaragua and Iran, Schmitz argues. Expediency overcame ideology, he says, and the United States gained useful--albeit brutal and corrupt--allies who supported American policies and provided a favorable atmosphere for U.S. trade. But such policy was not without its critics and did not remain static, Schmitz notes. Instead, its influence waxed and waned over the course of five decades, until the U.S. interventions in Vietnam marked its culmination.
The past decade has been a period of excessive fiuctuation fluctuation in the distribution and exerciseof exercise of power power in in Jordan, Jordan, and and the the land land and and the the people people have have passed passed through through some some of the most agonizing moments of their history. The political climate has been polluted with suspicion and repression, and even when peace and tranquility retumed, returned, the determinants ,¥ere ,,,,ere the the external extemal factors, factors, rather rather than than the the internal intemal maturity maturity and and harmony harmony of the system to create conditions of life which could ensure respect respeet for law lawand and liberties liberties among among the the rulers, rulers, and and trust trust and and confidence confidence among among the the subjects. subjects. The The defeat defeat of Arab armies in June, 1967 stimulated the rise of a Palestinian resistance movement based in Trans-Jordan, commonly known as the East Bank. This element has given a new dimension to Jordanian politics. The government and Commandos are at cross-purposes on practically every issue of public policy. The civil war and the blood-shed it it entailed entailed have have further further critically critically strained strained relations relations between between the the two. two. This This has has perpetuated perpetuated an an atmosphere atmosphere of chronic tension and insecurity in the country.
In 1921 and 1924, the United States passed laws to sharply reduce the influx of immigrants into the country. By allocating only small quotas to the nations of southern and eastern Europe, and banning almost all immigration from Asia, the new laws were supposed to stem the tide of foreigners considered especially inferior and dangerous. However, immigrants continued to come, sailing into the port of New York with fake passports, or from Cuba to Florida, hidden in the holds of boats loaded with contraband liquor. Jews, one of the main targets of the quota laws, figured prominently in the new international underworld of illegal immigration. However, they ultimately managed to escape permanent association with the identity of the “illegal alien” in a way that other groups, such as Mexicans, thus far, have not. In After They Closed the Gates, Libby Garland tells the untold stories of the Jewish migrants and smugglers involved in that underworld, showing how such stories contributed to growing national anxieties about illegal immigration. Garland also helps us understand how Jews were linked to, and then unlinked from, the specter of illegal immigration. By tracing this complex history, Garland offers compelling insights into the contingent nature of citizenship, belonging, and Americanness.